Concepts of Database Management,
10th Edition

Lisa Friedrichsen, Lisa Ruffolo, Ellen Monk, Joy L. Starks, Philip J. Pratt, Mary Z. Last

ISBN-13: 9780357422083
Copyright 2021 | Published
432 pages | List Price: USD $187.95

Strengthen your understanding of database management today with the thorough, hands-on presentation found in CONCEPTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT, 10th Edition. Real cases, practical examples, helpful screenshots and concise explanations help clarify concepts, such as database design, data integrity, normalization, concurrent updates, data security and big data. Completely updated content reflects Microsoft® Access 2019, Office 365 standards and SQL Server 2019, while exploring SQL in a database-neutral environment. Detailed coverage presents the relational model (including QBE and SQL), normalization and views as well as database administration and management. You also examine advanced topics, such as distributed databases, data warehouses, stored procedures, triggers, data macros and Web Apps. Completely redesigned MindTap digital resources provide step-by-step practice using Access 2019 with instant feedback. Trust this contemporary introduction to help you master today's database techniques to advance your career in any field.


1. Introduction to Database Management.
2. The Relational Model: Introduction, QBE, and Relational Algebra.
3. The Relational Model: SQL.
4. The Relational Model: Advanced Topics.
5. Database Design: Normalization.
6. Database Design: Relationships.
7. Database Management Systems Processes and Services.
8. Database Industry Careers.
9. Database Industry Trends.
Appendix A: Comprehensive Design Example: Douglas College.
Appendix B: SQL Reference.
Appendix C: FAQ Reference.
Appendix D: Introduction to MySQL.
Appendix E: A Systems Analysis Approach to Information-Level Requirements.

  • Lisa Friedrichsen

    Lisa Friedrichsen is a professor at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, where she teaches database and web development classes. She also has written several prominent Access, Office and web-related textbooks. Friedrichsen spent a decade at IBM Corp. before becoming a consultant, author and college professor. Combining her extensive industry experience with her passion for teaching, she creates clear, practical presentations. She earned a B.S. in engineering from Iowa State University and an MBA from Drake University.

  • Lisa Ruffolo

    Lisa Ruffolo has served as a technical writer and editor for more than 30 years. She is pursuing an emphasis in operating systems and digital literacy. She has edited top-selling books in the fields of introduction to computing, Microsoft Office, PC repair and computer programming.

  • Ellen Monk

    Ellen F. Monk is an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems in the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. Her areas of interest encompass enterprise resource planning systems and undergraduate MIS education, including databases, advanced spreadsheets and data analytics. Dr. Monk holds a B.S. in chemical engineering, an M.B.A., and a Ph.D. in MIS.

  • Joy L. Starks

    Joy Starks has taught at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis for 20 years. She has written chapters in several of the best-selling Shelly Cashman Series Office books and has authored the Photoshop, Java Programming, and Microsoft® Publisher series of books. She speaks and presents at various conferences, seminars and forums across the U.S.

  • Philip J. Pratt

    Philip J. Pratt is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science at Grand Valley State University, where he taught for 33 years. His teaching interests include database management, systems analysis, complex analysis and discrete mathematics. He has authored more than 75 textbooks and has co-authored three levels of Microsoft® Office Access books for the popular Shelly Cashman Series, in addition to the popular A GUIDE TO SQL.

  • Mary Z. Last

    Mary Z. Last has taught computer information systems since 1984. She retired from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, Texas, where she was an associate professor and the Director of the Center for Effectiveness in Learning and Teaching. Ms. Last is actively involved in the Computing Educator's Oral History Project that encourages young women to pursue careers in math and science. She has been a contributing author to the Shelly Cashman Series since 1992. She also authors many instructor resources for leading database texts.

  • BRAND-NEW JC CONSULTING AND PITT FITNESS CASES INTRODUCE READERS TO NUMEROUS DATABASE-RELATED ACTIVITIES. Students work with databases for a contemporary technology consulting firm and fitness company. In addition, this edition's Sports Physical Therapy case now offers updated exercise questions and fresh activities. These three databases and ongoing case exercises provide learners with practice that equips them for success in actual careers.

  • UPDATED END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS SCAFFOLD LEARNING WITH A VARIETY OF QUESTIONS TYPES. Multiple-choice review questions within module quizzes enable learners to check their understanding immediately. These module quizzes are auto-graded within MindTap. Open-response critical-thinking questions also encourage learners to integrate concepts across the module. In addition, multiple-choice case questions test the students' understanding of defined database manipulation activities, while critical-thinking case questions prompt learners to perform complex activities using Microsoft® Access.

  • COMPLETELY REDESIGNED MINDTAP DIGITAL RESOURCES GIVE YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS TIMELY FEEDBACK ON PROGRESS THROUGHOUT THE COURSE. Interactive Microsoft® Access training and projects, a new module quiz, and multiple-choice case questions provide insight into student performance. Step-by-step practice and remediation opportunities ensure a deep understanding of the material.

  • NEW SAM TRAINING AND PROJECTS IN MICROSOFT® ACCESS 2019 BUILD STUDENTS’ DATABASE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. These hands-on activities increase students' proficiency while providing remediation and feedback to help them continually improve.

  • NEW CAREER VIDEOS INTRODUCE VARIOUS DATABASE MANAGEMENT-RELATED CAREER PATHS. These engaging new videos guide learners as they consider database career paths. The videos highlight required skills and direct viewers in how to best prepare for today's and tomorrow's job markets.

  • REVISED, HANDS-ON APPROACH WITH A CLEAR PRESENTATION INTRODUCES KEY DATABASE MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS FOR ANY LEARNER. This practical, hands-on guide is revised to reflect the latest developments and key concepts driving databases management today. The authors use a clear, concise narrative style with interactive features that encourage learners to apply new concepts. Screenshots and clear headings throughout this edition help learners easily reference relevant material while tackling case studies in Microsoft® Access.

  • COMPLETELY UPDATED CONTENT INCORPORATES THE LATEST MICROSOFT® ACCESS 2019, OFFICE 365 STANDARDS AND SQL SERVER 2019. Students work with your choice of the latest database management tools and applications. The full-color presentation offers helpful Microsoft® Office screenshots to further guide learning.

  • NUMEROUS, PROVEN LEARNING FEATURES CLARIFY CONTENT AND ENCOURAGE HANDS-ON MASTERY OF CONCEPTS. This edition's Q+A feature boxes address common database questions. In addition, Your Turn features encourage learners to manipulate the JC Consulting (ongoing case study) database, which reinforces content as the students advance through the material. Features are designed to provide an interactive reading experience that leads to mastery.

  • UNIQUE, REDESIGNED MINDTAP OFFERS AN OUTCOME-DRIVEN APPLICATION WITH STEP-BY-STEP PRACTICE THAT PROPELS STUDENTS FROM MEMORIZATION TO MASTERY. MindTap is the only platform that gives you complete ownership of your course. With it you can challenge students, build their confidence and empower them to be unstoppable.

  • HELPFUL APPENDICES PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INSIGHTS AND DETAILS. Appendices describe the purpose and syntax of the major SQL commands that this edition uses. The appendices also include Access Web Apps, Introduction to MySQL and a Systems Analysis Approach to Information-Level Requirements.

  • INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL DETAILS HOW TO EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATE THIS BOOK WITH OTHER TITLES. Helpful insights and useful tips demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate this Ninth Edition with other books from Cengage that cover Microsoft® Access 2016 and SQL, if desired.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Instructor's Companion Website for Friedrichsen/Ruffolo/Monk/Starks/Pratt/Last's Concepts of Database Management

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