Sur le vif,
7th Edition

Clare Tufts, Hannelore Jarausch

ISBN-13: 9780357513545
Copyright 2022 | Published
330 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

Now you can review the fundamentals of the French language within a meaningful context and expand your abilities as SUR LE VIF: NIVEAU INTERMEDIERE, 7E adds just enough new material to refine your reading, listening, writing and conversational skills without overwhelming you. This guide to intermediate French offers the ideal bridge between introductory French and specialized studies of culture, conversation, literature or writing. Nine brief but powerful chapters offer new and lengthened readings, themed writing practice and updated cultural notes. This edition and MindTap digital resources provide updated vocabulary and interactive grammar assignments to check your comprehension. Songs, videos, new content and more listening practice enhance your ability to comprehend spoken French and be easily understood in conversation. By weaving grammar review into thought-provoking chapter themes, this edition reinforces understanding while preparing you to use the language in more complex communication.


PRÉLUDE: Le français dans le monde.
LECTURE: Lynda Lemay: "Les maudits Français".

1. Les Etudes.
VOCABULAIRE: les lieux, les gens, les choses, les activités; LECTURES: Faïza Guène: Kiffe kiffe demain; Les études de Léa aux Etats-Unis; STRUCTURES: Verb review: payer, s'ennuyer; Present indicative; Infinitives; Imperatives; Faire causatif..

2. Les Jeunes.
VOCABULAIRE: les vêtements et les accessoires, les activités et les passe-temps quotidiens; LECTURES: Service civique; David Foenkinos: La délicatesse ; STRUCTURES: Verb review: décrire, s'asseoir; Descriptive adjectives; Comparative and superlative of adjectives; Tout; Interrogatives; Il (Elle) est vs. C'est.

3. Les Immigrés.
VOCABULAIRE: Présent ou passé?, l'immigration, questions sociales, la vie active; LECTURES: Francis Bebey: A la recherche d'un travail; J.M.G. Le Clézio: Printemps. STRUCTURES: Verb review: accueillir, mourir; Imperfect (Imparfait); Passé composé vs. imperfect; Pluperfect (Plus-que-parfait); Past infinitives; Le mot juste: manquer à, rendre, partir, sortir, quitter.

INTERLUDE 1: M. Boulot .
LECTURE: Eric Frasiak, « M. Bulot »

4. En Route!
VOCABULAIRE: les moyens de transport, les gens qui se déplacent, le déplacement, les activités, les problèmes et les solutions; LECTURES:Ville de Paris : Fernand Raynaud: La 2 CV de ma sœur STRUCTURES: Verb review: conduire, mettre; Articles; Object pronouns, y and en; Order of pronouns; Disjunctive pronouns; Le mot juste: se moquer de.

5. Les Voyages.
VOCABULAIRE: pourquoi?, comment?, où?, quoi?; LECTURES: Marcel Pagnol: Le château de ma mère; Didier Tilman: Voyage autour du monde; trois ans de vagabondage; STRUCTURES: Verb review: Verbs in -ger, prendre, découvrir; Prepositions with geographical names; Future tense and conditional forms; Future perfect and past conditional; If-clauses; Passé simple.

6. Ciné et Télé.
VOCABULAIRE: le cinéma, la télévision; LECTURES: Albert Robida: La télévision--un rêve du XIXe siècle; Albert Camus: Le Premier homme; STRUCTURES: Verb review: préférer, projeter; Negative expressions; Relative pronouns; Le mot juste: il s'agit de.

INTERLUDE 2: Bienvenue chez moi
Lecture : Bigflo & Oli « Bienvenue chez moi »

7. Traditions.
VOCABULAIRE: les personnages, les contes; LECTURES: Jean de La Fontaine: La Grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le Boeuf; Un conte corse: La fleur, le miroir et le cheval. STRUCTURES: Verb review: croire; What is the subjunctive? Formation of the subjunctive; Usage of the subjunctive.

8. En Famille.
VOCABULAIRE: la famille moderne, les amis, les rapports, des traits de caractère, au foyer; LECTURES: Marie-Claire : Génération boomerang: retrouver le nid familial après un premier envol;
Simone de Beauvoir: Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée; STRUCTURES: Verb review: vivre, venir; Adverbs, Comparison of adverbs, Comparison of nouns; Demonstrative pronouns.

9. Sans frontières.
VOCABULAIRE: le monde, l'environnement, des demarches; LECTURES: « La vanille Esprit parc national »; « Un tour de France à vélo pour découvrir la permaculture »
STRUCTURES: Verb review: atteindre; What is a function? Requesting information; Hypothesizing; Describing; Expressing opinions or reactions; Disagreeing; Narrating.

POSTLUDE: Les Cajuns.
LECTURE: Bruce Diagrepont: "Disco et fais-do-do."

  • Clare Tufts

    Clare Tufts received her Ph.D. in French literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981. She is professor of the practice emerita in the Departments of Romance Studies and Linguistics at Duke University, where she served as director of the French language program for thirty-one years. She has published articles and book chapters on language acquisition and pedagogy, the modern political theatre in France, Alfred Jarry and political propaganda in French cartoons. She authored one of the first computerized grammar tutorials (Micro-Review in French), which was published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston in 1990. Dr Tufts' current research interests include second-language acquisition and French comic art.

  • Hannelore Jarausch

    Hannelore Jarausch received her Ph.D. in eighteenth-century French literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is teaching professor emerita in French and was director of the French language program at UNC-Chapel Hill, where she taught courses in methodology, language and literature. Dr. Jarausch has been named Foreign Language Teacher of the Year (Higher Education) in 2009-2010 by the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina. Dr. Jarausch's research interests focus on language teaching and teaching assistant training. She has presented at ACTFL, Central States and the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina.

  • NEW READINGS AND SONGS EXPAND ON CHAPTER THEMES. New, engaging material includes a longer reading about a French student in a U.S. university (Ch. 1), a description of work with the Service Civique and a humorous excerpt from the novel La Délicatesse (Ch. 2) and a new song about globalization (Interlude I). This edition also includes a new response to the urban electric scooter (Ch. 4), a new song about touring French provinces (Interlude 2) and updates on the phenomenon of young people living with parents (Ch. 8). Chapter 9 focuses on climate and environment in France and in the Dom-Tom.

  • UPDATED "SAVIEZ-VOUS QUE…?" BOXES HIGHLIGHT CULTURAL NOTES AND BACKGROUND. These "Saviez-vous que…?" helpful features in the margins are now streamlined. Students find the latest, relevant information that supports chapter themes and further explains the subjects within the reading selections.

  • REVISED COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. The latest content in Chapter 9 focuses on today's environmental issues, including biodiversity and the importance of the Dom-Tom -- issues that extend well beyond French borders. The vocabulary in this chapter equips students to discuss these pressing issues that they confront on a daily basis.

  • REFRESHED VOCABULARY LISTS PREPARE STUDENTS TO COMMUNICATE WITH PROFICIENCY. This edition's vocabulary lists are all carefully reviewed and revised. In addition, this edition's corresponding vocabulary exercises are updated.

  • ONLINE ACTIVITIES OFFER ADDITIONAL LISTENING PRACTICE. Engaging activities, based on online YouTube videos, support and strengthen chapter themes. These MindTap online activities appear at the end of each chapter and provide more listening practice.

  • MINDTAP DIGITAL RESOURCES PROVIDE FLEXIBLE, EASY-TO-USE PRACTICE AND ASSESSMENTS. MindTap for SUR LE VIF offers vetted content and ready-to-go activities that save you time and extra effort. You can easily add or move activities to serve the learning needs of your students -- giving you ultimate flexibility. A proven learning path guides students from "Learn-it" to "Practice-It" and "Use-it" and finally "Got-it" for true mastery of the material. With assessments readily at hand, students can easily check their own progress and focus their attention where needed.

  • ENGAGING EXERCISES ADVANCE FROM BASIC TO OPEN-ENDED PRATICE. This edition offers a natural progression, from more basic to open-ended exercises with personal application. Engaging activities enable students to build on what they already know and express increasingly complex thoughts and ideas in French.

  • IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES AND HOMEWORK FUNCTION TOGETHER SEAMLESSLY TO SUPPORT THEMES. The activities designed to be completed in person or in class work seamlessly with MindTap homework to reinforce the themes and grammatical structures presented in each chapter. The book begins with a look at the system of higher education in France and elsewhere in Chapter 1. Students also review the present tense.

  • CONTENT ADDRESSES SOME OF TODAY'S MOST DEBATED AND DEVELOPING TOPICS IN THE FRENCH-SPEAKING WORLD. This edition reviews topics such as immigration, globalization, the role of media, the changing nature of the family and the environment as the authors present a complex picture of today's French-speaking culture. These and other issues motivate classroom discussion and encourage spontaneous expression.

  • FASCINATING SONGS IN THE INTERLUDES REPRESENT VARIOUS MUSICAL STYLES. This edition's songs offer a diverse array of current musical styles drawn from the francophone world. This music enhances the cultural richness of the student experience.

  • TWO READINGS PER CHAPTER ARE DESIGNED FOR CLASS DISCUSSION AND ASSIGNMENTS. Each chapter provides a shorter reading designed for in-class reading and discussion. A second, longer text is designed to be started in class and finished at home. Both selections contextualize the chapter's thematic vocabulary. Accompanying activities check reading comprehension and grammar in context. Additional open-ended activities further build oral and written communication skills.

  • NEW AND UPDATED MATERIAL ADDS CULTURAL DEPTH AND DIVERSE PERSPECTIVE TO STUDY. New and updated readings, songs and cultural material encourage deeper exploration of chapter themes. These topics also encourage lively discussions about cross-cultural comparisons.

  • SECOND PART OF EACH CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS GRAMMAR REVIEW. Every chapter includes a part entitled "Structures" that reviews grammar using a reference format with explanations in English and helpful examples drawn from chapter themes. This design facilitates review of grammar outside of class, freeing your valuable class time for communicating with and applying those grammatical structures.

  • SPECIAL BOXES, EXPLANATIONS AND ACTIVITIES HELP ENSURE UNDERSTANDING. This edition consistently integrates "Rappel" boxes and offers grammar explanations carefully developed for clarity. Additional "Cherchez la forme" activities further strengthen comprehension and accuracy of this edition's grammar presentation and review.

  • PROVEN TESTING RESOURCES PROVIDE AN ARRAY OF ASSESSMENT OPTIONS. This edition includes carefully developed chapter quizzes as well as mid-semester and final exams in multiple versions to save you time in evaluating student understanding.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire