Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices,
5th Edition

Mary Jo Bowie

ISBN-13: 9780357624258
Copyright 2023 | Published
416 pages | List Price: USD $149.95

ESSENTIALS OF HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES, Fifth Edition, gives you a thorough introduction to fundamental Health Information Management concepts you'll need to understand as an allied health professional. Learning objectives are correlated and mapped to current CAHIIM curriculum standards, and each chapter includes key terms, assessments and case studies to help you learn and apply important concepts. Updated and expanded to reflect key industry trends, legal and regulatory developments and advances in technology, the Fifth Edition features new content on information systems, data management and security, ethics and cultural diversity and cultural competence, as well as timely resources related to telehealth and telemedicine. In addition, the product suite includes a variety of print and digital options to help you learn the way that's best for you.


1. Healthcare Delivery Systems.
2. Health Information Management Professionals.
3. Health Care Settings.
4. Introduction to the Patient Record.
5. Electronic Health Records.
6. Patient Record Documentation Guidelines: Inpatient, Outpatient and Physician Office.
7. Numbering and Filing Systems, and Record Storage, Circulation and Security.
8. Indexes, Registers and Health Data Collection.
9. Legal Aspects of Health Information Management.
10. Introduction to Coding and Reimbursement.

  • Mary Jo Bowie

    Mary Jo Bowie, M.S., B.S., A.A.S., R.H.I.A., R.H.I.T., is the owner of Health Information Professional Services in Binghamton, New York, which provides consulting services for all aspects of health information management. Previously, she served as director of the Health Information Management and Medical Coding program at Mount Wachusett Community College in Gardner, Massachusetts. Widely respected in the field, Ms. Bowie has consulted with health facilities for more than 35 years, has conducted national training seminars on coding and health information management topics and regularly speaks at regional and national professional events. In addition to creating content for Cengage, Ms. Bowie develops instructional content for ICD-10-CM/PCS, CPT®/HCPCS and health data courses. She also teaches a variety of health information technology courses and is an active member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). In addition, she is a registered health information administrator, an accredited health information technician and an AHIMA ICD-10-CM/PCS-approved trainer. Her education credentials include associate, bachelor's and master's degrees.

  • New and updated information covers topics important for today's allied health professions, including cultural competence, information systems and data security, federal laws pertaining to the workplace, ethical standards of practice and more.

  • The author has revised chapter 1 to relocate information about prehistoric, ancient, medieval and Renaissance medicine, which can now be found in Appendix A. The chapter also includes new content about telehealth and telemedicine.

  • Chapter 2 includes new content about the development of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and its predecessor organizations. Expanded material on ethical standards of practice looks specifically at the AHIMA Code of Ethics. Finally, the chapter also features new coverage of cultural diversity, cultural competence, health care disparities, health equity and Healthy People 2030.

  • New and expanded content in chapter 3 covers critical access hospitals, general hospitals in rural settings, a comparison between rehabilitation and general hospitals, the benefits of ambulatory care versus inpatient care, cancer treatments in infusion centers and skilled care examples. In addition, a new section, Health Information Management in Various Settings, provides information on the varied care settings where today's allied health professionals may practice.

  • Revisions to chapter 4 include new information on electronic addenda, the differences between manual and electronic signatures and record retention laws for federal prisons. Expanded content in the Role of Health Information Department section provides additional detail on electronic record documentation.

  • Chapter 5 contains a new Use of Information Technologies section, which includes a definition of interoperability and content on the use of information technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. New sections have also been added for Information Systems and Database Management Systems, which include information on database design, data mining, data dictionaries, clinical data repositories, data warehouses, data marts, data definition languages, structured query languages (SQL) and relational databases.

  • In chapter 6, the author discusses the professional disclosure standard and the reasonable patient standard in protecting health information. Additional content explores the ways new forms and new data items are developed and the functional characteristics of documentation formats.

  • Additional content updates include new information on the the HIPAA security rule and disaster plans in chapter 7, and an expanded chapter 9 with new material on the roles and responsibilities of security officers, at-will employment, independent contractors, reasonable accommodations, unions and federal employment laws.

  • The available MindTap learning platform enhances the online course experience for students and instructors alike. A complete digital solution, MindTap delivers a suite of modern, interactive learning features that propel students from memorization to mastery.

  • The automated Cognero® test bank, chapter-coordinated PowerPoint® presentations and a complete instructor's manual can simplify your course management while offering creative learning opportunities for students.

  • Throughout the text, full-color images and engaging presentations help make even complex material more engaging for today's visual learners.

  • The instructor's manual maps text content to relevant CAHIIM domains and standards, making it easier to coordinate coursework with key professional considerations and stay current with evolving regulations and technology.

  • Exercises and case studies featured throughout the text give students valuable real-world context related to the health care industry and health information management careers, as well as assessing their knowledge and critical-thinking abilities.

  • Learning Features: Exercises and case studies throughout the readings give students context for the health care industry and HIM careers, while testing their knowledge and critical thinking abilities.

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