Finite Mathematics,
7th Edition

Stefan Waner, Steven Costenoble

ISBN-13: 9781337280426
Copyright 2018 | Published
736 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

FINITE MATHEMATICS, Seventh Edition, uses a large number of applications based on real data from business, economics, and the life and social sciences to help you see how mathematics relates to your own life and interests. Thorough TI Graphing Calculator and spreadsheet instructions appear throughout the text, and optional WebAssign platform includes detailed teaching videos by an award-winning instructor. With these tools, plus the authors' website with online interactive tutorials and videos on every topic, this text will help you "get" mathematics -- whatever your learning style may be.


Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. Logarithms.
Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression.
Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities, Loans, and Bonds.
Systems of Two Equations in Two Unknowns. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations.
Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Multiplication. Matrix Inversion. Game Theory. Input-Output Models.
Graphing Linear Inequalities. Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Solving General Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method and Duality.
Sets and Set Operations. Cardinality. The Addition and Multiplication Principles. Permutations and Combinations.
Sample Spaces and Events. Relative Frequency. Probability and Probability Models. Probability and Counting Techniques. Conditional Probability and Independence. Bayes' Theorem and Applications. Markov Systems.
Random Variables and Distributions. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Normal Distributions.

  • Stefan Waner

    Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble both received their Ph.D.s from the University of Chicago, having studied several years apart with the same advisor, J. Peter May. Their paths merged when Dr. Waner joined Dr. Costenoble at Hofstra University in 1987. Since then, they have coauthored 18 research papers as well as a research-level monograph in algebraic topology. By the early 1990s, they had become dissatisfied with many of the finite mathematics and applied calculus textbooks available. They wanted textbook choices that were more readable and relevant to students' interests -- texts that contained engaging examples and exercises and texts that reflected the interactive approaches and techniques they found worked well with their own students. It, therefore, seemed natural to extend their research collaboration to a joint textbook writing project that expressed these ideals. To this day, they continue to work together on textbook projects, research in algebraic topology and in their teaching.

  • Steven Costenoble

    Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble both received their Ph.D.s from the University of Chicago, having studied several years apart with the same advisor, J. Peter May. Their paths merged when Dr. Waner joined Dr. Costenoble at Hofstra University in 1987. Since then, they have coauthored 18 research papers as well as a research-level monograph in algebraic topology. By the early 1990s, they had become dissatisfied with many of the finite mathematics and applied calculus textbooks available. They wanted textbook choices that were more readable and relevant to students' interests -- texts that contained engaging examples and exercises and texts that reflected the interactive approaches and techniques they found worked well with their own students. It, therefore, seemed natural to extend their research collaboration to a joint textbook writing project that expressed these ideals. To this day, they continue to work together on textbook projects, research in algebraic topology and in their teaching.

  • An unsurpassed collection of exercises at all difficulty levels, and exercises based on real, referenced data on topics students will relate to, including data on numerous well-known corporations, social media, smartphones, car financing, credit cards, subprime mortgages, hybrid cars, nutrition, and many more. The inside back cover lists over 50 corporations referenced in the applications.

  • Many new conceptual Communication and Reasoning exercises, including many dealing with common student errors and misconceptions have been added.

  • Logarithms are now discussed in the Precalculus Review chapter, up through solving for unknowns in the exponent. This makes it easier for instructors who wish to do so to use logarithms in discussions of exponential functions and the mathematics of finance.

  • Chapter 2, on the mathematics of finance, has been substantially revised. In the sections on simple and compound interest, both the "year-based" formulas and the "compounding period-based" versions are stated. In the compound interest section, the latter formulation is now emphasized, as this helps with the segue to annuities, where the period-based approach is standard. The material on T-bills and further discussion of bonds has been moved to the end of the section, to a subsection marked as "Optional." The section on annuities has been substantially reorganized: The definition of "annuities" has been standardized and now uses more transparent and standard terminology to distinguish accumulation and annuitization. Discussion, examples, and exercises on life insurance and mortgage refinancing have been added, including a formula for calculating principal outstanding. The exercise sets have been reorganized and expanded, with numerous real-data based applications.

  • Examples: Many of the scenarios used in application examples and exercises are revisited several times throughout the book. In this way, students will find themselves using a variety of techniques to analyze the same application providing unifying threads that show the complex nature of real-life problems. Complete solutions are provided with every example. Most definition boxes also include quick, straightforward examples that students can use to solidify their understanding of each new concept.

  • Exercises: The end-of-section exercises have been carefully curated and ordered to move from straightforward basic exercises and exercises that are similar to examples in the text to more interesting and advanced ones, marked as “more advanced” for easy reference. There are also several much more difficult exercises, designated as “challenging.” In virtually every section of every chapter, exercises ideal for the use of technology have been included.

  • Innovative Pedagogy: Question-and-Answer Dialogues: End-of-Section FAQs, and Before We Go On: The text frequently uses informal question-and-answer dialogues that anticipate the kinds of questions that may occur to students, thereby guiding them through the development of new concepts. Most examples are followed by supplementary “Before We Go On” discussions, which may include a check on the answer, a discussion of the feasibility and significance of a solution, or an in-depth look at what the solution means.

  • End-of-Section FAQs, and Before We Go On: The text frequently uses informal question-and-answer dialogues that anticipate the kinds of questions that may occur to students, thereby guiding students through the development of new concepts. Most examples are followed by supplementary “Before We Go On” discussions, which may include a check on the answer, a discussion of the feasibility and significance of a solution, or an in-depth look at what the solution means.

  • Case Studies: Each chapter ends with a Case Study, an extended application that uses and illustrates the central ideas of the chapter, focusing on the development of mathematical models appropriate to the topics. Ideal for assignment as projects, these applications conclude with groups of exercises.

  • Marginal Technology Notes and End-of-Chapter Technology Guides: Brief marginal technology notes outline the use of graphing calculator, spreadsheet, and website technology in appropriate examples. When necessary, the reader is referred to more detailed discussion in the end-of-chapter Technology Guides, which provide detailed TI-83/84 Plus and Spreadsheet Guides at the end of each chapter. Instructors and students can easily use this material or not, as they prefer. Groups of exercises for which the use of technology is suggested or required appear throughout the exercise sets.

  • Communication and Reasoning Exercises for Writing and Discussion: These exercises, which often have no single correct answer, are designed to broaden students' grasp of the mathematical concepts and develop modeling skills. They include exercises in which the student is asked to provide his or her own examples to illustrate a point or design an application with a given solution. They also include "fill-in-the-blank" type exercises, exercises that invite discussion and debate, and exercises in which the student must identify common errors, or sometimes make up their own applications.

  • WEBASSIGN: FINITE MATHEMATICS, 7th Edition, is fully supported by WebAssign, the powerful online homework and course management system that engages students in learning the math. WebAssign includes new end-of-chapter exercises and pre-built assignments vetted by trusted subject matter experts along with robust course, section, assignment, and question settings and online testing to help instructors foster a deeper understanding of course concepts.

  • Author Website: The authors' website at has been evolving for more than a decade and provides instructors with a variety of resources: powerful online utilities that can be used in the classroom to do everything from graphing and evaluating functions and matrix operations to solving linear programming problems both graphically and with the simplex method. In addition, Instructors often use the online interactive tutorials as teaching tools that invite class participation, and can use the randomized “game tutorials” for in-class quizzes that teach as they test. Online interactive text and exercises are also provided for a variety of topics not in the printed book.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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