Strengthen your knowledge base as well as the critical skills and behaviors needed to become a successful entry-level medical assistant with Blesi's MEDICAL ASSISTING: ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLINICAL COMPETENCIES, 9E. Clear and easy to understand, this streamlined edition now includes a complete, updated section on the structure and function of body systems with current medical terminology presented in context. Updates highlight the latest information in nutrition, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), ICD-10 and electronic health records. Expanded content focuses on increasing your personal effectiveness as you study professionalism, teamwork and time management. New chapters also discuss geriatrics and mental health -- topics of growing importance. You examine the latest procedures as you increase your general, administrative and clinical competencies. MindTap digital resources help you further develop a competitive advantage as you pursue a career in medical assisting today.
Unit 1: Introduction to Healthcare
1 The Medical Assistant, Health Care Team, and Medical Environment
2 Professionalism
3 Legal and Ethical Issues
4 Applying Communication Skills
5 Medical Terminology
Unit 2: Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body
6 Anatomic Descriptors and Fundamental Body Structure
7 The Nervous System
8 The Senses
9 The Integumentary System
10 The Skeletal System
11 The Muscular System
12 The Respiratory System
13 The Circulatory System
14 The Immune System
15 The Digestive System
16 The Urinary System
17 The Endocrine System
18 The Reproductive System
Unit 3: Business Communications.
19 Telephone Communications
20 Written Communications
21 The Office Environment, Computers, and Equipment
Unit 4: Beginning the Patient’s Record
22 Scheduling Appointments and Receiving Patients
23 The Medical Record, Documentation, and Filing
Unit 5: Medical Insurance and Coding
24 Health Insurance
25 Procedural and Diagnostic Coding
Unit 6: Revenue Cycle Management
26 Patient Accounts
27 Preparing Insurance Claims and Posting Insurance Payments
28 Patient Billing, Posting Patient Payments, and Collecting Fees
29 Banking Procedures
30 Accounts Payable and Accounting Procedures
Unit 7: Preparing for Clinical Procedures.
31 Infection Control and Medical Asepsis
32 The Medical History and Patient Screening
33 Body Measurements and Vital Signs
34 Preparing for Examinations
Unit 8: Assisting with Examinations
35 The Physical Exam
36 Specialty Examinations and Procedures
37 OB/GYN Examinations
38 Pediatric Examinations
39 Geriatrics
40 Mental Health
Unit 9: Laboratory Procedures
41 The Physician's Office Laboratory
42 Specimen Collection and Processing
43 Blood Specimen Collection
44 Diagnostic Testing
Unit 10: Cardiology and Radiology Procedures
45 Cardiology Procedures
46 Radiology Procedures
Unit 11: Minor Surgical Procedures
47 Preparing for Surgery
48 Assisting with Minor Surgery
Unit 12: Medication Administration Procedures
49 Pharmacology Fundamentals
50 Measurement Systems, Basic Mathematics, and Dosage Calculations
51 Administering Oral and Noninjectable Medications
52 Administering Injections and Immunizations
Unit 13: First Aid and Responding to Emergencies
53 Emergencies in the Medical Office and the Community
54 First Aid for Accidents and Injuries
Unit 14: Rehabilitation and Health Living
55 Rehabilitation
56 Nutrition, Exercise, and Healthy Living
Unit 15: Workplace Readiness.
57 Practicum and the Job Search
58 Managing the Office
Michelle Blesi
Michelle Blesi is a certified medical assistant with 14 years of industry experience, who worked in a family practice clinic for 10 years, emphasizing clinical and laboratory skills. A change in her focus led her to a leadership position, working as the lead in the nursing/lab department and, eventually, as a clinical manager. She holds a diploma in medical assisting and is certified through the AAMA. She also has a bachelor's degree in psychology and an M.A. in community psychology. She has also completed the T.E.S. (Teacher Education Series) courses at the University of Minnesota. Coursework included introduction to vocational teaching, course development, instructional methods, philosophy and student training and assessment. A program director and unlimited full-time faculty member in the medical assistant department at Century College since 2001, Professor Blesi enjoys bringing her career experience into the classroom and making a difference in students' lives. In addition to serving as program director, she teaches clinical and laboratory courses and administrative procedures for medical assistants, both in the traditional classroom and online. She also teaches a medical assistant refresher course through CECT. She serves as the practicum coordinator, overseeing clinical externships for the program. In addition to being the lead author for the last three editions of MEDICAL ASSISTING: ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLINICAL COMPETENCIES, Professor Blesi has contributed to many other Cengage projects, including functioning as the S.M.E. for the CTC 3.0 and Medical Office Simulation Software (MOSS). She has also completed multiple reviewer projects and created numerous effective test banks. Professor Blesi serves on the board of trustees and has earned Outstanding Educator Award 2012, Golden Apple Award 2010 and Exemplary Faculty Member 2007.
STREAMLINED CHAPTERS SIMPLIFY LEARNING FOR STUDENTS. This edition's first chapter now combines an introduction to the roles of the medical assistant and the health care team within today's medical environment. In addition, Chapter 3 now addresses both legal and ethical issues, and Chapter 4 highlights key communication skills. Finally, Chapter 5 now addresses all types of medical terminology previously covered in separate chapters.
SEVERAL NEW CHAPTERS STRENGTHEN STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE IN AREAS OF GROWING IMPORTANCE. A new Chapter 2 now introduces students to the importance of professionalism in today's medical environment. In addition, a new Chapter 39 discusses geriatrics, a sub-specialty that is rapidly rising in importance as the number of elderly patients grows. A new Chapter 40 presents mental health, including discussions of substance abuse.
NEW CRITERIA ASSIST YOU IN EVALUATING STUDENTS ON BEHAVIORAL STEPS. Specific criteria, now added to all behavioral steps in this edition's coverage of procedures, provides helpful guidance to save you time in evaluating students' proficiency and performance. Students also clearly see the criteria they must meet for success.
NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR PEER REVIEW NOW APPEARS IN PROCEDURES. Using the new peer review column in the procedures section, you can ask students to assess their peers – a professional skill particularly important today. This new space for peer review enables students to evaluate one another before you begin your assessment.
EXPANDED MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IS PRESENTED IN-CONTEXT TO DEMONSTRATE TERMS IN USE. The author has updated and increased the emphasis on medical terminology, embedding the terms in the beginning of all chapters discussing body systems. Students are easily able to see the practical application and use of the terms, which enhances long-term retention.
ADDITIONAL EMPHASIS ON PROFESSIONALISM AND SOFT SKILLS PREPARES READERS FOR SUCCESS IN TODAY'S WORK ENVIRONMENT. This edition's new Practical Application feature helps students better understand how to address real situations and challenges they will encounter on the job with proficiency and confidence.
NEW EMPHASIS ON CULTURAL DIVERSITY DEMONSTRATES HOW TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE UNDERSERVED PATIENT POPULATION. All procedures and scenarios throughout this edition clearly represent the healthcare needs of today's multicultural, diverse population.
RESTRUCTURED INTRODUCTION OF THE REVENUE CYCLE MANAGEMENT CORRELATES SEAMLESSLY WITH REAL MEDICAL SETTINGS. This edition's revised presentation clearly demonstrates each step of the revenue cycle in an actual medical setting. Students learn the specific financial processes used to track revenue from patients -- from the initial appointment through the final payment of their balances.
NEW AND REVISED PROCEDURES STRENGTHEN READERS' GENERAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, AND CLINICAL COMPETENCIES. This edition includes eight new procedures as well as numerous revised procedures that reflect the most recent changes in today's medical office. Students increase their general, administrative, and clinical competencies as they prepare for roles as entry-level medical assistants.
FULL CHAPTER ON PROFESSIONALISM (CH. 2) PREPARES STUDENTS FOR INITIAL AND LONG-TERM ON-THE-JOB SUCCESS. Insights within this chapter focus on the importance of professional appearance, time management, critical thinking and continuing education. Students also learn to recognize biases or prejudices and value diversity.
UPDATED, EXPANDED PATIENT EDUCATION BOXES GUIDE READERS THROUGH INTERACTING WITH TODAY'S PATIENTS. Patient Education boxes woven throughout the text provides insights and tips that assist students the identifying the important issues to discuss with patients before and during tests and examinations.
EASY-TO-FOLLOW STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES STRENGTHEN GENERAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLINICAL COMPETENCIES. The author directs specific attention to the steps that address important professional competencies. Additional criteria assists you in evaluating performance and guides your students in understanding how to successfully demonstrate behavioral competencies.
INSIGHTFUL, IN-TEXT FEATURES OFFER REAL WORLD PERSPECTIVE TO THE READINGS. This edition's helpful Practical Application and Patient Education boxes enhance and build upon the concepts that students are learning by demonstrating how to apply the principles in today's medical environment.
STREAMLINED ORGANIZATION OFFERS CURRICULUM MAPPING TO THE LATEST CURRICULUM STANDARDS. All content throughout this edition corresponds to current ABHES standards and aligns with 2015 CAAHEP standards. You can ensure you are teaching students specifically what they need for professional success as well as for your program's accreditation. Mapping tools in procedures, Procedure Checklists and specific details in the Instructor's Manual provide easy reference that connects content to current standards.
EXTENSIVE UPDATES ADDRESS TODAY'S ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS (EHR). Documentation throughout the entire text demonstrates how providers are using EHRs today and transitioning to digital records to provide instant access to patient information.
TEXT ORGANIZATION SIMULATES FLOW OF PATIENTS THROUGH TODAY'S MEDICAL OFFICE. The author has carefully organized all of the units in this edition in a logical sequence that correlates with the typical patient's progress in the medical office. This further prepares readers to transition smoothly to the working environment.
IMPORTANT COVERAGE OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REINFORCES UNDERSTANDING THAT IS CRITICAL FOR SUCCESS. This edition's essential, updated coverage of anatomy and physiology presents medical terminology within a meaningful context while reviewing diagnostic tests, diseases and disorders and treatments that students must know.
EXTENSIVE, HELPFUL VISUALS BRING CONCEPTS TO LIFE. This edition provides updated full-color photos, useful illustrations, real charts and current tables that visually reinforce and demonstrate how the concepts students are reading are used in today's medical environment.
UPDATED, EXPANDED PATIENT EDUCATION BOXES GUIDE READERS THROUGH INTERACTING WITH TODAY'S PATIENTS. Patient Education boxes woven throughout the text provides insights and tips that assist students the identifying the important issues to discuss with patients before and during tests and examinations.
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Blesi’s Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Competencies
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Blesi’s Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Competencies, Instant Access
Instructor's Companion Website for Blesi’s Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Competencies
Cengage eBook: Medical Assisting 12 Months