Child and Adolescent Development in Your Classroom, Topical Approach,
4th Edition

Christi Crosby Bergin, David Allen Bergin

ISBN-13: 9780357765425
Copyright 2025 | Published
400 pages | List Price: USD $187.95

Bergin/Bergin's CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR CLASSROOM, TOPICAL APPROACH, 4e, provides future teachers with authentic, research-based strategies and guidelines for the classroom. Child development concepts are applied to relevant, interesting topics, including classroom discipline, social-emotional development and well-being, how to motivate learners and many others. Individual and group diversity among children is emphasized. Case studies and real-world vignettes bridge the distance between research and the classroom. By linking theory, research, practice and emphasizing application, the book helps teachers create an environment that promotes optimal development in children. With over 1000 new references, the book remains at the cutting edge of research. MindTap online learning experience with videos, applied activities, an e-portfolio and more is also available.


1. Ways of Thinking about Children.
2. Physical Development and Health.
3. Classic Theories of Learning and Cognition.
4. Information Processing, Memory, and Problem Solving.
5 Cognitive Ability: Intelligence, Talent, and Achievement.
6. Attachment and Personality.
7. Self-Control and Discipline.
8. Emotional Development.
9. Social Cognition.
10. Social Behavior.
11. Peers, Friends, and Play.
12. Language and Literacy.
13. The Self-System and Motivation.
14. The Child in Context: Family Structure, Child Care, and Media.
Name Index.
Subject Index.

  • Christi Crosby Bergin

    Christi Bergin earned a Ph.D. in child development and early childhood education at Stanford University, and is a developmental psychologist. Her research focuses on the socio-emotional development of typical children as well as the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of infants and children in families struggling with poverty, drug use, and child abuse. She has observed hundreds of parent-child interactions, including in-home visits to so-called "crack houses." Dr. Bergin has conducted research in both schools and medical centers. She has published in journals such as the Journal of Literacy Research, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Child Maltreatment, Journal of Adolescence, and Infant Mental Health Journal, among others. Through her research, experience as a preschool teacher, and work as a community volunteer, she has extensive experience with children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. She is the co-founder of the Network for Educator Effectiveness, which has 265 member school districts. Through this network she has trained hundreds of principals to accurately measure teaching practice and provide useful feedback to help teachers grow professionally.

  • David Allen Bergin

    David Bergin earned a Ph.D. in education at Stanford University, and is an educational psychologist. He has been a teacher-educator for over 30 years. His research focuses on motivation and achievement, and talented youth of color. He is a past president of Division 15 Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association, and has published in journals such as Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Negro Education, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Literacy Research, and Journal of Adolescent Research, among others. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology, and Contemporary Educational Psychology. As does his co-author, Bergin has extensive experience working with a diverse range of children. He speaks Spanish, has lived in Central America, and has done university outreach in Mexico and Guatemala. Most recently he was a Fulbright scholar in Chile.

  • Strongly research-based with up-to-date scholarship throughout, the new edition includes the latest insights into such topics as student-teacher relationships, adolescent risk taking, collectivism, spanking, disproportionate punishment of youth of color, effective study strategies, learning disabilities and dyslexia, gender identity, autism spectrum, cyberbullying, epigenetics, LGBTQI students, parents and teachers, obesity, social media, assessing accuracy of internet sources, poverty and income equality, use of electronic devices, use of social media and student mental health.

  • Resources from the text, such as the Summary of Age Trends in each chapter, are available in MindTap® for students to download and use in their future classrooms. Identified as Professional Resource Downloads, these documents, figures and tables allow students to begin developing or adding to their personal libraries of professional tools for the classroom.

  • This edition is available with MindTap®, the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage students and transform them into classroom-ready, reflective teachers. Video cases invite student reflection on real classroom situations dealing with various stages of development. Scenarios ask students to apply chapter concepts and theories to create an artifact that improves teaching and learning. Quizzes help students identify areas where they misunderstood key topics and link back to the related content in the chapter to improve their understanding.

  • This textbook covers child development from birth through adolescence, addressing physical, cognitive, social and emotional domains of development, with special emphasis on socio-emotional well-being. A topical approach allows a more effective description of the range of behavior possible in a given domain.

  • The text applies human development concepts to teaching, providing a strong bridge between current research and practice. Each topic has a section on research-based strategies to use in the classroom, including vignettes describing authentic classroom situations to further assist students in applying the material. In addition, a Reflections on Practice: My Teaching feature encourages teachers to think about how their behavior affects children's development while field observation assignments help them apply the science to children's experiences in the classroom.

  • A Standards Correlation Grid on the inside front and back covers provide alignment of topics with INTASC (2013) and NAEYC (2020) standards, allowing students to quickly locate standards and licensure exam guidelines throughout the text and connect them with what they are learning.

  • Group and individual diversity issues concerning gender, socioeconomic status and ethnicity are integrated throughout the text.

  • A Standards Correlation Grid on the inside front and back covers provide alignment of topics with INTASC (2013) and NAEYC (2020) standards, allowing students to quickly locate standards and licensure exam guidelines throughout the text -- and connect them with what they are learning.

  • **NO AQ RECEIVED AS OF 7/10/23 - INFO COPIED FROM CURRENT EDITION** A Standards Correlation Grid on the inside front cover provides alignment of topics with INTASC and NAEYC standards, allowing students to quickly locate standards and licensure exam guidelines throughout the text -- and connect them with what they are learning.

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