Kendall's SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES: THE ESSENTIALS, 12th edition, introduces you to the study of sociology through captivating, real-life stories as well as timely topics such as the relationship between suicide, bullying and social media. The author humanizes sociology, showing you how it is at work in society and can be applied to everyday life and the pressing social issues we face. You'll learn how you can make a difference in your community -- and the world. You'll also examine issues making headlines, such as the war on gun control and policies to help prevent military suicides. Photos and videos complement the text's main themes of diversity, the application of sociology to everyday life, global comparisons, media and social change, particularly as it relates to social media and other forms of technology spurring new ways of interacting. Also available: MindTap.
1. The Sociological Perspective and Research Process.
2. Culture.
3. Socialization.
4. Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life.
5. Groups and Organizations.
6. Deviance and Crime.
7. Class and Stratification in the United States.
8. Global Stratification.
9. Race and Ethnicity.
10. Sex, Gender, and Sexuality.
11. Families and Intimate Relationships.
12. Education and Religion.
13. Politics and the Economy in Global Perspective.
14. Health, Health Care, and Disability.
15. Population and Urbanization.
16. Collective Behavior, Social Movements, and Social Change.
Diana Kendall
Diana Kendall is Professor of Sociology at Baylor University, where she has been recognized as an Outstanding Professor. She has taught a variety of courses, including Introduction to Sociology, Sociological Theory (undergraduate and graduate), Sociology of Medicine, Sociology of Law, and Race, Class and Gender. Previously, she enjoyed many years of teaching sociology and serving as chair of the Social and Behavioral Science Division at Austin Community College. Dr. Kendall's areas of specialization and primary research interests are sociological theory and the sociology of medicine. In addition to SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES: THE ESSENTIALS, she is the author of THE POWER OF GOOD DEEDS: PRIVILEGED WOMEN AND THE SOCIAL REPRODUCTION OF THE UPPER CLASS (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), MEMBERS ONLY: ELITE CLUBS AND THE PROCESS OF EXCLUSION (Rowman & Littlefield, 2008) and FRAMING CLASS: MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF WEALTH AND POVERTY IN AMERICA, 2nd Edition (Rowman & Littlefield, 2012). Her most recent scholarly publication is "Class: Still Alive and Reproducing in the United States," a book chapter in PRIVILEGE: A READER, 4th Edition (2016, Westview Press). Dr. Kendall is actively involved in national and regional sociological associations, including the American Sociological Association, the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Southwestern Sociological Association. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was invited to membership in Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.
Extensive Inclusivity & Diversity review and update to update biased language and provide better coverage to marginalized identities and persons
Practical and relevant, Kendall's SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES: THE ESSENTIALS, 12th edition, has been thoroughly revised with an emphasis on updating data and bringing the topical coverage within each chapter up to the highest currency and inclusivity standards.
The theme of social and global change is stronger than ever throughout the text and in You Can Make a Difference boxes, which help students learn how to become involved in their communities -- and the world. Topics include networking to reduce global poverty and hunger, global perspectives on gangs and more. Sociology and Social Policy boxes continue to deal with social and global change, exploring such issues as technology and social change in the workplace, study abroad and global socialization.
MindTap® for Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials enables student to maximize their study time -- and course success. New “Where Do You Stand” activities help students examine internal biases and gauge prior knowledge. “Understand” comprehension checks provide insight into student understanding of chapter content. And multimedia “Explore” activities provide practice with the sociological imagination in the context of real-world scenarios.
From the first edition, SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES has presented strong coverage of and attention to diversity. Individuals portrayed and discussed accurately mirror the diversity in society, and research from classical and established contemporary sociologists -- including women and people of color -- ensures an inclusive treatment of all people in the examination of sociology. As a result, the text speaks to a wide variety of students and helps them consider the significance of the interlocking nature of individuals' class, race and gender (and, increasingly, age) in all aspects of social life.
The text emphasizes several themes, including diversity, the application of sociology to everyday life, the impact of media (including social media), the importance of a global perspective, and social and global change. Boxed features (Sociology and Everyday Life, Sociology and Social Policy, and Sociology in Global Perspective) highlight the themes. Global implications of all topics are examined throughout each chapter; the Sociology in Global Perspective boxes specifically highlight our interconnected world and reveal how the sociological imagination extends beyond national borders.
In addition to basic reading and study tools such as key terms, a running glossary and popular online study resources, the 12th edition offers numerous other pedagogical aids to promote students' mastery of course content. Chapter-opening Learning Objectives help students focus their reading. Concept Quick Reviews and Questions for Critical Thinking help them test their knowledge and sharpen their problem-solving skills. Chapter Review summaries in question-and-answer format drive home key concepts.
The text emphasizes several themes, including diversity, the application of sociology to everyday life, the impact of media (including social media), the importance of a global perspective, and social and global change. Boxed features (Sociology and Everyday Life, Sociology and Social Policy, and Sociology in Global Perspective) highlight the themes. Global implications of all topics are examined throughout each chapter; the Sociology in Global Perspective boxes specifically highlight our interconnected world and reveal how the sociological imagination extends beyond national borders.
Extensive Inclusivity & Diversity review to update biased language and provide better coverage to marginalized identities and persons.
Empowering students to establish their own opinions based on facts, the text offers expanded discussions on such headline-grabbing topics as internet crime, environmental activism, immigration, mass media and gender socialization and the contemporary family, among others.
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