Examine the latest laws, updated regulations and current practices with Hall's CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, 8E. This edition clearly presents every aspect of the law while also detailing the duties of a paralegal in criminal law. Comprehensive coverage and foundational concepts in both criminal law and criminal procedure blend with this edition's presentation of cutting-edge developments and emerging trends. Updated statistics present data through 2019, while new material addresses topics such as today's surveillance and interrogation techniques, riots and vandalism in 2020 and 2021, current search and seizure practices as well as issues of race, policing and the qualified immunity standard. Updated edited cases present both current and landmark decisions. In addition, numerous learning features address engaging topics ranging from ethics to self-defense. Specially developed exercises and problems help you further sharpen analytical skills and knowledge of criminal law and procedures.
Part I: Criminal Law
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Legal System of the United States
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Criminal Law
CHAPTER 3 The Ingredients of Crime: Thinking and Acting
CHAPTER 4 Crimes Against the Person
CHAPTER 5 Crimes Involving Property
CHAPTER 6 Crimes Against the Public
CHAPTER 7 Parties and Incomplete Crimes
CHAPTER 8 Factual and Legal Defenses
CHAPTER 9 Constitutional Defenses
Part II: Criminal Procedure
CHAPTER 10 The Criminal Justice System
CHAPTER 11 The Constitution and Criminal Procedure
CHAPTER 12 Searches and Seizures: Fundamentals
CHAPTER 13 Searches and Seizures: Exceptions
CHAPTER 14 Interrogation, Surveillance, and Forensic Practices
CHAPTER 15 The Pretrial Process
CHAPTER 16 Trial
CHAPTER 17 Sentencing and Appeal
Daniel E. Hall
Daniel E. Hall has practiced law in both the United States and Federated States of Micronesia. He is a professor of justice and community studies and political science at Miami University. He also holds the position of visiting professor of law at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. For nine years, Dr. Hall served as a member of the faculty in the department of criminal justice and legal studies at the University of Central Florida. He also served as chair of the department of criminal justice at The University of Toledo. A widely respected authority on public law, Dr. Hall has authored 27 textbooks (including subsequent editions) and a dozen journal articles addressing various public law subjects. He earned his bachelor's degree at Indiana University, his Juris Doctor at Washburn University and his Doctor of Education (higher education curriculum and instruction) at the University of Central Florida.
UPDATED CASES PRESENT BOTH CURRENT AND LANDMARK CASES. The Criminal Law section now adds the Elonis true threat decision as well as several cases that illustrate crimes such as manslaughter, rape and cybercrimes. New cases in the Criminal Procedure section include Carpenter v. United States (third-party doctrine), Torres v. Madrid (seizure), Ramos v. Louisiana (unanimous jury), In Re Information Held by Google (geofencing), Gamble v. United States (dual sovereignty) and D.C. v. Heller (Second Amendment).
UPDATED SIDEBARS DISCUSS THE IMPACT OF ISSUES, SUCH AS THE FAIR SENTENCING ACT OF 2010 AND THE NEW YORK CITY "STOP-AND-FRISK" POLICY. Students examine racial and legal implications of the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 that made penalties for crack cocaine similar to powder cocaine penalties as well as the infamous NYC "Stop-and-Frisk" policy that was found unconstitutional. In addition, a new graphic illustrates the continuum of self-defense protection, including retreat, castle and stand-your-ground.
STATISTICS CONVEY THE LATEST DATA THROUGH 2019 AND MOST RECENT LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS. All sidebars that depict crime statistics are updated to reflect the most recent numbers available. In addition, any changes to the law are integrated into this edition's revisions.
EXPANDED DISCUSSIONS DELVE INTO TOPICS OF PARTICULAR INTEREST OR COMPLEXITY IN MORE DEPTH. The author has increased this edition's discussions on significant topics such as murder and manslaughter, crimes against the state and constitutional limitations.
NEW ILLUSTRATIONS AND EXHIBITS VISUALLY REINFORCE THIS EDITION'S TOPICS. Engaging new visuals in this edition add detail and reinforce the reader's understanding of key subject matter.
EXPANDED COVERAGE EXAMINES CHANGES AND PRESENTS MORE DETAIL RELATED TO SEARCHES AND SEIZURES. New material provides more developed discussions of the practices, policies and restrictions behind warrants, searches and seizures today.
NEW TOPICS EXAMINE THE LATEST ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY. Students examine the impact of COVID on criminal law, the Capitol Insurrection of 2021 and the changing norms of rape with expanded discussion of true threat, including cyberthreat and stalking, as well as other crimes limited by the First Amendment. New material also explores the increase of riots and vandalism of 2020 and 2021 and investigates race, policing and the qualified immunity standard that protects state and local officials and law enforcement officers.
UPDATED DISCUSSION OF SURVEILLANCE TECHNIQUES PRESENTS THE LATEST PRACTICES, TOOLS AND POLICIES. Students examine methods used for mass data collection, reverse location (geofencing) searches and searches of cell phones both at the country's borders and elsewhere.
NEW COVERAGE REVIEWS THE HISTORY AND CHANGING LAWS BEHIND POLICE INTERROGATIONS. Interesting new discussions look back at the historic use of third-degree and the Reid technique in interrogation. This edition also addresses how the law has developed and prompted changes in interrogation methods. Students specifically debate the use of police deception to obtain confessions.
"ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS" CHALLENGE STUDENTS TO CAREFULLY CONTEMPLATE ETHICAL QUESTIONS AND TODAY'S PRINCIPLES. These ethical features in every chapter expose students to both general ethical principles and to specific ethical questions related to criminal law. Thought-provoking content challenges students to critically examine many of today's real ethical dilemmas.
INTRIGUING SIDEBARS SPARK LIVELY CLASS DISCUSSIONS. Students become both interested and involved in debating and following the latest issues related to today's criminal justice system and criminal law.
PROVEN REVIEW QUESTIONS GUIDE STUDENTS IN STUDY AND RETENTION OF KEY MATERIAL. These Review Questions require content-supported answers, which reinforce and help readers retain important chapter concepts.
CHAPTER PROBLEMS AND CRITICAL-THINKING EXERCISES HONE STUDENTS' SKILLS. These problems and exercises not only check understanding, but are also useful in helping readers develop and sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are critical for success in criminal justice today.
HELPFUL GLOSSARY DEFINES AND CONCISELY EXPLAINS IMPORTANT TERMS. Students are able to quickly reference and check their understanding of key terms used in criminal justice, law and procedures as they initially read and review the information.
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