Business Statistics Abridged: Australia and New Zealand,
8th Edition

Eliyathamby A Selvanathan, Saroja Selvanathan, Gerald Keller

ISBN-13: 9780170439541
Copyright 2021 | Published
904 pages | List Price: USD $97.00

Business Statistics teaches you skills that you can use throughout your career. It illustrates how vital statistical methods and tools are for today's managers and analysts, and how to apply them to business problems using real-world data. Statistical data analysis is the backbone of sound business decision making, and finding the right tool to analyse a particular business problem is the key. The book shows you how to analyse data by focusing on the kind of problem you face, the type of data involved and the appropriate technique for solving the problem. It also includes data-driven examples, exercises and cases that cover how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, economists and others use statistics.


1. What is statistics?
Appendix 1.A: Introduction to Microsoft Excel
2. Type of data, data collection and sampling

Part 1: Descriptive measures and probability
3. Graphical descriptive methods – nominal data
4. Graphical descriptive methods – numerical data
5. Numerical descriptive measures
Appendix 5.A: Summation notation
6. Probability
7. Random variables and discrete probability distributions
8. Continuous probability distributions

Part 2: Statistical Inference
9. Statistical inference and sampling distributions
10. Estimation: describing a single population
11. Estimation: comparing two populations
12. Hypothesis testing: single population
Appendix 12.A: Excel instructions
13. Hypothesis testing: comparing two populations
Appendix 13.A Excel instructions
14. Chi-squared tests for nominal data
15. Simple linear regression and correlation
16. Multiple regression

Part 3: Applications
17. Time series analysis and forecasting
18. Index numbers

Appendix A: Summary of solutions for selected exercises
Appendix B: Tables

  • Eliyathamby A Selvanathan

    Selva Selvanathan is Professor in Econometrics and Applied Statistics in the Griffith Business School and Director of BIntBus Program at Griffith University. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Madras School of Economics, Anna University, Chennai, India. Selva has also taught previously at the University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), Murdoch University (Australia) and The University of Western Australia (Australia) and University of Queensland (Australia). He has held positions such as the Deputy Dean (Staffing), Faculty of International Business, and Deputy Director of the Statistics and Research Design (STARDS) Unit at Griffith University. Selva was educated at the University of Jaffna, University of Bucharest (Romania), The University of Western Australia and Murdoch University (Australia). He is the recipient of several individual and group Excellence in Teaching Awards and has received numerous of competitive teaching and research grants. Selva has published six research monographs and has published widely in international refereed journals such as Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Review of Economics Studies and Marketing Science, and several book chapters.

  • Saroja Selvanathan

    Saroja is Professor in Econometrics in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Griffith University, a Visiting Professor at the Madras School of Economics, Anna University, Chennai, India, and Research Higher Degrees Convenor, Economics and Business Statistics, at Griffith University. She has also held positions such as Deputy Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Commerce and Administration, the Director of the Statistics and Research Design (STARDS) Unit and the Head of the Economics and Business Statistics Discipline at Griffith University. She has also taught previously at the University of Jaffna (Sri Lanka), Murdoch University (Australia) and The University of Western Australia. Saroja was educated at the University of Jaffna, Murdoch University and The University of Western Australia, and has published several research monographs and research papers in international refereed journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, Transportation Research and Economics Letters, and book chapters. Saroja was the recipient of a 2005 Excellence in Teaching Award for innovation across the institution for teaching statistics to postgraduate students.

  • Gerald Keller

    Gerald Keller is emeritus professor of business at Wilfrid Laurier University, where he taught statistics, management science and operations management from 1974 to 2011.

  • NEW COVERAGE EMPHASIZES XLSTAT OUTPUT AND INSTRUCTIONS. With this valuable instruction your students learn how to use XLSTAT, a commercially available Excel add-in which is useful not only in this course but also as a career skill after graduation. XLSTAT access is included with the purchase of MindTap

  • UPDATED FIGURES AND DATA TABLES REFLECT THE LATEST DATA AND INFORMATION. Working with timely issues not only prepares students for on-the-job experiences, but also keeps their interest throughout your course

  • THIS EDITION CONTAINS MORE THAN 1,500 EXERCISES. Students gain the hands-on practice and important emphasis on application of the skills they’re learning with the book’s more than 1,500 exercises EMPHASIS ON IDENTIFICATION AND INTERPRETATION PROVIDES STUDENTS WITH PRACTICAL SKILLS. With this book’s emphasis on applications rather than calculations, students master and practice skills they can apply to real-world problems, whether you choose to use manual or computer calculations REVIEW CHAPTER APPENDIXES OFFER HELPFUL FLOWCHARTS AND PRACTICE. Your students will find more than 240 exercises in these appendixes that allow them to develop their technique-identification skills and prepare for quizzes and exams APPENDIX A PROVIDES SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR COMPLETING MANUAL CALCULATIONS. This optional coverage allows the instructor flexibility in deciding when and how to use the computer as a tool in their course MindTap - Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform - the personalised eLearning solution.

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  • MindTap for Selvanathan's Business Statistics is full of innovative resources to support critical thinking, and help your students move from memorisation to mastery! Includes: - Selvanathan's Business Statistics eBook - XLSTAT Excel plug-in access - Seeing Statistics animations - Revision quizzes - Aplia problem sets - Formula cards - Excel workbooks - Data sets MindTap is a premium purchasable eLearning tool. Contact your Cengage learning consultant to find out how MindTap can transform your course. Instructor Website - Your #1 resource for your course. This tailored collection of teaching tools includes downloadable PowerPoint lecture slides, Instructor's Manual, and Test Bank with customisable questions for quizzes and assessments. New to this edition are updated video cases and a comprehensive Educator Guide for MindTap. Log in or request an account to access instructor resources at for Australia or for New Zealand. Cognero Test Bank - A bank of questions has been developed in conjunction with the text for creating quizzes, tests and exams for your students. Create multiple test versions in an instant and deliver tests from your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you want using Cognero. Cognero test generator is a flexible online system that allows you to import, edit, and manipulate content from the text's test bank or elsewhere, including your own favourite test questions.

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Business Statistics Abridged: Australia and New Zealand Instructor Companion Website

Business Statistics Abridged: Australia and New Zealand Instructor Solutions Manual

Business Statistics Abridged: Australia and New Zealand PowerPoint Slides

Business Statistics Abridged: Australia and New Zealand Test Bank

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