Marketing Management,
6th Edition

Dawn Iacobucci

ISBN-13: 9780357635087
Copyright 2022 | Published
336 pages | List Price: USD $250.95

Gain an understanding of the vibrant, challenging environment facing marketers today as Iacobucci’s MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 6E presents an intriguing, guiding framework that clearly illustrates how core concepts fit together. This updated and complete overview of marketing management uses a captivating style and engaging presentation that you will actually enjoy reading. Learn how to make meaningful decisions and construct useful, practical marketing plans to help companies succeed. Revised chapters, updated explanations, new mini-cases and the latest examples depict global marketing, ethics and social media marketing in action. This edition emphasizes the importance of theory with a framework that demonstrates the interrelationship of marketing concepts and decisions. Leading cases from Harvard, Darden and Ivey further reinforce the relevance of what you are learning. MindTap digital resources offer interactive content that connects the latest marketing management principles to business success.


About the author

Part 1 Marketing Strategy
1 Why is Marketing Management Important?
2 Customer Behavior
3 Segmentation
4 Targeting
5 Positioning

Part 2 Product Positioning
6 Products: Goods and Services
7 Brands
8 New Products and Innovation

Part 3 Positioning via Price, Place, and Promotion
9 Pricing
10 Channels of Distribution
11 Advertising Messages and Marketing Communications
12 Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices
13 Social Media

Part 4 Positioning: Assessment through the Customer Lens
14 Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships
15 Marketing Research Tools

Part 5 Capstone
16 Marketing Strategy
17 Marketing Plans


  • Dawn Iacobucci

    Dawn Iacobucci is the Bronson Ingram Professor of Marketing at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, where she has taught since 2007. She has also served as senior associate dean at Vanderbilt and professor of marketing at Northwestern University, University of Arizona and University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Iacobucci received her M.S. in statistics, her M.A. and Ph.D. in quantitative psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and her M.T.S. from Garrett Theological Seminary. Dr. Iacobucci’s research focuses on modeling dyadic interactions and social networks, customer satisfaction and service quality, multivariate and methodological research questions and issues related to health care and sustainability. She has published widely in publications such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Science, the Journal of Service Research, Psychometrika, Psychological Bulletin and Social Networks. Dr. Iacobucci has taught core marketing management, marketing research, marketing models, services marketing and new products to M.B.A., E.M.B.A. and undergraduate students. She has also taught multivariate statistics and methodological topics in Ph.D. seminars. She has served as editor of both the Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology. She also edited Networks in Marketing, Handbook of Services Marketing and Management, Kellogg on Marketing and Kellogg on Integrated Marketing. In addition to this text, she has written MARKETING MODELS: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS and MARKETING ANALYTICS AND MEDIATION ANALYSIS as part of the prestigious quantitative series at Sage. She is also a co-author of Gilbert Churchill’s leading MARKETING RESEARCH: METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS.

  • REVISED, CLEARLY WRITTEN CHAPTERS DETAIL CONCEPTS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Each chapter is carefully crafted to clearly define concepts, such as segmentation, for your students. The edition not only demonstrates what a concept is, but also presents why it matters and how to apply it.

  • UP-TO-DATE CONTENT IMMEDIATELY EMPHASIZES THE RELEVANCE OF SOUND THEORY. Students master important theory and gain an appreciation for how a strong understanding of theory impacts marketing success.

  • CLEAR FRAMEWORK HIGHLIGHTS INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF MARKETING CONCEPTS AND MANAGEMENT DECISIONS. Each chapter begins with a "You are here" map of the marketing framework to instill a clear understanding of the interrelationships among the marketing concepts and decisions students will make daily as marketing and brand managers.

  • REVISED, CAPTIVATING CONTENT PROMPTS STUDENTS TO ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK. This edition's fascinating, reader-friendly content, filled with numerous examples, captures and holds students' interest and emphasizes the importance of what they are reading.

  • UPDATED, TIMELY EXAMPLES EMPHASIZE DEVELOPING TOPICS AND MARKETING TRENDS. This edition's chapters contain current examples that draw attention to ethical topics, global marketing applicability and marketing in action within social media.

  • REVISED MINI-CASES PIQUE STUDENT INTEREST. Each chapter ends with a mini-case designed to engage readers as well as spark meaningful class discussions. This brief approach provides critical content without overwhelming students with traditional, extensive case reading.

  • "ANATOMY OF …" FEATURE ENSURES UNDERSTANDING OF SPECIFIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES. This innovative learning feature explains the composition of key marketing management topics, using detailed graphics to ensure that students comprehend each critical area within marketing management.

  • PROVEN CONTENT AND POWERFUL RESOURCES PROVIDE A SUPPLEMENT PACKAGE THAT IS SECOND TO NONE. This edition offers all of the timely content and time-saving instructor resources you expect in a leading supplement package for powerful class preparation and assessment, including PowerPoint slides, an instructor’s manual, and an extensive test bank. This edition also includes MindTap digital, interactive resources where students learn and apply chapter content and begin to think and act like marketers.

  • TRADITIONAL CONCEPTS PROVIDE A SOLID FOUNDATION IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT. This concise, yet thorough, content addresses all of today's core marketing management topics in 17 succinct chapters to equip advanced students with a solid foundation in marketing management.

  • HARVARD AND OTHER LEADING CASES OFFER THE BEST IN BUSINESS EXAMPLES AND USEFUL PRACTICE. Author Dr. Iacobucci has partnered with Harvard Business Publishing, Darden and Ivey to provide a complete set of teaching and learning materials that offer premier, customizable cases. These best-selling business cases align with the chapters within this edition for immediate, seamless use.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Instructor's Companion Website for Iacobucci's Marketing Management

VitalSource eBook: Marketing Management 12 Months