Site Establishment Formwork & Framing is designed to complement your onsite learning experiences. It covers what to do with a vacant site, setting out a building on that site, and completion of the framed building with walls, roof and eaves in place. Each chapter deals with the main events involved in the process of taking that vacant site through to the completed building. The text heavily references Australian building standards, codes and guides. The updated coverage of sustainability, materials, tools and industry benchmarks, coupled with revised end-of-section worksheets and online study tools, makes this edition the most up-to-date and comprehensive resource in the market. The bestselling Building Skills series addresses the key competencies of the Certificate III in Carpentry. Units of competencies covered: CPCCOM3006 CPCCCA3002 CPCCCM2002 CPCCCA3028 CPCCSF2004 CPCCCO2013 CPCCCA3003 CPCCCA3004 CPCCCA3005 CPCCCA3007 CPCCCA3006 CPCCCA3008 CPCCCA3014 CPCCCA3001
Part 1 Setting out
1 Carry out levelling procedures and operations
2 Carry out setting out
Part 2 Footings
3 Carry out excavation
4 Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs-on-ground
5 Place and fix reinforcement materials
6 Carry out concreting to simple forms
Part 3 Framing
7 Install flooring systems
8 Construct wall frames
9 Construct ceiling frames
10 Construct pitched roofs
11 Erect roof trusses
12 Construct eaves
13 Construct bulkheads
Part 4 Demolition
14 Carry out general demolition of minor building structures
Adrian Laws
Adrian Laws teaches the Certificate III in Carpentry course at the Wagga Wagga campus of TAFE NSW. He also is continuing to work in the industry erecting new housing and constructing renovations. At TAFE NSW he has coordinated the online delivery of post-trade training to distance education students and has used a range of technologies to meet the diverse learning needs of his students.
Content updated based on latest Training Package from Artibus with enhanced coverage of sustainability, materials, tools and industry benchmarks in relevant chapters
New pedagogical features include 'Get it Right' photo case studies and 'How To' step-by-step instructions at the end of every chapter
Standards and Codes cited in the chapter are referenced as a list at the end of every chapter
Chapters have been reorganised into clusters to assist logical learning path
'Sustainability' icon highlights content on sustainability or waste management in all chapters
MindTap containing NEW instructional videos
Includes updated student activities under 'Learning Tasks' that encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills. Also includes updated competency-mapped worksheets at the end of every chapter for students to assess their understanding of concepts
Includes visually engaging coloured illustrations and photos of all modern tools and equipment. Every chapter includes visual representation of concepts with photo case studies ('Get it Right'), and step-by-step process illustrations ('How To')
The text includes visually engaging coloured illustrations and photos of all modern tools and equipment. Every chapter includes visual representation of concepts with photo case studies ('Get it Right'), and step-by-step process illustrations ('How To').
The text is organised into sections to distinguish core units from electives and the elective units are grouped by field of work for a logical learning path
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Site Establishment, Formwork and Framing Test Bank
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