Go! Chinese Workbook Level 200 (Simplified Character Edition),
1st Edition

Julie Lo, Emily Yih

ISBN-13: 9789814246453
Copyright 2009 | Published
80 pages | List Price: USD $19.95

The Go! Chinese Workbook supplements the Textbook; it provides exercises that are closely linked to the content of each lesson to allow students to review and solidify their understanding of the lessons learnt in the classroom. Besides traditional exercises on phonetic (pinyin), Chinese radicals, vocabulary and grammar that help students build a strong foundation in the language, the Workbook also offers students with interesting and challenging opportunities to learn Chinese language through problem-solving tasks such as cross-word puzzles, composing short conversations, and answering questions involving the interpretation of graphs or pictures. The Workbook also provides Chinese character writing worksheets and two sets of review questions.


Lesson 1 Going to School 我去上学
Lesson 2 What do I Have? 我有什么?
Lesson 3 What Does Everything Look Like? 什么样儿?
Lesson 4 Look More and Listen More? 多看多听
Lesson 5 What Do I Eat? 我吃什么?
Review 1

Lesson 6 Walking and Driving 走路开车
Lesson 7 Playing Games 我玩游戏
Lesson 8 The Four Seasons 春夏秋冬
Lesson 9 My Mother 我的妈妈
Lesson 10 My Father 我的爸爸
Review 2

  • Julie Lo

    Julie Lo has forty years of experience teaching Chinese to primary and high school students. She has also taught in the National Taipei University of Education and served as a local education counselor. She retired as Assistant Professor from the National Taipei University of Education in 2003. After her retirement, Julie continued to pursue her passion for Chinese and teaching by volunteering with the Jian Hua High School in Chiangmai.

  • Emily Yih

    Emily Yih is an experienced Chinese language teacher, having sp ent more than 20 years teaching the language to foreign student s. She has also worked as Curriculum Advisor for the Toronto Board of Education (Canada). She was member director of Ontario Chinese Education Association (Canada), and web educator for Global Chinese Language and Culture Center of OCAC (Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, Taiwan).

  • Develops students four language skills with emphasis on listening and speaking skills

  • Incorporates topics relevant to students' everyday lives such as family, school, hobbies, shopping and food

  • Integrates a variety of communicative activities such as role-play, interview, and language exchange to allow students to practice using the language in meaningful contexts

  • Introduces approximately 500 Chinese characters and 1,000 common phrases

  • Develops students four language skills with emphasis on listening and speaking skills

  • Incorporates topics relevant to students' everyday lives such as family, school, hobbies, shopping and food

  • Integrates a variety of communicative activities such as role-play, interview, and language exchange to allow students to practice using the language in meaningful contexts

  • Introduces approximately 500 Chinese characters and 1,000 common phrases

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.