Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience,
4th Edition

Laura Freberg

ISBN-13: 9781337570930
Copyright 2019 | Published
672 pages | List Price: USD $237.95

Do you have a strong science background? Or do you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of taking a behavioral neuroscience, biological psychology, or physiological psychology course? Either way, this text's clear writing, interesting examples, learning aids, and illustrations will keep you interested and on track. DISCOVERING BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 4th Edition includes classic concepts, current topics, and cutting-edge research to provide you with a foundational understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system and its relationship to both typical and disordered human behavior. You'll learn about the most current thinking in behavioral neuroscience while honing your critical thinking skills to prepare yourself for the future.


1. What Is Behavioral Neuroscience?
2. Functional Neuroanatomy and the Evolution of the Nervous System.
3. Neurophysiology: The Structure and Functions of the Cells of the Nervous System.
4. Psychopharmacology.
5. Genetics and the Development of the Human Brain.
6. Vision.
7. Nonvisual Sensation and Perception.
8. Movement.
9. Homeostasis, Motivation, and Reward.
10. Sexual Behavior.
11. Sleep and Waking.
12. Learning and Memory.
13. Cognition.
14. Emotion, Aggression, and Stress.
15. Neuropsychology.
16. Psychopathology.

  • Laura Freberg

    Laura A. Freberg is professor of psychology at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where she teaches Introductory Psychology and Biological Psychology courses, both online and face-to-face. She also enjoys experimenting with technology and social media in the classroom. Dr. Freberg's teaching career began when she taught her first college course at Pasadena City College at the age of 23. She has received Faculty Member of the Year recognition from Cal Poly Disabilities Resource Center three times (1991, 1994 and 2009) for her work with students with disabilities. A past president of the Western Psychological Association (WPA), Dr. Freberg is the current psychology consultant for The New York Times InEducation program. She has authored four editions of DISCOVERING BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (Cengage), and with John Cacioppo, she co-authored three editions of DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF MIND (Cengage). In addition, she is lead author of RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE (TopHat Monocle). She received her Ph.D. from UCLA.

  • Chapter 12, "Learning and Memory," is completely reorganized to reflect the continuum of these topics. Changes include expanded discussions of working memory, memory consolidation, and memory reconsolidation, and updated material on conditioned fear and the effects of stress on memory.

  • Chapter 14, "Emotion, Aggression, and Stress, is reorganized to include new sections on emotion regulation and social cognition.

  • Material on the topic of reward -- previously covered with emotion, aggression, and stress in Chapter 14 -- now appears in Chapter 9 with homeostasis and motivation to better reflect its role in motivated behavior.

  • Accessible Writing Style: Students and instructors from community colleges through the top R1 universities like the accessible writing style used in this textbook. The text is also widely adopted in non-English-speaking countries, which suggests that the writing style is manageable for students who don't speak English as a first language.

  • Clear, Large, Carefully Labeled Illustrations: Medical-quality anatomical illustrations help students visualize the structures and processes discussed in the text. The illustrations are augmented by online animations (available in MindTap) that help students grasp processes over time, such as the propagation of action potentials down the length of an axon.

  • Learning Objectives and Chapter Outlines: Each chapter begins with learning objectives designed to tap into higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy, as well as an outline of the chapter's content. These features prepare students to read more productively by familiarizing them with main terms and concepts to be covered.

  • Margin Glossary: The author regularly provides margin definitions for many difficult terms -- many more than some other texts that include margin definitions for key terms only.

  • Key Terms: A list of key terms at the end of each chapter, with page references, helps students focus their learning. Given that behavioral neuroscience can often seem more like a foreign language course than a science course, students benefit from guidance regarding which terms to prioritize.

  • Interim Summaries: Each chapter features two to three interim summaries that allow students to catch their breath and check their mastery of the material before proceeding. These summaries present important points keyed to the chapter learning objectives and review questions. The majority also include a table that pulls together key concepts from the previous section.

  • Boxed Features: Each chapter includes four types of boxed features designed to promote critical thinking and engage students: Thinking Ethically, Connecting to Research, Behavioral Neuroscience Goes to Work, and Building Better Health.

  • Chapter Integration: To emphasize how the material fits together and to promote elaborative rehearsal, the author references other chapters relevant to the topic at hand. In MindTap, these references take the form of hyperlinks, allowing readers to easily refer to other parts of the book and review if necessary before proceeding to new material.

  • Chapter Review: End-of-chapter thought questions can also serve as essay or discussion prompts. The Chapter Reviews also include the lists of key terms, with page references.

  • Review Quizzes: MindTap, the online learning experience available with the text, includes review quizzes for each main heading and a comprehensive quiz at the end of each chapter.

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MindTap: Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience 12 Months

Cengage eBook: Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience 12 Months