Student Success in College,
4th Edition

Christine Harrington

ISBN-13: 9780357792872
Copyright 2023 | Published
310 pages | List Price: USD $156.95

Learn more about your personal identity and strengths, determine your goals and build your career and academic skills with Harrington's STUDENT SUCCESS IN COLLEGE: DOING WHAT WORKS!, 4E. This updated edition explores the keys to academic and career success, beginning with brief, research-driven self-assessments that give you a better understanding of your own unique capabilities. Current content also incorporates the latest research in the field with an emphasis on career skills. You explore career options and learn how to create and strengthen your own professional network so that you are well positioned for career success. You also sharpen proven academic skills as you work with high-level academic sources and online exercises to increase your information literacy and critical-thinking. This edition focuses on the skills that are proven in current research to help you achieve success. MindTap and Infuse digital resources are also available to enhance your learning experience.


Student Success in College: Doing What Works! 4th Edition
Table of Contents
Introduction: Getting Started
Part 1: Knowing Yourself and Decision-Making
Chapter1: Exploring Your Identity
Chapter 2: Evaluating Information and Thinking Critically
Part II: Mapping out a Path and Developing Career Skills
Chapter 3: Setting Goals and Choosing a Career Path
Chapter 4: Strengthening Networking and Other Essential Skills
Part 2: Achieving Academic Success
Chapter 5: Building Academic Skills
Chapter 6: Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills
Chapter 7: Academic Planning and Staying on Track
Exploring the Research in Depth Appendix.
Answer Key Appendix.
References Index.
Subject Index.

  • Christine Harrington

    Dr. Christine Harrington is a professor and co-coordinator of the doctorate degree of education in community college leadership program at New Jersey City University. Prior to this role, she served a two-year term as the executive director of the Center for Student Success at the Council of County Colleges, supporting all 19 community colleges in the state with student success reform efforts. Dr. Harrington worked at Middlesex College for almost 20 years in the following roles: professor of psychology, student success course coordinator, director for the Center for the Enrichment of Learning and Teaching, counselor and disability services provider. She earned a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Lehigh University, an M.A. in counseling and personnel services and a B.A. in psychology from The College of New Jersey. She taught the student success course at the community college level for more 15 years, often teaching special sections for students with learning disabilities. Dr. Harrington frequently presents at national conferences, colleges and universities on student success and teaching and learning topics such as student engagement and motivation, the syllabus and dynamic lecturing. She is the lead or sole author for numerous books including Why First-Year Seminars Matter: Helping Students Choose and Stay on a Path, Keeping us Engaged: Student Perspectives (and Research-based Evidence) on What Works and Why, Dynamic Lecturing: Research-based Strategies to Enhance Lecture Effectiveness, Designing a Motivational Syllabus: Creating a Learning Path for Student Engagement, Ensuring Learning: Supporting Faculty to Improve Student Success and Engaging Faculty in Guided Pathways: A Practical Resource for College Leaders. . Dr. Harrington received the 2016 Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award at the Annual Conference of the First-Year Experience hosted by the National Resource Center on the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.

  • NEW INITIAL CHAPTER ON IDENTITY (CH. 1) ACKNOWLEDGES HOW EACH STUDENT IS UNIQUE AND HOW THIS LEADS TO A UNIQUE PATH TO SUCCESS. Students explore how race, gender and other personal strengths and attributes play an important role in the path to success. This edition offers a personalized approach that honors each students' culture and identity as they determine goals and develop strategies to achieve these goals.

  • INCREASED FOCUS ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION REFLECTS TODAY'S TIMES FOR ALL READERS. This emphasis throughout the text ensures that your diverse student body can relate to the frequent examples and identify with this edition's numerous evidence-based strategies for success.

  • UPDATED RESEARCH-BASED SELF-ASSESSMENTS HELP STUDENTS PINPOINT PRIORITIES AND PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES. These helpful research-driven self-assessments throughout this edition guide your students in carefully examining and reflecting upon who they are and what matters most to them.

  • NEW "EXPLORING THE RESEARCH" ARTICLES AND TOOLKIT HELP YOU SHOW STUDENTS HOW TO LEARN FROM SCHOLARLY SOURCES. New "Exploring the Research" articles appear in an appendix with a corresponding "Exploring the Research" toolkit for you in the instructor manual. These articles and tools assist you in teaching students how to engage with scholarly sources and direct them in learning about evidence-based success skills.

  • CAREER AND ACADEMIC CONTENT IS NOW SEPARATED FOR YOUR FLEXIBILITY IN CLASSROOM PRESENTATION. This edition separates career and academic information into two convenient sections, so you can easily use this edition as a resource to supports your preferred curriculum, whether you focus on career development, academic strategies or both skill sets.

  • MORE THAN 200 NEW REFERENCES PRESENT THE LATEST INFLUENTIAL RESEARCH IN THE FIELD. This edition integrates some of today's most recent developments from authoritative, scholarly sources. You can present material with the confident that this edition's skills and strategies are grounded in current research.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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