World History,
10th Edition

William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel

ISBN-13: 9780357986745
Copyright 2025 | Published
1024 pages | List Price: USD $250.95

From the dawn of civilization to the modern dilemmas of nation building in Africa and the Middle East, Duiker/Spielvogel's WORLD HISTORY, 10th Edition, takes a fascinating look at the common challenges and experiences that unite the human past and inform the future. The text uses colorful visuals, maps and dramatic first-hand historical accounts to give you an insightful perspective on the human experience over time. The easy-to-read narrative is organized around seven major themes (Science and Technology, Art and Ideas, Family and Society, Politics and Government, Earth and the Environment, Religion and Philosophy and Interaction and Exchange). Important to all cultures from all time periods, these themes help you understand the course of world history and make connections across chapters.


1. Early Humans and the First Civilizations.
2. Ancient India.
3. China in Antiquity.
4. The Civilization of the Greeks.
5. The Roman World Empire.
6. The Americas.
7. Ferment in the Middle East: The Rise of Islam.
8. Early Civilizations in Africa.
9. The Expansion of Civilization in South and Southeast Asia.
10. The Flowering of Traditional China.
11. The East Asian Rimlands: Early Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.
12. The Making of Europe.
13. The Byzantine Empire and Crisis and Recovery in the West.
14. New Encounters: The Creation of a World Market.
15. Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building.
16. The Muslim Empires.
17. The East Asian World.
18. The West on the Eve of a New World Order.
19. The Beginnings of Modernization: Industrialization and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century.
20. The Americas and Society and Culture in the West.
21. The High Tide of Imperialism.
22. Shadows over the Pacific: East Asia Under Challenge.
23. The Beginning of the Twentieth-Century Crisis: War and Revolution.
24. Nationalism, Revolution, and Dictatorship: Asia and the Middle East from 1919 to 1939.
25. The Crisis Deepens: World War II.
26. East and West in the Grip of the Cold War.
27. Brave New World: Communism on Trial.
28. Europe and the Western Hemisphere Since 1945.
29. Challenges of Nation Building in Africa and the Middle East.
30. Asia Rising.
Epilogue: A Global Civilization.

  • William J. Duiker

    William J. Duiker is liberal arts Professor Emeritus of East Asian studies at The Pennsylvania State University. A former U.S. diplomat with service in Taiwan, South Vietnam, and Washington, D.C., he received his doctorate in Far Eastern history from Georgetown University in 1968, where his dissertation dealt with the Chinese educator and reformer Cai Yuanpei. At Penn State, he has written extensively on the history of Vietnam and modern China, including the highly acclaimed COMMUNIST ROAD TO POWER IN VIETNAM (revised edition, Westview Press, 1996), which was selected for a Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award in 1982—1983 and 1996-1997. Other recent books are CHINA AND VIETNAM: THE ROOTS OF CONFLICT (Berkeley, 1987), U.S. CONTAINMENT POLICY AND THE CONFLICT IN INDOCHINA (Stanford, 1995), SACRED WAR: NATIONALISM AND REVOLUTION IN A DIVIDED VIETNAM (McGraw-Hill, 1995), and HO CHI MINH (Hyperion, 2000), which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2001. While his research specialization is in the field of nationalism and Asian revolutions, his intellectual interests are considerably more diverse. He has traveled widely and has taught courses on the history of communism and non-Western civilizations at Penn State, where he was awarded a Faculty Scholar Medal for Outstanding Achievement in the spring of 1996. In 2002, the College of Liberal Arts honored him with an Emeritus Distinction Award.

  • Jackson J. Spielvogel

    Jackson J. Spielvogel is associate professor Emeritus of history at The Pennsylvania State University. He received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, where he specialized in Reformation history under Harold J. Grimm. His articles and reviews have appeared in journals such as “Moreana,” “Journal of General Education,” “Catholic Historical Review,” “Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte,” and “American Historical Review.” He also has contributed chapters or articles to “The Social History of Reformation,” THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: A DICTIONARY HANDBOOK, “Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual of Holocaust Studies,” and “Utopian Studies.” His work has been supported by fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation and the Foundation for Reformation Research. At Penn State, he helped inaugurate the Western civilization course, as well as a popular course on Nazi Germany. His book HITLER AND NAZI GERMANY was published in 1987 (Seventh Edition, 2013). He is the author of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, first published in 1991 (Ninth Edition, 2015). Professor Spielvogel has won five major university-wide teaching awards. During the year 1988—1989, he held the Penn State Teaching Fellowship, the university's most prestigious teaching award. In 1996, he won the Dean Arthur Ray Warnock Award for Outstanding Faculty member, and in 2000 received the Schreyer Honors College Excellence in Teaching Award.

  • The "Historians Debate" feature introduces students to different interpretations that historians have adopted on key issues and assists the instructor in posing such questions to the class.

  • "Opposing Viewpoints" present two or more primary source documents representing differing perspectives on the same or related topics, providing students an opportunity for hands-on analysis. Accompanying critical-thinking questions can be assigned for individual or collaborative study. Topics include “Women and Islam in Africa: Two Views” (Chapter 8); "Two Views of Trade and Merchants" (Ch. 12); "Practical Learning or Confucian Essence: A Debate Over Reform" (Ch. 22); Soviet Repression in Eastern Europe: Hungary, 1956" (Ch. 26) and “Students Appeal for Democracy” (Ch. 27).

  • The text provides a solid narrative that students can easily read and understand. The authors artfully combine regional and global discussions and provide a thematic framework to help students make comparisons and connections across cultures and time periods.

  • Seven central themes make the narrative more cohesive, while helping students make connections and comparisons across chapters. These themes are: Science and Technology, Art and Ideas, Family and Society, Politics and Government, Earth and the Environment, Religion and Philosophy and Interaction and Exchange. Each of the book's Comparative Essays, Comparative Illustrations, Opposing Viewpoints and Primary Source features are keyed to one of these themes.

  • The book contains over 150 four-color maps and 400 pieces of artwork. "Spot maps" also appear in each chapter, highlighting critical details on smaller areas. Map captions and accompanying questions encourage readers to think beyond the mere appearance of each map and make connections across chapters, regions and time periods.

  • "Film & History" features analyze popular films using a historian's perspective to show students how movies represent or misrepresent the past. These features shine the spotlight on films from iconic classics to recent blockbusters.

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