Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy,
3rd Edition

Diane R. Gehart

ISBN-13: 9781305943278
Copyright 2018 | Published
688 pages | List Price: USD $143.95

MASTERING COMPETENCIES IN FAMILY THERAPY: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO THEORIES AND CLINICAL CASE DOCUMENTATION, 3rd Edition provides a competency-based approach that introduces couple and family therapy theories while simultaneously teaching you how to complete clinical documentation. Using a light and inviting tone, Diane R. Gehart provides detailed instructions and examples that enable you to complete real-world clinical forms, which are incorporated into the text. Diversity and research considerations are integrated into theoretical discussions and practical applications to facilitate a more holistic and nuanced understanding of couple and family therapy.


1. Competency and Theory in Family Therapy.
2. Research and Ethical Foundations of Family Therapy Theories.
3. Philosophical Foundations of Family Therapy Theories.
4. Systemic and Strategic Therapies.
5. Structural Family Therapies.
6. Experiential Family Therapies.
7. Intergenerational and Psychoanalytic Family Therapies.
8. Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness-Based Couple and Family Therapies.
9. Solution-Based Therapies.
10. Collaborative and Narrative Therapies.
11. Case Conceptualization.
12. Clinical Assessment.
13. Treatment Planning.
14. Evaluating Progress in Therapy.
15. Document It: Progress Notes.

  • Diane R. Gehart

    Dr. Diane R. Gehart is a Professor in the Marriage, Family, and Therapy and Counseling Programs at California State University, Northridge. She has authored numerous books, including CASE DOCUMENTATION IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, THEORY AND TREATMENT PLANNING IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, MINDFULNESS AND ACCEPTANCE IN COUPLE AND FAMILY THERAPY, and MASTERING COMPETENCIES IN FAMILY THERAPY. She also co-edited COLLABORATIVE THERAPY: RELATIONSHIPS AND CONVERSATIONS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and has developed two systems for assessing student learning: THE COMPLETE MFT CORE COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM and THE COMPLETE COUNSELING ASSESSMENT SYSTEM.Dr. Gehart's areas of specialty include mindfulness, mental health recovery, postmodern and systemic therapies, sexual abuse treatment, gender issues, children and adolescents, client advocacy, qualitative research, and education in family therapy. She speaks internationally, having conducted workshops to professional and general audiences in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Mexico. Her work has been featured in newspapers, radio shows, and television worldwide. She is an associate faculty member at three international post-graduate training institutes: The Taos Institute, Houston Galveston Institute, and The Marburg Institute for Collaborative Studies in Germany. Additionally, she is an active leader in state and national professional organizations. She maintains a private practice in Agoura Hills, California, specializing in couples, families, trauma, life transitions, and difficult-to-treat cases.

  • MindTap® Digital Teaching and Learning Solution: The third edition is available on MindTap®, a state-of-the-art learning platform that maximizes and significantly expands the learning experience by integrating the complete textbook with videos, role plays, apps that facilitate connections with peers and instructors, external journal articles, flash cards, assignments, and more.

  • Video Series: Videos designed to accompany the text are available in MindTap. Ranging from 30-60 minutes in length, each video teaches a single intervention, and provides viewers with specific instructions in segments before and after the client interview session. During the interview, significant therapeutic moments are explained on the bottom of the screen to enable new clinicians to understand the therapist's thinking during the session. Debrief sessions, during which clients share their personal experiences about the session and their reflections, are particularly instructive.

  • New Case Conceptualization Forms: In response to instructor requests, theory-specific case conceptualization forms have been added for each theory. New clinicians can use these forms to develop a theory-specific case conceptualization. The Systemic Case Conceptualization form, now titled Cross-Theoretical Systemic Case Conceptualization, is ideal for programs wanting to measure student learning related to all couple and family therapy theories.

  • Cross-Theoretical Comparison: Theories are now compared in each chapter using Karl Tomm's approach to conceptualizing interpersonal patterns. This flexible yet comprehensive approach provides an unparalleled method for comparing theories and improves students' ability to understand the theories presented in the book. The foundations of Tomm's approach are introduced in Chapter 3, "Philosophical Foundations"; each subsequent theories chapter includes a section that translates the theory to Tomm's interpersonal patterns.

  • Cross-Theoretical Comparison Table: Complementing the material on Tomm's approach, Chapter 3 includes a table that compares how each approach a) conceptualizes interpersonal patterns, b) defines wellness interpersonal patterns, and c) intervenes to transform interpersonal patterns, allowing new practitioners to more quickly grasp similarities and differences between theories.

  • Revised Treatment Plan Form: The treatment plan has been streamlined to include more meaningful explorations of diversity and the evidence base. Enthusiastically received by students, the shorter form is organized by goals (with interventions and the option to set measurable targets); treatment tasks, including developing a therapeutic relationship, developing a case conceptualization and assessment, and managing crises/referrals; diversity considerations; and an evidence-based practice section, which prompts students to identify relevant research to support their plan.

  • Gender and Power in Couples Therapy: Socio-emotional relational therapy is introduced in Chapter 3, "Philosophical Foundations of Family Therapy Theories," providing a contemporary approach to address issues of gender, culture, and power that can be used in conjunction with other approaches.

  • Try It Yourself: Each chapter contains prompts directing readers to practice applying the concept or intervention under discussion, thereby promoting development of practical skills for working with couples and families.

  • Questions for Personal Reflection and Class Discussion: Each chapter now contains a set of questions to encourage readers to personally reflect and think critically and practically about the concepts in the chapter.

  • Expanded Section on Research and the Evidence Base: The review of research in Chapter 2 has been expanded to include a unified treatment protocol for couple's therapy, the first in the field of couple and family therapy; and an expanded review of outcome and process findings for couple and family therapy.

  • Updated DSM-5 Clinical Assessment: The clinical assessment form has been updated to include DSM-5 diagnosis and cross-cutting symptom assessment. Chapter 12, "Clinical Assessment," includes an expanded section that introduces readers to the purpose, structure, and technical issues related to the DSM-5.

  • New Theories: This edition includes discussion of two new theories -- integrative behavioral couple's theory (a leading evidence-based treatment) and intensive structural therapy.

  • Chapter Reorganization: To facilitate learning, the theory chapters in Part II have been reorganized with an eye toward assuring that sections are of similar length and to include evidence-based treatments in chapters with similar approaches.

  • Videos: Available in MindTap® for streaming during lectures or viewing outside of class, videos teach interventions and provide viewers with specific instructions for client sessions. Among others, video topics include Systemic-Strategic Therapy: Ordeals;

  • Cross-Theoretical Comparison: Couple and family therapy theories are compared in each chapter using Karl Tomm's approach to conceptualizing interpersonal patterns.

  • Standards-Aligned Coverage: The book is designed to teach the majority of skills and knowledge outlined in the AAMFT Core Competencies; an estimated 70% of these skills are likely to overlap with the 2016 general counseling ACA/CACREP competencies.

  • Practical Forms: A comprehensive set of clinical forms incorporated into the text -- for treatment plans, theory-specific case conceptualization (case formulation), clinical assessment (diagnosis) and case management, theory-specific treatment planning.

  • Strong Coverage of Diversity: Diversity sections in each theory chapter include practical applications of the theory with specific populations, with detailed suggestions, adaptations, and cautions for using a given theory with a specific population.

  • In-Chapter Learning Aids: Learning features in each chapter include learning objectives to focus students' reading, Try It Yourself application exercises to promote skill building, and Questions for Personal Reflection and Class discussion.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

Online Instructor's Manual for Gehart's Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation, 3rd

Online PowerPoint® for Gehart's Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation, 3rd

Online Test Bank for Gehart's Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation, 3rd

VitalSource eBook: Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy 12 Months

MindTap: Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy 12 Months