Career Success in Health Care: Professionalism in Action,
4th Edition

Bruce Colbert, Elizabeth Katrancha

ISBN-13: 9780357936849
Copyright 2025 | Published
304 pages | List Price: USD $124.95

Developing your interpersonal skills and establishing your brand as a professional early in your academic career will directly affect your future success. With its unique, interactive worktext format, Colbert/Katrancha's CAREER SUCCESS IN HEALTH CARE: PROFESSIONALISM IN ACTION, 4th Edition, helps you sharpen your interpersonal skills to showcase yourself as a top-performing student as well as a top-quality job candidate. Drawing from their many years of teaching, clinical experience and conducting workshops concerning the behavioral domain, the authors deliver a worktext packed with real-life examples, clear direction and step-by-step assistance in assessing your current state of professionalism and creating effective action plans for improvement. Equipping you with both academic and life skills, the text helps you reach your full potential.


1. Study Skills: Laying the Foundation.
2. Characteristics for Personal and Professional Success.
3. Setting Goals and Time Management.
4. Stress Management.
5. Thinking and Reasoning Skills.
6. Types of Communication.
7. Communication in Action.
8. Communication Within an Organization.
9. Patient Interaction and Communication.
10. Your First Position as a Health Care Professional.
11. Professionalism in Action.

  • Bruce Colbert

    Bruce Colbert is an associate professor and director of the Allied Health Care Department at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The author of 10 traditional books, he also developed an interactive worktext and DVD program on student success. Focusing on such topics as stress and time management, Colbert has presented more than 250 regional and national lectures and workshops devoted to professional skills, enhancing critical and creative thinking and effective decision-making. In addition, he consults with educational programs to improve teaching effectiveness as well as presents active teaching workshops.

  • Elizabeth Katrancha

    Elizabeth Katrancha is an associate professor and program coordinator of the Baccalaureate Nursing Program at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as TRAUMA NURSE, ORTHOPEDIC NURSE and WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH.

  • There is a deeper focus on connecting professionalism and career skills to employment and career success, which students are challenged to explore through self-assessment, SMART goal achievement and application of learning to personal and professional growth.

  • Activities to enhance critical and creative thinking have been added alongside expanded content on areas of communication skills, patient satisfaction skills and varied health care careers.

  • Expanded coverage around ethical and legal issues in health care, infection control and health care to areas outside of the traditional hospital setting has been added.

  • Anticipatory Exercise: Each chapter begins with an anticipatory exercise to immediately immerse students into chapter concepts, set the tone and establish real-world relevancy for learning the skills.

  • Test Yourself: Equipping students with the tools to check their own progress, self-test exercises assess learners' current level of knowledge and behavioral skills in each topic area. This establishes a baseline to measure growth, helping students maximize their study time and course success.

  • Skill Application: After students assess their current level, the worktext walks them through ways to build upon their progress as well as interweaving various related skill applications to guide them in their improvement. Based on their assessment and interaction, the skill applications culminate into a personalized action plan for enhancement of the behavioral skill.

  • Food For Thought: Offering additional insight, this feature stimulates further thought and critical thinking related to the behavioral skill set being developed.

  • Just for Fun: Fun thought activities that also teach a lesson.

  • Case Studies: Case studies to pull integrate and test on multiple concepts and show real world relevance.

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