Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World (w/ MLA9E & APA7E Updates),
1st Edition

Jodie Nicotra

ISBN-13: 9781305956773
Copyright 2019 | Published
672 pages | List Price: USD $93.95

In your courses and career, you will compose essays, reports, photos, graphics, web pages, and more. BECOMING RHETORICAL gives you the tools and the training you need to create successful communications in all of these formats and in different situations. First you will learn tools of analysis -- ways to investigate different aspects of a situation that will guide you to respond in the best possible way. Then you will learn how to draw on the specific capabilities of each medium of composition -- words, still images, sounds, video -- to create compositions that affect your audience in the ways you intend. As you learn to analyze and compose, you will read examples annotated by the author to show you exactly how it is done, and practice on projects large and small. Whether you have to design a brochure or make a video, BECOMING RHETORICAL gives you the foundations to make it work.


Introduction. What It Means to Become Rhetorical.
What Is Rhetorical Training? MindTap® Tiny Lecture Video 1: Rhetoric Is a Muscle. Why Rhetorical Analysis Is Important. Why Rhetorical Production Is Important. What It Really Means to Become Rhetorical: Transfer of Skills.
1. The Basic Rhetorical Situation.
The Communicator(s): How Do They Convince Us of Their Relevance? Message: What Is the Communication About? Audience: Who Is the Communication For? MindTap® How to Video 1: Analyzing Audiences. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
2. The Expanded Rhetorical Situation.
Exigence: What Invites You to Communicate? MindTap® Tiny Lecture Video 2: What Is Exigence? Purpose: What Does This Communication Want? Modality, The Means of Communication (Modality, Medium, Genre, Circulation): How Does Communication Physically Happen? MindTap® Tiny Lecture Video 3: Thinking About the Means of Communication.
Assignment: Compare Compositions That Have Similar Purposes but Different Formats. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
3. Analyzing Textual Rhetoric.
Thinking Rhetorical About Reading Texts. Writing Summaries. Researching the Rhetorical Situation of a Text. Doing a Rhetorical Analysis of a Written Text. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
4. Analyzing Visual Rhetoric.
Thinking Rhetorically about Stand-Alone Images. Thinking Rhetorically about the Placement, Circulation, and Distribution of Images. The Rhetorical Work of Images in Texts. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
5. Analyzing Multimodal Rhetoric.
Thinking Rhetorically About How Modalities Interact. Applying Multimodal Analysis to Video. Applying Multimodal Analysis to Websites and Apps. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
6. The Invitation to Rhetoric: Defining Rhetorical Problems.
Event-Based Problems. Everyday Problems. Tasks for Defining a Rhetorical Problem. Articulating Rhetorical Problems through Writing: The Rhetorical Problem Statement. Addressing a Rhetorical Problem: Public Awareness Campaigns. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
7. Responding to Rhetorical Problems with Arguments.
Arguments as Inquiry, Not Fights. Inhabiting an Idea: Arguments as Response. Written Arguments. Visual Arguments. Multimodal Arguments. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
8. Explaining Concepts, Events, and Ideas.
The Booming Business of Explanations. Explaining as a Rhetorical Activity. The Elements of Explanations. Assignments: Composing Explanations. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
9. Defining.
Definitions within Communities. Making Arguments of Definition. Formulating Definition Arguments. Assignments: Composing Definitions. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
10. Evaluating.
Everyday Evaluations. Establishing and Ranking Criteria: The Heart of an Evaluation. Using Evidence in Evaluation Arguments to Draw Conclusions. Evaluating Consumer Products. Composing Multimodal Consumer Reviews. Evaluating a Person's Accomplishments. Evaluating Policies. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
11. Proposing.
The Gold Standard of Persuasion: Action. Components of Proposal Arguments. Persuasively Describing a Problem or Need. Making a Compelling Proposal Claim. Providing Support for Your Proposal. Acknowledging Potential Problems with Your Proposal. Showing That Your Proposal Will Fix the Problem. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
12. Research: Composing with Multiple Sources.
The Recursive Steps of the Research Process. Incorporating Sources into Your Compositions. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
13. Creating Written Compositions.
Embracing the Messiness of the Writing Process. Writing in Academic Genres. Writing for Civic Participation.
14. Creating Visual Compositions.
When to Use Visual Compositions for Rhetorical Purposes. Good Visual Design: Basic Building Blocks. How-Tos: Tutorials for Specific Visual Compositions. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.
15. Creating Multimodal Compositions.
How to Create Videos. How to Create Podcasts. How to Create Websites. For Reflection: Transferable Skills and Concepts.

  • Jodie Nicotra

    A native of Pittsburgh, Jodie Nicotra got her PhD from Penn State University in 2005 and began working at the University of Idaho the same year. She was the Director of Composition from 2010–2013, and she teaches courses that range from first-year composition to professional writing to rhetorical theory. Dr. Nicotra has published articles on various topics in rhetorical theory and is working on a book about rhetorics of microbiome science.

  • BECOMING RHETORICAL helps students move beyond an overly simplified conception of the rhetorical situation as being composed of communicator, audience, and message to a more nuanced model. The author's rationale for this approach is that the "rhetorical triangle," while serving as a helpful place to begin, can lead to rote analyses of rhetorical activity. After practicing with the analytical tools specific to textual, visual, and multimodal composition, students become more skilled at identifying the rhetorical effects of communicative activity in many different situations.

  • The text includes diverse assignments in multiple modalities. These include multimodal invention techniques such as mapping an issue using images (Chapter 4) and analyzing a video by storyboarding (Chapter 5), as well as assignments that ask students to analyze and compose in different modalities. For example, assignments require students to analyze op-ed pieces in Chapter 3, write a comparative ad analysis in Chapter 4, score a written piece in Chapter 5, compose an academic response essay in Chapter 7, and create a video review of a consumer product in Chapter 10.

  • A flexible organization allows for courses that focus on particular modalities or that treat analysis and production in separate parts of the course (or over two courses). To organize the course by modality, Chapters 3 and 13 can be paired in a focus on textual analysis and production, Chapters 4 and 14 treat rhetorical analysis and production of visuals, and Chapters 5 and 15 examine analysis and production of multimodal texts. Alternatively, instructors can use the chapters of Part 2 to enable students to practice analysis in a variety of modalities, and those in Part 4 to compose.

  • Two assignments (separately or together) could form the trajectory of an entire course. One in Chapter 3 asks students to imagine they are part of an opposition research team for a political candidate, analyzing how the opposition is talking about a certain issue and evaluating the weaknesses in their communication. The other, in Chapter 6, invites students to create a public awareness campaign that can include a campaign brief, a campaign kit, and a variety of compositions like fact sheets, press releases, posters, brochures, social media campaigns, and public service announcements.

  • A diverse selection of readings, many of them within activities, address contemporary issues such as voluntourism, binge drinking, healthy weight loss, women's registration for the draft, social media shaming, fake news, definitions of marriage, student loan debt, and other issues. A complete list of readings by modality follows the table of contents in the print text and is in the Resources for Instructors folder in MindTap®.

  • Annotated readings provide a window into the rhetorical choices composers make. Annotated samples of rhetorical analyses of textual and multimodal works, summaries, writing that defines a rhetorical problem, academic response essays, and other genres help students become aware of the many decisions a composer makes to respond to the rhetorical situation.

  • Students get ample practice and advice on applying rhetorical concepts. "How to" directions guide students in the steps or tasks involved in specific analysis or composing processes. "Questions to Ask" help students investigate rhetorical situations, problems, and issues. "For Discussion" and "For Homework" questions ask for individual, group, and whole-class responses to ideas and, sometimes, to readings. "Assignments" ask for major compositions in a variety of modalities and genres.

  • Hundreds of clear, engaging examples demonstrate rhetorical concepts in action. Based on the responses of more than 100 students who class-tested portions of the text, examples are set off with tags so they are easy to find and distinguish from concepts.

  • The ability to transfer knowledge out of this course and into other areas of their lives is a key component to students becoming rhetorical. Each chapter ends with a "For Reflection" activity that helps students understand how the chapter concepts can be applied to their other courses, at work, and in the world.

  • The video program for the book emphasizes rhetorical concepts and composing processes: "Tiny Lectures" are live-action videos in which author Jodie Nicotra explains a major concept; "How To's" are animated examples of important processes students need to master. "Student Makers," filmed by students, show students engaged in multimodal composing processes. The video program is available in MindTap® English for Nicotra's Becoming Rhetorical.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

MindTap: Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World (w/ MLA9E & APA7E Updates) 12 Months

Cengage eBook: Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Composing in a Multimedia World (w/ MLA9E & APA7E Updates) 12 Months