Financial Algebra,
2nd Edition

Robert Gerver, Richard J. Sgroi

ISBN-13: 9781337271790
Copyright 2018 | Published
List Price: USD $138.95

By combining algebraic and graphical approaches with practical business and personal finance applications, FINANCIAL ALGEBRA, Second Edition, motivates high school students to explore algebraic thinking patterns and functions in a financial context. FINANCIAL ALGEBRA, Second Edition will help your students achieve success by offering an applications based learning approach incorporating Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry topics. Authors Gerver and Sgroi have spent more than 25 years working with students of all ability levels and they have found the most success when connecting math to the real world. With new features, such as What’s the Problem?, FINANCIAL ALGEBRA, Second Edition encourages students to be actively involved in applying mathematical ideas to their everyday lives.


1. Discretionary Expenses
2. Banking Services
3. Credit
4. Automobile Ownership
5. Employment
6. Taxes
7. Independent Living
8. Investing
9. Modeling A Business
10. Retirement
11. Prepare a Budget

  • Robert Gerver

    Robert Gerver is a well-known mathematics teacher, author, and speaker at mathematics conferences throughout the U.S. Robert Gerver received his undergraduate degree from Queens College of the City University of New York where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his Ph.D. from New York University. Dr. Gerver has received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching for New York state.

  • Richard J. Sgroi

    Richard Sgroi is a well-known mathematics teacher, author, and speaker at mathematics conferences throughout the U.S. Dr. Sgroi received his Ph.D. from New York University. Over the course of their 25-year careers, Gerver and Sgroi have developed teaching methods to unmask the mystery of mathematics with applications to music, business, finance, and practical living skills. Together they authored Sound Foundations: A Mathematics Simulation, which received recognition from the U.S. Department of Education’s Program Effectiveness Panel and was included in the publication, Educational Programs that Work.

  • What's the Problem?

  • MindTap is an online learning solution that helps teachers engage and transform today’s students into critical thinkers through paths of dynamic assignments and personalized applications, real-time course analytics and an accessible reader, MindTap helps turn cookie cutter into cutting edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers.

  • Strong review of Algebra I formulas with variables, equations, functions, systems of equations, graphs, statistics, and more within a financial context your students can relate to.

  • Students see algebra translated into powerful, financially focused, real world problems.

  • Students see algebra at work within the most critical areas of finance. Students learn about investments, credit, automobile expenses, insurance, income tax, household budgeting, and more while gaining confidence in working with common algebraic functions

  • Emphasis on problem solving equips students with skills for life. Each chapter provides substantial opportunities to learn and apply a variety of problem solving strategies.

  • Really? Really! Chapter Openers immediately capture student attention with fascinating topics that draw students into the chapter's content. Students conclude each chapter by revisiting the motivational topic.

  • Proven applications at the end of each lesson require students to solve problems in a financial context.

  • Write the Story strengthens students' skills in interpreting graphs as they examine a graph and write a story focused around the graph's information.

  • Reality Check extends students' learning experience well beyond the classroom with specific suggestions for research, projects, and hands-on learning.

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