Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience,
5th Edition

Laura Freberg

ISBN-13: 9780357798232
Copyright 2024 | Published
688 pages | List Price: USD $237.95

Whether you have a strong science background or feel overwhelmed at the prospect of taking a behavioral neuroscience, biological psychology or physiological psychology course, this book is for you. Clear writing, interesting examples, learning aids and illustrations help you stay interested and focused. DISCOVERING BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 5E introduces classic topics, cutting-edge research and today's most current thinking in behavioral neuroscience. You learn about the structure and function of the nervous system and its relationship to typical and disordered human behavior as you hone critical-thinking skills. "Behavioral Neuroscience Goes to Work" sections highlight rewarding careers related to each chapter's topics, such as genetics counseling or neuroeducator, while "Behavioral Neuroscience in Everyday Life" features further connect topics to real world issues and decisions. Infuse digital resources are also available to reinforce skills.


1. What Is Behavioral Neuroscience?
2. Functional Neuroanatomy and the Evolution of the Nervous System.
3. Neurophysiology: The Structure and Functions of the Cells of the Nervous System.
4. Psychopharmacology.
5. Genetics and the Development of the Human Brain.
6. Vision.
7. Nonvisual Sensation and Perception.
8. Movement.
9. Homeostasis, Motivation, and Reward.
10. Sexual Behavior.
11. Sleep and Waking.
12. Learning and Memory.
13. Cognitive Neuroscience.
14. Social and Affective Neuroscience.
15. Neuropsychology.
16. Psychopathology.

  • Laura Freberg

    Laura A. Freberg is professor of psychology at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where she teaches Introductory Psychology and Biological Psychology courses, both online and face-to-face. She also enjoys experimenting with technology and social media in the classroom. Dr. Freberg's teaching career began when she taught her first college course at Pasadena City College at the age of 23. She has received Faculty Member of the Year recognition from Cal Poly Disabilities Resource Center three times (1991, 1994 and 2009) for her work with students with disabilities. A past president of the Western Psychological Association (WPA), Dr. Freberg is the current psychology consultant for The New York Times InEducation program. She has authored four editions of DISCOVERING BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (Cengage), and with John Cacioppo, she co-authored three editions of DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF MIND (Cengage). In addition, she is lead author of RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE (TopHat Monocle). She received her Ph.D. from UCLA.

  • BROAD APPROACH APPEALS TO STUDENTS FROM A VARIETY OF BACKGROUNDS. Because a first course in behavioral neuroscience or biological psychology can include students at all levels, this edition is designed to meet the needs of advanced students as well as those seeing this material for the first time. This edition provides the strong foundation essential for more advanced courses, while also addressing more complex topics, such as the neurobiology of learning. The author carefully presents complex topics in an accessible way that enhances student success and shows respect for all learners.

  • THIS EDITION CLEARLY MODELS STRONG CRITICAL THINKING AND OPEN SCIENCE PRACTICES. In addition to new material in the methods section about open science, this edition discusses principles of open science, such as replicability and power issues, within context and using reader-friendly terms. While reviewing neuroscience literature can be daunting, new "Connecting to Research" features in each chapter expose students to classic or cutting-edge studies, empowering them to think critically about the scientific literature.

  • INPUT FROM PROFESSIONALS GUIDES REVISIONS AND CONTENT ADDRESSES DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION. Using pre-revision surveys, the author has built upon this text's recognition of "fairness" in presenting topics. An independent, expert review has scrutinized content solely to ensure good practices for addressing diversity, equity and inclusion. This text can serve as a useful and trusted template in navigating topics such as sexuality in Chapter 10.

  • REVISED CONTENT REMAINS HIGHLY RELEVANT TO STUDENTS’ LIFE EXPERIENCES. Meaningful discussions make even the basics of behavioral neuroscience come to life as the author highlights important applications. Students examine important questions such as "What about poverty makes people more vulnerable to psychological disorders?" and "What do intersex conditions teach about sex and gender?" Students gain the tools to succeed in this course, while obtaining a deeper understanding of themselves and the people around them.

  • REVISED TEXT AND SUPPORTING SUPPLEMENTS EASE PREPARATION AND GRADING TIME. This text, Infuse digital resources and this book's support package are designed to make it as simple as possible for you to create a course that profiles your best work. The author and editorial team understand that when you have the time you need to share your passion for this subject, your students will learn.

  • INTERIM SUMMARIES ALLOW STUDENTS TO CHECK THEIR MASTERY BEFORE ADVANCING. Each chapter features two to three interim summaries that encourage learners to pause and ensure their comprehension of the material before proceeding. The important points highlighted in these summaries correspond to the chapter's learning objectives and review questions. Most of these summaries also include a quick reference table that coordinates content with key concepts from the previous section.

  • REVISED BOXED FEATURES ENGAGE STUDENTS AND PROMOTE CRITICAL THINKING. Each chapter includes four types of boxed features to emphasize the relevance of what students are learning and prompt deeper thinking. These intriguing learning features include: "Thinking Ethically," "Connecting to Research," "Behavioral Neuroscience Goes to Work" and "Neuroscience in Everyday Life."

  • CHAPTER CONTENT INTEGRATES WITH RELATED TOPICS THROUGHOUT THE BOOK. To emphasize how the material fits together and to promote ongoing review, the author references material in other chapters that is relevant to the topic students are studying. With Infuse digital resources, these references may include hyperlinks that allow readers to easily reference other parts of the book and review, if necessary, before proceeding to new material.

  • MEANINGFUL CHAPTER REVIEW REINFORCES UNDERSTANDING AND AIDS IN TEST PREPARATION. End-of-chapter thought-provoking questions can also serve as essay or discussion prompts. This edition's updated Chapter Reviews also include the lists of key terms with page references to assist in study.

  • ONLINE CHAPTER QUIZZES ENABLE INSTANT FEEDBACK AND TIMELY REVIEW. Infuse digital resources accompanying this edition provide review quizzes for each main heading within every chapter. In addition, a comprehensive quiz at the end of each chapter lets you easily check students' understanding.

  • ACCESSIBLE WRITING STYLE INVITES ALL TYPES OF STUDENTS TO READ AND ABSORB CONTENT. Students and instructors who have used this text -- from community colleges through top R1 universities -- praise this edition's reader-friendly, clear writing style. The text also works well for students who speak English as a second language and is used in many non-English-speaking countries.

  • LARGE, CLEARLY LABELED ILLUSTRATIONS HELP STUDENTS VISUALIZE STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES. These medical-quality, anatomical online illustrations, available in Infuse digital resources, help students grasp even complex processes discussed in the book, such as the propagation of action potentials down the length of an axon. In addition, other illustrations offer a personal connection, as they were completed by the author’s daughter, who has autism spectrum disorder. For example, her drawing of foxes appears in Chapter 9.

  • HELPFUL LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND CHAPTER OUTLINES GUIDE STUDENTS' READING AND REVIEW. Each chapter begins with learning objectives designed to tap into higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy and includes an outline of the chapter's content. These features prepare students to read more productively as they become familiar with important terms and concepts in the chapter.

  • A FULL MARGIN GLOSSARY DEFINES NUMEROUS TERMS EXACTLY WHEN READERS NEED CLARIFICATION. This edition provides regular margin definitions for this edition's frequent and more difficult terminology. Students find many more terms defined than in other texts that often define key terms only.

  • LIST OF KEY TERMS WITH PAGE REFERENCES AIDS IN EFFICIENT STUDY AND REVIEW. A list of key terms at the end of each chapter offers helpful page references that let students review the key terms within context. Given that behavioral neuroscience can often seem more like a foreign language course than a science course, many students benefit from this guidance in which terms are most important to master.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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