Develop strong ethical decision-making skills that are essential for success in the field of criminal justice with the insights and principles found in Pollock's ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 11E. Packed with engaging, current examples, this edition addresses ethics at work within the police, the courts and corrections. You master principles and theories that form the foundation of ethical decision-making as you gain insights into the latest challenges, issues and dilemmas in criminal justice today. New content examines developments such as Black Lives Matter, George Floyd and other 2020 protests; the defund police movement; governmental restrictions to control the pandemic; the January 2021 assault on the capitol; prosecutorial misconduct and the misuse of power. Exercises, cases, practical scenarios and MindTap digital resources further illustrate the importance of ethics in criminal justice and prepare you to deal effectively with ethical challenges on the job.
1. Morality, Ethics, and Human Behavior.
2. Determining Moral Behavior.
3. Justice and Law.
4. Becoming an Ethical Professional.
5. The Police Role in Society
6. Police Discretion and Dilemmas.
7. Police Corruption and Responses.
Part III: LAW.
8. Law and Legal Professionals.
9. Discretion and Dilemmas in the Legal Profession.
10. Ethical Misconduct in the Courts and Responses.
11. The Ethics of Punishment and Corrections.
12. Discretion and Dilemmas in Corrections.
13. Correctional Professionals: Misconduct and Responses.
14. Making Ethical Choices.
Joycelyn M. Pollock
Dr. Joycelyn Pollock is a University Distinguished Professor Emeritus. Dr. Pollock's many published works include WOMEN'S CRIMES, CRIMINOLOGY AND CORRECTIONS; CRIMINAL LAW; PRISONS AND PRISON LIFE; and MORALITY STORIES. She received a Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Albany and a J.D. from the University of Houston.
NEW CONTENT ADDRESSES CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IMPACTING ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY: Students examine George Floyd-BLM protests, legislation about opening police discipline records, a new Supreme Court ruling on no-camping ordinances directed at the homeless, new pandemic laws restricting behaviors, progressive prosecutors across the country, treating inmates who have COVID, unethical practices in medical care and new surveillance technology. Recent research addresses procedural justice, morality and deterrence, racial bias in plea bargaining and perceptions of a good correctional officer.
UPDATED "NEWS" BOXES DELVE INTO CURRENT ISSUES: Students discuss CEO salaries, the number of exonerations and reasons for wrongful convictions, Gallup poll figures on race and trust in police, the Ferguson effect, information on the 1033 program, consent decrees by the Department of Justice, statistics on racial differences in shootings and other uses of force, the Baltimore police scandal, the "criminalization of poverty," marijuana legalization, forensic science, former NYPD detective Scarcella and prosecutor Vencchio, prosecutor cover-ups and private corrections.
"NEW ITEMS" IN THIS EDITION PROFILE THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS: New coverage discusses companies performing good deeds during the pandemic, the Lori Loughlin sentencing, an Ebay scandal, unethical sheriffs, an asset forfeiture and LA sheriff deputy gangs. Students also review William Barr facing bar association complaints and possible problems with DNA testing in New York.
NEW ETHICAL DILEMMAS ASK THOUGHT-PROVOKING QUESTIONS AND PROMPT MEANINGFUL DISCUSSION: This edition explores whether or not police should use tear gas against protesters. Students also discuss the timely ethical issues such as gubernatorial decisions to close businesses due to the pandemic.
NEW "WALKING THE WALK" BOXES EXAMINE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR: This edition covers incidents such as Captain Crozier, the navy captain fired for attempting to disembark sailors from his navy carrier due to COVID or Shannon Spaulding, a former Chicago police officer who faced retaliation for exposing a corrupt colleague. Students also read about a detective who was instrumental in releasing a wrongfully convicted man, a pathologist who questioned the "shaken baby" theory and Alexander Vindman, who testified against President Trump.
PROVEN LEARNING TOOLS HELP IMPROVE RETENTION AND MASTERY OF CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND ISSUES: Numbered learning objectives correspond to this edition's end-of-chapter summary sections and link to corresponding quiz items in the accompanying MindTap online resources and this edition's test bank. A running glossary defines key terms when they first appear in the text.
HANDS-ON PRACTICE AND REVIEW AT THE END OF EACH CHAPTER REINFORCES APPLICATION: Each chapter concludes with a chapter review summary, study questions, writing and discussion exercises and key terms. Each chapter also ends with an ethical dilemma describing an actual scenario that a criminal justice professional may face in the field.
"ETHICAL DILEMMA" BOXES PRESENT SCENARIOS THAT ENABLE STUDENTS TO APPLY PRINCIPLES: These Ethical Dilemma boxes in each chapter let students put into practice the concepts they've recently learned. An accompanying analysis of the legal, policy and ethical aspects of each dilemma teaches students to consider multiple facets of any given situation.
"ETHICAL ISSUE" BOXES PRESENT A CURRENT ISSUE OR POLICY IN POLICING, COURTS OR CORRECTIONS: These issues are followed by an extended analysis that examines the law, policy and ethics. These fascinating box features demonstrate how students can analyze significant, large issues using methods similar to examining personal dilemmas.
"QUOTE AND QUERY" BOXES STIMULATE CRITICAL THINKING WITH PROVOKING INSIGHTS FROM PROMINENT LEADERS: This engaging feature revisits quotes from historical and contemporary figures in criminal justice and then asks readers to answer relevant questions.
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Instructor's Companion Website for Pollock's Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice
VitalSource eBook: Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice 12 Months