Get more out of your HIM course with Schnering/Sayles/McCuen's CASE STUDIES IN HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 4th Edition! More than a collection of fascinating case scenarios, this versatile worktext gives you experience applying theories from the classroom to practices in the modern health care environment. Case studies explore major HIM topics, including current issues in health data management, health care privacy and ethics, information technology, revenue management and compliance, leadership, project and operations management, quality and performance statistics. A quick-reference correlation grid to current RHIA® and RHIT® domains and competencies helps you focus on specific areas for certification exams. The Student Companion Website connects you with extra content and references for self-study, hands-on spreadsheets for problem-solving and realistic forms for documentation practice.
1. Data Content, Structure, and Standards.
2. Information Protection: Access, Archival, Privacy, and Security.
3. Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use.
4. Revenue Management.
5. Compliance.
6. Leadership.
7. Healthcare Statistics and Research Methods.
Patricia Schnering
Patricia Schnering, RHIA, CCS, is the founder, author and publisher of Professional Review Guides Inc. and PRG Publishing Inc. Previously, she worked as a health information management (HIM) consultant and as an adjunct instructor of HIM at St. Petersburg College. She was also president of her local GCHIMA and a delegate to the FHIMA, where she has served on committees and the board of directors. She earned the FHIMA Literary Award in 2000 and 2006. In addition to a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of South Florida, she holds an Associate of Science in Health Information Technology from St. Petersburg College.
Nanette B. Sayles
Nanette Sayles, PhD, is an associate professor in the Health Information Management program at East Central College in Union, Missouri. Her wide range of HIM experience includes work in hospitals, consulting, system development and implementation, and education, eventually earning her the American Health Information Management Association Triumph Educator Award. She received an undergraduate degree in Medical Record Administration and Master of Science degrees in both Health Information Management and Public Administration -- all from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She completed her doctorate in Adult Education at the University of Georgia.
Charlotte McCuen
Charlotte McCuen, MS, RHIA, is an adjunct faculty member of Health Information Management at the University of Cincinnati. Her three decades of professional experience in HIM include serving as associate professor and clinical coordinator for the HIM undergraduate degree programs at Macon State College in Georgia as well as HIM director for an acute care hospital and a state psychiatric and forensic acute care hospital. Her consulting practice extends to long-term care facilities, a behavioral health hospital, physician offices and renal dialysis centers. She received her Bachelor of Science in Medical Record Administration from the Medical College of Georgia and her Master of Science in Health Care Policy and Administration from Mercer University. She continues to volunteer with AHIMA as well as the Georgia Health Information Management Association (GHIMA), where she received the Mentor Award and recently served as president.
UPDATED TO NEWEST COMPETENCIES: Thoroughly updated, the new 4th Edition of Schnering/Sayles/McCuen's CASE STUDIES IN HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT integrates the latest AHIMA CAHIIM competencies, clearly mapping the cases to RHIA® and RHIT® program certification requirements.
EASY REFERENCE: Meticulous attention also was paid to updating the mapping of the cases to the new AHIMA Bloom’s Taxonomy in a convenient quick-reference correlation grid.
EXAM PREP: Helping students maximize their study time as they prepare for the certification examination, case study contents are also clearly mapped to the most recent AHIMA requirements for the RHIA® and RHIT® certification examination domains and competencies.
NEW ONLINE TOOLS: Comprehensive online learning resources connect users with extra web content and reference materials, simulated professional forms and spreadsheets for use in case-related exercises.
CRITICAL TOPICS: Case studies explore major HIM topics, including current issues in health data management, health care privacy and ethics, information technology, revenue management and compliance, leadership, project and operations management, quality and performance statistics.
PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATION: Drawing readers into the subject matter in small doses, this worktext starts with basic case studies on common situations before moving on to the more complex and difficult challenges HIM professionals face. This approach enables educators and students to progress through the course in an orderly manner.
REALISTIC DOCUMENTS: Cases include representative versions of the forms and documents used by HIM professionals, helping readers understand some of the basic record-keeping, compliance and operational processes in health care today.
EXAM AND SKILLS MAPPING: To help readers prepare for certification exams, a detailed correlation grid connects cases to both current AHIMA RHIA® and RHIT® domains and competencies and the latest AHIMA CAHIIM program certification requirements.
IDEAL RESOURCE: This versatile worktext complements any HIM or HIT course, serving as a faculty go-to resource as well as a study tool for student preparing for exams and certification.
Instructor's Companion Website for Schnering/Sayles/McCuen's Case Studies for Health Information Management
Student Companion Website for Schnering/Sayles/McCuen's Case Studies for Health Information Management
Cengage eBook: Case Studies in Health Information Management 12 Months