Technologies Education for the Primary Years,
1st Edition

Peter Albion, Coral Campbell, Wendy Jobling

ISBN-13: 9780170367684
Copyright 2018 | Published
320 pages | List Price: USD $68.00

Create. Innovate. Shape. Transform. Improve. Solve. Restore. Sustain. All of these things are possible with the aid of the powerful processes, knowledge and skills that students discover in this exciting new text about the technologies education area. Technologies Education for the Primary Years explains what ‘technology’ really is, its role in human society and how it responds to different circumstances across history and geography. Students come to know that technology is both a distinct education area and a process that is embedded in many activities in other learning areas, rather than a product. Chapters discuss how this subject relates to other fields such as science and engineering, and the critical role that technologies education plays in preparing future generations of active, informed citizens. They also introduce key concepts and elements in teaching technologies to primary students, including: creativity and the design process; computational thinking; suitable pedagogical approaches; summative and formative assessment; safety; and how to carefully select and adapt appropriate resources to support effective learning. The final part of the book provides a concise introduction to the two distinct technologies subjects in the Australian Curriculum: Design and technologies, and Digital technologies. A wealth of practical ideas and authentic classroom examples drawn from the extensive teaching experiences of the authors illustrate how teachers can implement these subjects in the classroom. * Provides teachers with the knowledge and understanding of technology and the curriculum that enables them to plan and implement technologies education in their classrooms * Gives clear indications of how to approach technologies in the classroom, through recognising the role of creativity and design thinking in technological innovation * Encourages students to adopt active learning approaches that embody the project management concepts from the curriculum


Part A: The context of technologies education
1. What is technology?
2. Perspectives on technology
3. The changing face of technologies education
4. Technologies education curriculum
Part B: Key concepts and elements in teaching technologies
5. Creativity, innovation and the design process
6. Pedagogies and planning for technologies education
7. Assessment for technologies education
8. Resources for technologies education
Part C: Content area knowledge
9. Teaching design and technologies
10. Understanding and teaching digital technologies

  • Peter Albion

    Peter Albion is Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology in the School of Teacher Education and Early Childhood at the University of Southern Queensland. He was Editor in Chief of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education from 2012 to 2015 and was a Section Editor for Professional Learning and Development of Teachers in the Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. His research interests have included professional development of teachers for ICT integration, and the design and delivery of flexible, mobile and online education.

  • Coral Campbell

    Coral Campbell is a Professor with the School of Education, Deakin University. Coral’s research interests are in design technology, early childhood and primary science, and environmental education. She is on the review panels for several international journals and is on the Board of Directors of the Australasian Science Education Research Association. Coral works closely with local school communities to promote experiential learning for her education students and has gained several teaching awards.

  • Wendy Jobling

    Wendy Jobling is a Lecturer in Technologies Education and Science Education at Deakin University. Before joining Deakin, Wendy taught in primary schools for a number of years and delivered several technology professional learning programs to primary teachers. Her doctorate focused on factors affecting the implementation of primary science and technology in primary schools. She has drawn on these experiences in developing this text, particularly the repertoire of classroom examples from her teaching in primary schools.

  • Provides readers with a sound understanding of the theory and practice of technologies education for primary students

  • Covers the essential content that teachers will need to understand and implement the Australian Curriculum: Technologies

  • ‘In the classroom’ examples show how the Technologies learning area is implemented in classrooms, providing ideas students can adopt or adapt for their own teaching

  • Activities within each chapter challenge students to check their understanding of important ideas and how they apply to their own experience

  • ‘Prompts for further investigation’ at the end of chapters encourage students to revise, reflect and extend their learning

  • Key terms are highlighted in bold and are defined in the glossary at the back of the book, helping students to acquire the essential vocabulary of the Technologies learning area

  • A selection of web links points learners towards reputable websites for resources and further reading

  • CourseMate Express website contains a range of resources and study tools for your students, including revision quizzes, online video activities, online research activities, chapter glossary to help them revise terminology, and more

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