Preparing you for real-world practice, Haroun/Mitchell's INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE, Fifth Edition, provides an easy-to-read introduction to the foundational skills necessary for a range of health care professions. Emphasizing core health care competencies -- communication, infection control and professionalism -- the text delivers thorough coverage of both the soft skills and basic clinical skills needed by those entering health care training programs or considering a career in health care. Its unique five-step problem-solving model helps you "think like a health care professional" and sharpen your critical thinking skills, while numerous hands-on activities enable you to put chapter concept into practice. Completely up to date, it reflects the latest research and includes expansive coverage of such emerging issues as the opioid crisis, precision/personalized medicine, suicide prevention, health disparities, patient rights and much more. Also available: MindTap digital learning solution.
1. Your Career in Health Care.
2. Health Care Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
3. Ethical and Legal Responsibilities.
4. Medical Terminology.
5. Medical Math.
6. Organization of the Human Body.
7. Structure and Function of the Human Body.
8. Growth and Development.
9. Body Mechanics.
10. Infection Control.
11. Environmental Safety.
12. Lifestyle Management.
13. Professionalism.
14. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning.
15. The Patient as an Individual.
16. The Communication Process.
17. Written Communication.
18. Computers and Technology in Health Care.
19. Documentation and Medical Records.
20. Physical Assessment.
21. Emergency Procedures.
22. Paying for Health Care.
23. Quality Control and Customer Service.
24. Job Leads and the Résumé.
25. Interview, Portfolio, and Application.
26. Successful Employment Strategies.
Appendix 1: Health Care Professional Organizations.
Appendix 2: Useful Spanish Expressions for Health Care Professionals.
Lee Haroun
Lee Haroun, M.A., MBA, Ed.D., has over 45 years of experience in education as a teacher, administrator and writer. She has worked with hundreds of health care students and has a special interest in helping them become successful professionals. Dr. Haroun has coordinated curriculum development for a variety of programs, including occupational therapy assistant, patient care technician, health information technician and insurance coder. She also has focused on empowering health care instructors to succeed, and her doctoral dissertation explored the transition of health care professionals from the field to the classroom. Dr. Haroun is the author of CAREER DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (Elsevier Science), a co-author of OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FIELDWORK SURVIVAL GUIDE with Bonnie Napier-Tibere (F.A. Davis) and TEACHING IDEAS AND CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES FOR HEALTH CARE with Susan Royce (Cengage), as well as a technical writer for ESSENTIALS OF HEALTH & WELLNESS by James Robinson and Deborah McCormick (Cengage). In addition, she developed video content and scripts for Delmar's CAREER SUCCESS FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS DVD Series, content for health care career exploration software published by Cengage and numerous instructional materials for a variety of publishers.
Dakota Mitchell
Dakota Mitchell, R.N., earned her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of California, San Francisco, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Santa Clara. The combination of these advanced degrees provides a valuable perspective for understanding and functioning within today's rapidly evolving world of health care. Her 35-plus years of experience in health care includes education, management and curriculum consultation. In addition to devoting many years to classroom and clinical teaching, she has developed and implemented innovative health care programs at both the vocational and associate degree levels. She also has written and/or served as a content expert on numerous health care instructional projects for Cengage.
New, up-to-date web activities enable students to dig deeper and expand their understanding of chapter concepts. Instead of leaving students on their own to hunt for trustworthy online resources, each chapter includes addresses for credible websites (such as MedlinePlus, Mayo Clinic, American Cancer Society and Harvard) along with questions and activities instructors can use for assignments -- giving readers more opportunities to put what they learn into real-world practice.
A much more comprehensive list of Learning Objectives has been added to each chapter to help instructors and students assess readers' understanding of the material. Each Learning Objective is correlated to an end-of-chapter Review Question, helping readers zero in on the most important topics.
All material -- including the reading content, art program and online courseware material -- has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect modern health care practices and the most current research findings available.
The material and sections in some of the chapters have been reorganized to flow in a more logical manner -- making the text more student friendly than ever.
Timely, relevant and completely up to date, the Fifth Edition includes expanded coverage of topics of current interest, including the opioid crisis, precision/personalized medicine, suicide prevention, health disparities (such as how racism affects access to health care), patient rights and much more.
Updated career information, Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook web addresses for each career, basic formula method for calculating drug dosages, statistics in health care, sample contents of an incident report, tips for avoiding internet job-search scams and new study tips. Offers expanded coverage of patient rights, exertion injuries among health care professionals, influenza, empathy, professionalism on social media, professional development, career ladders, implicit bias, communication through the life span, HIPAA and medical records, Medicaid and Veterans Health Administration.
Equipping readers for success in school and in their careers, the text's comprehensive coverage includes information and resources that benefit individuals both in the classroom and on the job, including tips and tools for test prep, the challenges of dealing with adult responsibilities while in school and effective lifestyle management (staying healthy, managing time and handling stress).
Drawing on decades of professional experience in clinical and classroom settings, the authors provide valuable insights on vital topics often excluded from introductory books, such as lifestyle management, lifelong learning, documentation, cost control, performance improvement, customer service and much more.
Maximizing student success, each chapter presents charts and boxed features that summarize or expand on the core material, enabling readers to quickly locate needed information, identify key concepts and review for assignments or exams.
"Thinking It Through" features sharpen critical-thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging readers to apply chapter concepts to real-world workplace scenarios.
End-of-chapter "Suggested Learning Activities" give readers additional hands-on practice using chapter concepts to solve problems and issues they may face on the job.
Each chapter opens with an engaging “The Case Of” feature presenting a relevant example from real-world practice, while chapters end with application exercises that refer back to the opening examples to reinforce learning.
Drawing on decades of professional experience in clinical and classroom settings, the authors provide valuable insights on vital topics often excluded from introductory books, including lifestyle management, lifelong learning, documentation, cost control, performance improvement, and customer service.
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Instructor's Companion Website for Haroun/Mitchell's Introduction to Health Care
Cengage eBook: Introduction to Health Care 12 Months