Completely up to date and featuring a friendly style, THE SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH, ILLNESS, AND HEALTH CARE: A CRITICAL APPROACH, 8th Edition delivers a comprehensive, cutting-edge overview that will challenge you to think creatively and analytically about health and health care. You'll gain an understanding of how social forces affect who gets ill, how we think about illness, how we get our health care, and what it is like to work in the health care field. You will also have the chance to explore the ethical dilemmas that underlie modern health care as well as the politics behind those dilemmas. Although the text focuses on health within the United States, it also examines how health, illness, and health care differ around the world.
1. The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care.
2. The Social Sources of Modern Illness.
3. The Social Distribution of Illness in the United States.
4. Illness and Death in Less Developed Nations.
5. The Social Meanings of Illness.
6. The Experience of Disability, Chronic Pain, and Chronic Illness.
7. The Sociology of Mental Illness.
8. Health Care in the United States.
9. Health Care around the Globe.
10. Health Care Settings and Technologies.
11. The Profession of Medicine.
12. Other Mainstream and Alternative Health Care Providers.
13. Issues in Bioethics.
Subject Index.
Rose Weitz
Rose Weitz received her doctoral degree from Yale University in 1978. Since then, she has carved an exceptional record as both a scholar and a teacher. She is the author of numerous scholarly articles, the book LIFE WITH AIDS (Rutgers, 1991), and the book RAPUNZEL'S DAUGHTERS: WHAT WOMEN'S HAIR TELLS US ABOUT WOMEN'S LIVES (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004). She is also co-author of LABOR PAINS: MODERN MIDWIVES AND HOME BIRTH (Yale University Press, 1988) and co-editor of THE POLITICS OF WOMEN'S BODIES: APPEARANCE, SEXUALITY, AND BEHAVIOR (published by Oxford University Press and now in its fourth edition). Professor Weitz has won two major teaching awards at Arizona State University, as well as the Pacific Sociological Associations' Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award, and has been a finalist for other teaching awards numerous times.
Each chapter opens with a list of learning objectives matched to the chapter's main sections. The objectives help students to focus their studying, and can help both students and faculty to assess students' understanding.
Thoroughly revised with discussions of current events, emerging trends, and cutting-edge topics in health and health care, the seventh edition is the most up-to-date book on the market in terms of content, reference material, and statistical data. It includes new coverage of such contemporary topics as the use of "Big Data" in health care and research, the underlying causes of Ebola Virus Disease, the rise in mobile digital health devices, and many others.
Visually appealing maps, tables, and figures, based on new or updated data whenever available, help students grasp concepts more readily.
The book is written in an engaging, highly readable style that focuses on stimulating students to think critically -- through debates discussed within chapters and various chapter features. These in-text features also serve as resources that teachers can use in building their class sessions.
Features that promote reflection and analytical thinking include "Contemporary Issues" boxes, which provide insightful coverage of current issues and events from a sociological perspective; "Ethical Debates" throughout the text and a final chapter on bioethics that highlight ethical dilemmas in health care and research, and challenge students to sharpen their critical thinking skills; "Implications Essays" at the end of most chapters that prompt students to think about new issues; and critical thinking questions.
Race, class, gender, and disability issues are highlighted throughout the text.
Chapter-opening vignettes offer gripping stories that pull students into the topic and chapter, followed by brief "roadmaps" that help students conceptualize what they will be studying.
Pedagogical aids include "Key Concepts" in boxed features, tables, and figures to ensure that students visually engage with the text; key terms and definitions printed in bold the first time they appear; detailed, bulleted summaries at the end of each chapter to cement understanding of key topics; and chapter review questions that allow students to assess and strengthen their knowledge of main points.
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