Geology and the Environment,
8th Edition

Paul Bierman, Richard Hazlett, Dee D. Trent

ISBN-13: 9780357851654
Copyright 2024 | Published
656 pages | List Price: USD $156.95

In Bierman/Hazlett/Trent’s GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: LIVING WITH A DYNAMIC PLANET, 8th EDITION, explore the relationship between humans and geology, including the hazards, processes and resources that surround us. With hundreds of new photographs and completely updated, rewritten and condensed text, this student-friendly book is filled with interesting and relevant stories of why geology matters. You’ll find clear learning objectives for all twelve chapters and extensive end-of-chapter summary materials to help you study more efficiently and better master the material.


Section I: OUR PLANET.
1. People, Geology, and the Environment.
2. Earth as a System.
3. Climate Change.
4. Rocks and Minerals.
5. Volcanoes.
6. Earthquakes.
7. Soil.
8. Water.
9. Erosion.
10. Coasts and Oceans.
11. Energy and the Environment.
12. Managing Waste.

  • Paul Bierman

    Paul Bierman is a Professor of Geology and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Now in his 14th year at UVM, Paul's areas of expertise include understanding how humans and landscapes interact using the fields of hydrology, chemistry, and geomorphology. He is particularly interested in the impact of humans on the built and natural landscape as well as science education at all levels. Paul teaches a variety of courses including Earth Hazards, Geohydrology, and Geomorphology. He has a BA degree from Williams College and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Research interests include the rate of bedrock weathering involves field work in such locations as central Australia and the Canadian arctic. Bierman directs UVM's Cosmogenic Nuclide Extraction Lab — one of only a handful of laboratories in the country dedicated to the preparation of samples for analysis of 10-Be and 26-Al from pure quartz. He manages the Landscape Change Program, an NSF-supported digital archive of historic Vermont Landscape images used for teaching and research, available at Paul's research is funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Geographic Society, and the U.S. Army. In 1996, Paul was awarded the Donath medal as the outstanding young scientist of the year by the Geological Society of America; he has since received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation specifically for integrating scientific education and research. In 2005, Paul was awarded the NSF Distinguished Teaching Scholar award in recognition of his on-going attempts to integrate these two strands of his academic life. Together, Paul, his graduate and undergraduate students, and collaborators have 50 publications in refereed journals and books.

  • Richard Hazlett

    Richard W. Hazlett is the winner of 1996 and 2001 Wig Awards for teaching excellence at Pomona College. He is the first Stephen M. Pauley Chair in Environmental Analysis at the college, receiving this appointment in 2001. His main research interests involve volcanic stratigraphy, igneous petrology and resources, but most recently has been exploring land use issues focusing on the American West. Dr. Hazlett styles himself as transitioning from hard-core geology to environmental studies with a land use/natural resource emphasis. He is a co-author with Bernard Pipkin and Dee D. Trent on GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT and the script author of the EARTH REVEALED telecourse series.

  • Dee D. Trent

    Dr. D.D. "Dee" Trent has been working at, or teaching, geology since 1955. After graduating from college he worked in the petroleum industry where his geologic skills were sharpened with projects in Utah, Arizona, California, and Alaska. When the company decided to send him to Libya he decided it was time to become a college geology teacher. He has taught for 28 years at Citrus Community College in Glendora, California, and along the way has worked for the National Park Service, done field research on glaciers in Alaska and California, visited numerous mines in the United States and Germany, picked up a Ph. D. from the University of Arizona, appeared in several episodes of the PBS telecourse, The Earth Revealed, and served as an adjunct faulty member at the University of Southern California, where he taught field geology. He and his wife raised two children in Claremont, California and when not involved with geology he's either skiing or playing banjo in a dixieland band.

  • All data in graphs, tables, figures and text has been updated to reflect the most modern understanding of our environment. Now faculty and students have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.

  • Throughout the book, the new edition gives examples demonstrating the impact of climate change on the Earth, the environment and people around the globe.

  • Every chapter of the book has been thoroughly rewritten. Chapters have been combined and shortened in order to emphasize key concepts and the most pertinent examples -- the result is an easy to read book that keeps students interested and makes it easy to learn through examples.

  • Learning Objectives lead each chapter and form the basis for chapter organization via major headings allowing students to easily find and master specific concepts.

  • Each chapter has two case studies that show the relevance of chapter material in a real-life context with examples that matter to students.

  • A boxed feature in each chapter highlights important information in greater detail for students who want to learn more about the material.

  • Questions entitled "Have You Ever Wondered?" appear with newly designed chapter openers in order to engage students in the material.

  • Unique photo galleries located before the end-of-chapter material engage students by reinforcing the applicable concept(s) while illustrating how humans interact with geologic processes.

  • GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: LIVING WITH A DYNAMIC PLANET, 8th EDITION, incorporates multiple aspects of environmental geology -- including environmental law, land-use planning, engineering geology and medical geology -- into discussion of a wide variety of geological phenomenon.

  • Praised by students and instructors for their conceptual emphasis, Bierman/Hazlett/Trent's end-of-chapter summaries are organized around the learning objectives and chapter headings to provide a concise, easy to follow review of the most important information.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Instructor's Companion Website for Bierman/Hazlett/Trent's Geology and the Environment

Cengage eBook: Geology and the Environment 12 Months

Cengage eBook: Geology and the Environment 12 Months