Paralegal Today: The Legal Team at Work,
8th Edition

Roger LeRoy Miller, Mary Meinzinger

ISBN-13: 9780357454053
Copyright 2022 | Published
736 pages | List Price: USD $293.95

Prepare for success in your career as a paralegal as PARALEGAL TODAY: THE LEGAL TEAM AT WORK, 8E. introduces today's legal system. You learn how current technology and social media tools are used in practice. Real examples, hands-on practical applications and ethical dilemmas help strengthen your understanding of laws in current society and the importance of ethical and professional responsibility. You also refine the skills needed to thrive in today's legal landscape. An entire chapter highlights paralegal careers and salaries to prepare you for work choices. In addition, you examine current issues, such as legal responses to the #MeToo movement, legal trends in protecting women's rights in the workplace, the use of the latest online legal research tools and technical requirements in today's courtroom. In addition, you learn how to conduct effective interviews, work with witnesses and address today's developments in family law.


1. Today's Paralegal Profession.
2. Career Opportunities.
3. The Inner Workings of the Law Office.
4. Ethics and Professional Responsibility.
5. Sources of American Law.
6. The Court System and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
7. Legal Research and Analysis.
8. Online Legal Research.
9. Legal Writing: Form and Substance.
10. Civil Litigation: Before the Trial.
11. Conducting Interviews and Investigations.
12. Trial Procedures.
13. Criminal Law and Procedures.
14. Tort Law, Product Liability, and Consumer Law.
15. Contracts and Intellectual Property Law.
16. Real Property and Insurance Law.
17. Family Law and Estates.
18. Business Organizations and Employment Law.
19. Bankruptcy and Environmental Law.
NALA's Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.
NALA's Model Standards and Guidelines for Utilization of Legal Assistants.
NFPA's Model Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility and Guidelines for Enforcement.
NALS Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility
NALA's Certification Program.
NFPA's PCCE Examination.
NALS Certification.
The Constitution of the United States.
Spanish Equivalents for Important Legal Terms in English.

  • Roger LeRoy Miller

    Roger LeRoy Miller, Ph.D. has served on the faculty of several universities, including the University of Washington, Clemson University, and the University of Miami School of Law. As a professor, he has taught intellectual property law and entertainment law, among other subjects. A widely published and respected author, his work has appeared in the Insurance Counsel Journal, Defense Research, California Trial Lawyers Journal, Antitrust Bulletin, Wisconsin Law Review, and Connecticut Law Review. He has authored or co-authored numerous authoritative textbooks on law, including BUSINESS LAW: TEXT & CASES; BUSINESS LAW TODAY: TEXT & SUMMARIZED CASES; and THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY. Professor Miller completed his studies at the University of California at Berkeley and University of Chicago.

  • Mary Meinzinger

    Mary Meinzinger is the paralegal program chair at Madonna University. She is highly respected and is an active member of AAfPE.

  • ENHANCED DISCUSSION EXPLORES ONLINE POLICIES AND STRATEGIES IN TODAY'S LAW FIRM. Coverage details typical e-mail policies, social media strategies and Internet security requirements found in the typical law firm to help students prepare for success in today's workplace.

  • UPDATED COVERAGE EXAMINES THE LATEST ONLINE RESEARCH TOOLS AND SERVICES. Students learn how to maximize today' s online legal research tools and resources. Current discussions in this edition review and compare the costs and benefits of Westlaw Edge, Lexis Advantage, Bloomberg Law and Fastcase.

  • EXPANDED COVERAGE ADDRESSES CYBERSECURITY USED TO PROTECT ELECTRONIC RECORDS. This critical discussion helps students understand the role of paralegals today in protecting both their firms and their clients in litigation.

  • NUMEROUS NEW STUDY QUESTIONS ASSIST IN MASTERING CHAPTER CONCEPTS. These new study questions for each chapter guide students in reviewing chapter material, working alone or in groups. Practical exercises direct students through research for a variety of contemporary topics.

  • OFFICE TECH AND CYBERSECURITY FEATURES EXPLORE TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENTS IMPORTANT IN LAW. These features in every chapter explore the latest developments in technology for document retention, communications with clients, electronics in the courtroom and other tasks relevant to modern law practice.

  • "ETHICS WATCH" FEATURES DEMONSTRATE THE IMPORTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND RESPONSIBILITY. This edition's "Ethics Watch" features immerse students in engaging, hypothetical situations that present an ethical dilemma.

  • OFFICE TECH AND CYBERSECURITY FEATURES HIGHLIGHT IMPORTANT TECHNOLOGY IN LAW PRACTICE TODAY. These features in each chapter explore how up-to-date law practices use technology to keep client information secure, enhance communication, guide electronic discovery and address other important legal issues.

  • PROVEN STUDY TOOLS GUIDE REVIEW AND MASTERY OF SKILLS AND CONCEPTS. Numerous features and exhibits throughout the text as well as comprehensive end-of-chapter activities, including group projects, encourage learners to apply concepts through hands-on practice.

  • "DEVELOPING PARALEGAL SKILLS" FEATURES DEMONSTRATE HOW STUDENTS WILL USE SKILLS ON THE JOB. Students see the relevance and importance of this edition's content as this feature shows students how the principles they are learning are put into practice.

  • EXPERIENCED PARALEGAL PROFESSIONALS CONTRIBUTE AND BRING VARIED PERSPECTIVES TO KEY TOPICS. This edition provides insights from numerous successful and experienced paralegal professionals that bring concepts to life and demonstrate the value of what readers are learning.

  • UPDATED TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL EXERCISES PREPARE STUDENTS FOR ON-THE-JOB SUCCESS. You can assign fresh, new end-of-chapter exercises for your students to complete individually or in teams.

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