Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, SI Edition,
2nd Edition

John R. Reisel

ISBN-13: 9780357111796
Copyright 2022 | Published
576 pages | List Price: USD $184.95

Master the fundamentals of thermodynamics and learn how to apply these skills in engineering practice today with Reisel's PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS, SI, 2nd Edition. This edition's informal, first-person writing style helps make abstract concepts easier to understand. In addition to mastering fundamental principles and applications, you explore the impact of different system parameters on the performance of devices and processes. For example, you study how changing outlet pressure in a turbine changes the power produced or how the power requirement of a compressor varies with inlet temperature. This unique approach strengthens your understanding of how different components of thermodynamics interrelate, while demonstrating how you will use thermodynamics in your engineering career. You also learn to develop computer-based models of devices, processes and cycles as well as use internet-based programs and computer apps to find thermodynamic data, exactly like today's practicing engineers.


Basic Concepts: Systems, Processes, and Properties. An Introduction to Some Common Properties. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. Phases of Matter. Summary.
What is Energy? Types of Energy. Transport of Energy. Heat Transfer. Work Transfer. Energy Transfer via Mass Transfer. Analyzing Thermodynamics Systems and Processes. Platform for Performing Thermodynamics Analysis. Summary.
Phase Diagrams. The State Postulate. Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Specific Heats. Equations of State for Ideal Gases. Incompressible Substances. Property Determination for Water and Refrigerants. Summary.
Conservation of Mass. First Law of Thermodynamics in Open Systems. First Law of Thermodynamics in Closed Systems. Thermal Efficiency of Heat Engines, Refrigerators, and Heat Pumps. Summary.
The Nature of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Summary of Some Uses of the Second Law. Classical Statements of the Second Law. Reversible and Irreversible Processes. A Thermodynamic Temperature Scale. Carnot Efficiencies. Perpetual Motion Machines.
Entropy and the Clausius Inequality. Entropy Generation. Evaluating Changes in the Entropy of a System. The Entropy Balance. Isentropic Efficiencies. Consistency of Entropy Analyses. Entropy Generation and Irreversibility. Summary.
Introduction. The Ideal Carnot Power Cycle. The Rankine Cycle. Gas (Air) Power Cycles and Air Standard Cycle analysis. Brayton Cycle. Otto Cycle. Diesel Cycle. Dual Cycle. Atkinson/Miller Cycle. Summary.
Introduction. The Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle. Absorption Refrigeration. Reversed Brayton Refrigeration Cycle. Summary.
Introduction. Defining the Composition of a Gas Mixture. Ideal Gas Mixtures. Solutions of Thermodynamics Problems Incorporating Ideal Gas Mixtures. Introduction to Real Gas Mixture Behavior. Summary.
Introduction. Basic Concepts and Terminology of Psychrometrics. Methods of Determining Humidity. Comfort Conditions. Cooling and Dehumidifying of Moist Air. Combining the Cooling and Dehumidifying Process with Refrigeration Cycles. Heating and Humidifying Air. Mixing of Moist Air Streams. Cooling Tower Applications. Summary.
Introduction. The Components of the Combustion Process. A Brief Description of the Combustion Process. Balancing Combustion Reactions. Methods of Characterizing the Reactant Mixture. Determination of Reactants from Known Products. Enthalpy of a Compound and the Enthalpy of Formation. Further Description of the Combustion Process. Heat of Reaction. Adiabatic Flame Temperature. Entropy Balance for Combustion Processes. The Gibbs Function. Fuel Cells. Introduction to Chemical Equilibrium. The Water-Gas Shift Reaction and Rich Combustion. Summary and the Limitations of Combustion Analysis.

  • John R. Reisel

    John R. Reisel serves as professor at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, where he teaches undergraduate courses in thermodynamics and graduate courses in advanced engineering thermodynamics. Dr. Reisel holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University. The author of many refereed articles published in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Reisel is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education and a recipient of the UWM Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award. He is also a registered professional engineer in the state of Wisconsin.

  • NEW EXAMPLES CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE STRONG PROBLEM-SOLVING AND RESULTS-ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES. A wealth of fresh new examples are well aligned with suggested solution procedures. These meaningful examples emphasize the importance of problem solving and result-analysis in thermodynamics today. Clear demonstrations of these techniques in use strengthen student learning and allow you to spend less time reviewing problem-solving processes.

  • MORE THAN 200 NEW END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS PROVIDE NUMEROUS, REALISTIC OPTIONS FOR STUDENT PRACTICE. This edition offers you greater flexibility and variety when determining homework assignments with more than 200 engaging new problems that reflect the latest, real challenges related to each chapter's content.

  • NEW OPEN-ENDED DESIGN PROBLEMS ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO THINK CREATIVELY AND TO PRODUCE NOVEL DESIGNS. These new open-ended/design problems offer you the opportunity to assign non-repetitive, challenging problems while stretching your students' understanding and challenging their innovative thinking.

  • NEW SUMMARIES OF KEY EQUATIONS PROVIDE QUICK REFERENCE TOOLS FOR STUDY AND REVIEW. This edition now summarizes key equations at the end of each chapter to offer you and your students a quick reference of each chapter's major topics. Students can use these summaries as study guides or for efficient review.

  • NEW OPEN-ENDED DISCUSSION QUESTIONS PROMPT INSIGHTFUL DELIBERATIONS DURING CLASS. These engaging, thought-provoking discussion questions, interspersed at strategic points throughout this edition, promote meaningful class debates. These new questions encourage students to think more deeply about the book's topics as they study on their own.

  • NEW “QUESTIONS FOR THOUGHT/DISCUSSION” enable students to gain insights into how energy use impacts individuals and the world. The questions are often centered on non-technical concepts and help students understand how engineers may use this information as they design and build.

  • NEW SECTION ON THE ATKINSON AND MILLER CYCLES has been added to Chapter 7 to address their growing use in many internal combustion engines in hybrid vehicles. While the analysis of these cycles is not tremendously different from more traditional engine cycles, this section draws attention to the evolving nature of engine design.

  • OVER 100 NEW END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS have been added to the textbook, offering up a new array of exercises through which students can learn thermodynamics.

  • CAREFULLY PLACED, PRACTICAL EXAMPLES DEMONSTRATE HOW TO USE THERMODYNAMICS TO SOLVE ENGINEERING PROBLEMS TODAY. Timely, practical examples integrated into every chapter help students understand how today's professional engineers use thermodynamics on a daily basis to solve critical engineering problems.

  • METHODICAL APPROACH REINFORCES THE IMPORTANCE OF SUCCESSFUL PROBLEM-SOLVING TECHNIQUES. The author consistently integrates clear explanations, real-world examples and a wealth of exercises into every discussion to help students explore and master the most effective processes for solving problems.

  • APPROACH ENCOURAGES USE OF SOFTWARE AND COMPUTER-BASED MODELS TO DISCOVER THERMODYNAMIC APPLICATIONS AND TRENDS. Your students learn how to use current software and internet-based tools to develop graphs and detect trends related to thermodynamic applications. These skills strengthen students' understanding as well as hone their engineering judgment.

  • SOFTWARE-NEUTRAL APPROACH OFFERS FLEXIBILITY IN INSTRUCTION. Because this edition does not follow a specific software approach, you and your students can use any software package. You can have your students work with software they already know, such as MATLAB® or Mathcad®.

  • THIS EDITION COVERS STEAM TABLES IN THE APPENDIX. The book addresses this important aspect of thermodynamics study with an emphasis on using software for finding thermodynamic properties to solve problems.

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