iChinese 《爱汉语》 is developed by a team of three Chinese language teachers with extensive firsthand experience in preparing their students for the IGCSE Mandarin: Foreign Language and IB Mandarin: Ab Initio examinations. The 2-level course book provides teachers with a comprehensive set of ready-to-use materials, including vocabulary lists, model student essays and notes on marking schemes. Themes and vocabulary adhere to the IGCSE and IB Ab Initio syllabi. Exercises are presented in actual examination formats and full mock examination papers are provided. Audio clips (in MP3 format) for listening comprehension practice available online at www.cengagechinese.com/ichinese. iChinese Book 1 is also available as an e-book (ISBN 978-981-4839-10-5). To order: • email asia.info@cengage.com (for customers in Asia) • visit https://www.vitalsource.com/products/ichinese-book-1-chen-draper-victor-siye-v9789814839105?term=ichinese+book+1 (for customers outside Asia)
Unit 1 Family
Lesson 1 我 About Me
Lesson 2 我的家人 My Family
Lesson 3 我的宠物 My Pet
Lesson 4 我的家 My Home
Unit 2 School
Lesson 1 我的学校 My School
Lesson 2 科目 Subjects
Lesson 3 课外活动 Extra-Curricular Activities
Lesson 4 学校生活 Life in School
Unit 3 Everyday Life
Lesson 1 我的一天 My Daily Routine
Lesson 2 交通工具 Modes of Transport
Lesson 3 我的邻居 My Neighbours
Lesson 4 我家周围的环境 My Neighbourhood
Unit 4 Personalities
Lesson 1 性格与长相 Personalities and Physcial Appearances
Lesson 2 人际关系 Interpersonal Relationships
Lesson 3 爱好 Hobbies
Unit 5 Food
Lesson 1 食物和饮料 Food and Beverage
Lesson 2 外出就餐 Dining Out
Lesson 3 饮食文化 Food and Culture
Chen Draper
Chen Draper (李琛) has been actively involved in the world of International Baccalaureate for over a decade, both as a teacher and examiner. She has extensive experience in the fields relating to the IB Chinese B course. She is also an experienced teacher training workshop leader. Currently she is the Head of HS Chinese at the United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA), Singapore. Prior to this, she was in charge of Chinese in the Sevenoaks School, UK. In both schools, students under her charge achieved outstanding results in IB Chinese examinations.
Victor Bao
Victor Bao (鲍思冶) is an experienced Chinese language teacher who has taught in New Zealand, China, Hong Kong and Vietnam. He is now teaching Chinese at Dulwich College, Singapore. Besides teaching, Victor is also passionate about teacher training and has conducted several workshops at ACAMIS conferences and at various international schools. He was a member of the team that developed the new IGCSE 0523 examination.
Angela Xinghua Wu
Ms Angela Wu is an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher with more than 16 years’ experience in teaching Chinese language and literature. She is currently Head of Mother Tongue Languages in the School of the Arts (SOTA). Prior to this, Angela was Head of Chinese at Nexus International School, Singapore. Before she came to Singapore, Angela was an examiner and moderator with the Ministry of Education, China (Fujian). In addition to language teaching and serving as an IB examiner, Angela is also an active workshop leader for teacher training at international schools in Asia. As a Google educator, she is proficient in Google Apps, Teamie, Schoology, etc. for flipped classroom, project-based learning and task-based learning in her Chinese language classroom. Angela holds a master’s degree in Language & Literature from Fujian Normal University. She is currently doing a PhD in Modern Chinese Language and Literature with Nanjing University.
IGCSE & IB: designed specifically for IGCSE Mandarin: Foreign Language, and IB Mandarin: ab initio
Themes & vocabulary: full coverage of IGCSE and IB syllabi
Exam prep: exercises in actual exam formats and full mock exam papers provided
Scaffolding: texts and exercises in different levels to cater to different needs
Four skills: balanced focus on reading, writing, listening and speaking
Assessment: guidance on assessment schemes with student sample essays
Culture: cultural comparison and reflection to facilitate intercultural appreciation
Audio clips (in MP3 format) for listening comprehension practice available online at www.cengagechinese.com/ichinese
Cengage eBook: iChinese Book 1 12 Months