This text addresses the requirements for the Certificate III in Plumbing qualification. It includes study and revision tools such as worksheets, learning tasks and photo case studies that help you learn more effectively. 'Employability' boxes outline the responsibilities of employees, including skills you need to acquire and real-life challenges you may face at work. A variety of example boxes show examples of how to perform practical tasks or complete mathematical calculations. The Cengage Plumbing Skills series provides the knowledge, skills and awareness you need to be successful in the plumbing industry. The series is structured to build step-by-step knowledge, working from general/foundation subjects towards more specific and technical detail. Gas Services, 3e covers the following units of competency: Core Units: CPCPGS3056 Size and install consumer gas piping systems CPCPGS3048 Install gas pressure control equipment CPCPGS3051 Purge consumer piping CPCPGS3054 Calculate and install natural ventilation for Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3061 Install and commission Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3049 Install gas appliance flues CPCPGS3053 Disconnect and reconnect Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3059 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity up to 500 litres Elective Units: CPCPGS3046 Install LPG systems in caravans, mobile homes and mobile workplaces CPCPGS3047 Install LPG systems in marine craft CPCPGS3055 Install gas sub-meters CPCPGS3060 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity exceeding 500 litres and less than 8 kl CPCPGS3052 Maintain Type A gas appliances Additional gas fundamental units: 1. Fuel gases 2. Units of measurement and gas industry terms 3. Gas distribution systems 4. Gas constituents and characteristics 5. Gas industry workplace safety 6. Combustion principles 7. LPG basics
Part A: Gas fundamentals
1 Fuel gases
2 Units of measurement and gas industry terms
3 Gas distribution systems
4 Gas constituents and characteristics
5 Gas industry workplace safety
6 Combustion principles
7 LPG basics
Part B: Units of competency
8 Size consumer gas piping systems
9 Install gas piping systems
10 Install gas pressure control equipment
11 Purge consumer piping
12 Calculate and install natural ventilation for Type A gas appliances
13 Install and commission Type A gas appliances
14 Install Type A gas appliance flues
15 Connect and disconnect Type A gas appliances
16 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity up to 500 litres
17 Install LPG systems in caravans, mobile homes and mobile workplaces
18 Install LPG systems in marine craft
19 Install gas sub-meters
20 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity exceeding 500 litres and less than 8 kL
21 Maintain Type A gas appliances
22 Install Type B gas appliance flues
Appendix: Advanced skills - flue sizing
Owen Smith
Owen Smith has been a plumbing and gas-fitting teacher, and manager in the TAFE sector since 2001. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Adult and Vocational Education, and was a foundation member of the National Plumbing and Services Training Advisory Group (NPSTAG).
New 'Get it right' feature at the end of each chapter helps reinforce the practical component of the training
Students engage actively with the learning by completing the activities in the new 'Learning task' boxes at the end of every topic
New MindTap for the Cengage Plumbing series, with instructional videos to enhance understanding of challenging concepts
Table of Contents restructured to match the UoC-by-chapter style
Teaching online, blended or HyFlex courses? New MindTap for the Cengage Plumbing series includes instructional videos to enhance understanding of challenging concepts
Addresses core and elective units of competency from the latest CPC Training Package 'From experience’ boxes outline responsibilities of employees - including the skills they need to acquire and the real-life challenges they may face at work - to enhance their employability skills on the job site 'Green tip’ boxes highlight the applications of sustainable technology, materials, or products in the industry 'Green tip’ boxes highlight the applications of sustainable technology, materials, or products in the industry ‘WH&S ’ boxes highlight important advice on safe work practices for plumbers by identifying safety issues and providing urgent safety reminders Includes additional gas fundamental units: 1. Fuel gases; 2. Units of measurement and gas industry terms; 3. Gas distribution systems; 4. Gas constituents and characteristics; 5. Gas industry workplace safety; 6. Combustion principles; 7. LPG basics MindTap - Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform - the personalised eLearning solution.
MindTap is a flexible and easy-to-use platform that helps build student confidence and gives you a clear picture of their progress. We partner with you to ease the transition to digital – we’re with you every step of the way.
MindTap for the Plumbing Series is full of innovative resources to support critical thinking, and help your students move from memorisation to mastery! Includes: - Basic Plumbing Skills, 4e eBook - Water Supply, 4e eBook - Sanitary and Drainage, 3e eBook - Roof Plumbing, 3e eBook - Gas Services, 3e eBook - Additional revision quizzes and online research activities in each of the chapters - Instructional videos
MindTap is a premium purchasable eLearning tool. Contact your Cengage learning consultant to find out how MindTap can transform your course. Instructor Resources Pack - Premium resources that provide additional instructor support are available for this text, including PowerPoints, Test Banks and artwork. These resources save you time and are a convenient way to add more depth to your classes, covering additional content and with an exclusive selection of engaging features aligned with the text. The Instructor Resource Pack is included for institutional adoptions of this text when certain conditions are met. The pack is available to purchase for course-level adoptions of the text or as a standalone resource. Contact your Cengage learning consultant for more information.
Basic Plumbing Services Skills :Gas Services Instructor Solutions Manual
Basic Plumbing Services Skills :Gas Services Intermediate Mapping Grid
Basic Plumbing Services Skills :Gas Services PowerPoint Slides
Basic Plumbing Services Skills :Gas Services Test Bank
Instructor Resources Pack for Smith: Gas Services 3e
Instructor Website for Smith's Gas Services
Smith, Gas Services Complimentary Resource Pack