Business Law Today, Comprehensive,
13th Edition

Roger LeRoy Miller

ISBN-13: 9780357634691
Copyright 2022 | Published
1152 pages | List Price: USD $500.95

Master today's legal concepts and principles with the reader-friendly approach in Miller's popular BUSINESS LAW TODAY: COMPREHENSIVE EDITION, 13E. Rather than dry, legalese language, this edition offers an interesting, interactive learning experience with clear organization and vibrant visuals that reinforce critical thinking as well as important legal topics, terms and processes. A proven learn-by-example approach highlights cases as recent as 2020, creative hypothetical situations and examples from companies as familiar as Google and Gucci. Compelling learning features emphasize critical issues, such as ethics and cybersecurity law, to prepare you for today's complex social, technological and legal disputes. You gain a strong understanding of how business law impacts real business, online interaction and your own daily life as you learn to recognize legal issues, resolve legal disputes and navigate government regulations. MindTap digital resources further reinforce important content.


Chapter 1 Law and Legal Reasoning
Chapter 2 Constitutional Law
Chapter 3 Ethics in Business
Chapter 4 Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Chapter 5 Tort Law
Chapter 6 Product Liability
Chapter 7 Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 8 Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy
Chapter 9 Criminal Law and Cyber Crime
Chapter 10 Nature and Classification
Chapter 11 Agreement
Chapter 12 Consideration
Chapter 13 Capacity and Legality
Chapter 14 Voluntary Consent
Chapter 15 The Statute of Frauds-Writing Requirement
Chapter 16 Performance and Discharge
Chapter 17 Breach and Remedies
Chapter 18 Third Party Rights
Chapter 19 The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
Chapter 20 Title and Risk of Loss
Chapter 21 Performance and Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts
Chapter 22 Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 23 International and Space Law
Chapter 24 Banking
Chapter 25 Security Interests and Creditors’ Rights
Chapter 26 Bankruptcy
Chapter 27 Agency Relationships in Business
Chapter 28 Employment, Immigration, and Labor Law
Chapter 29 Employment Discrimination
Chapter 30 Sole Proprietorships and Franchises
Chapter 31 All Forms of Partnership
Chapter 32 Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms
Chapter 33 Corporate Formation and Financing
Chapter 34 Corporate Directors, Officers, and Shareholders
Chapter 35 Corporate Mergers, Takeovers, and Termination
Chapter 36 Investor Protection, Insider Trading, and Corporate Governance
Chapter 37 Administrative Law
Chapter 38 Antitrust Law and Promoting Competition
Chapter 39 Consumer and Environmental Law
Chapter 40 Liability of Accountants and Other Professionals
Chapter 41 Personal Property and Bailments
Chapter 42 Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law
Chapter 43 Insurance, Wills, and Trusts

  • Roger LeRoy Miller

    Roger LeRoy Miller, Ph.D. has served on the faculty of several universities, including the University of Washington, Clemson University, and the University of Miami School of Law. As a professor, he has taught intellectual property law and entertainment law, among other subjects. A widely published and respected author, his work has appeared in the Insurance Counsel Journal, Defense Research, California Trial Lawyers Journal, Antitrust Bulletin, Wisconsin Law Review, and Connecticut Law Review. He has authored or co-authored numerous authoritative textbooks on law, including BUSINESS LAW: TEXT & CASES; BUSINESS LAW TODAY: TEXT & SUMMARIZED CASES; and THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY. Professor Miller completed his studies at the University of California at Berkeley and University of Chicago.

  • NEW "CYBERSECURITY AND THE LAW" FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS BOTH THE RISKS AND REWARDS OF TECHNOLOGY IN USE THROUGHOUT TODAY'S GLOBAL MARKETPLACE. These engaging features recount how some of today's most recognizable brands in corporate America, from Apple to Arby's, are protecting themselves and their customers from ongoing legal threats lurking in cyber space.

  • NEW "HYPOTHETICALS" WITHIN CHAPTER INTRODUCTIONS PROMPT READER INTEREST WITH LINKS TO ACTUAL CASES OR LEGAL SITUATIONS. These hypotheticals, which are often based on real cases or contemporary business situations, help introduce and illustrate specific and important legal issues facing managers, companies or even entire industries.

  • NEW BUSINESS WEB LOG UNDERSCORES THE IMPORTANCE OF LEGAL PRINCIPLES IN TODAY'S ACTUAL BUSINESSES. Students clearly see how the material in this edition applies to real legal challenges and opportunities in business today. Each of these features discusses a major U.S. company -- from Samsung and Johnson & Johnson to Amazon -- that is engaged in a dispute revolving around a topic that's covered in the chapter.

  • NEW "ADAPTING THE LAW TO THE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT" EXAMINES THE LATEST TOPICS IMPORTANT IN TODAY'S CYBERLAW. This engaging new feature guides students in reviewing the implications of cutting-edge cyberlaw challenges and advancements, ranging from antitrust pressures on "big tech" companies like Google and Facebook to applying contract law to online plagiarism by college students.

  • NEW "BUSINESS LAW ANALYSIS" FEATURES GUIDE STUDENTS IN MASTERING LEGAL ANALYSIS SKILLS. The ability to analyze legal situations is critical for students in business today. This feature directs students in effectively analyzing all aspects of legal situations, such as the impact of patent time limits or the validity of workers' compensation claims. Students use these skills as they answer questions and case problems and complete exams.

  • NEW "LANDMARK IN THE LAW" FEATURE EXAMINES LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS IMPACTING CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS LAW. This feature guides students in discussing a landmark case, statute or legal development that has significantly affected business law today, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or Federal Trade Commission Rule 433.

  • NEW "MANAGERIAL STRATEGY" EXAMINES HOW TO APPLY LEGAL PRINCIPLES FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUCCESS. Timely content emphasizes important management considerations and business challenges related to today's business law and the current legal environment. The feature highlights issues, such as what to consider when relying on case law to make business decisions or the pros and cons of stakeholder capitalism as a management strategy.

  • NEW "ETHICAL ISSUES" DEMONSTRATE THE IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS IN CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS LAW. Students review the ethical aspects of key topics as the author asks probing questions, such as whether today's gig economy takes advantage of independent contractors or whether corporations should have gender quotas on their boards of directors.

  • NEW 2020 CASES APPEAR IN ALMOST EVERY CHAPTER OF THIS EDITION. The author has carefully selected cases that both enhance learning and are straightforward enough for students to understand. Case problems at the end of each chapter offer additional scenarios for further learning. This edition also includes Spotlight Cases and case problems that highlight well-known organizations, such as Gucci, Nike and the Seattle Mariners. In addition, Classic Cases demonstrate how these decisions have set a legal precedent in a specific area of law.

  • HUNDREDS OF NEW EXAMPLES AND CASE EXAMPLES FROM 2019 AND 2020 ARE HIGHLIGHTED AND NUMBERED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. These meaningful examples apply legal points of law to scenarios students recognize and understand to help them visualize how business law principles work in everyday interactions. New examples illustrate how the law applies in specific situations, while new case examples present the facts and issues of an actual case and explain the court’s decision and rationale.

  • EMPHASIS ON ETHICAL DECISION MAKING USES SYSTEMATIC IDDR APPROACH. The author introduces this clear framework for making ethical decisions early in this edition. The step-by-step process guides students through Inquiry, Discussion, Decision and Review as they learn to analyze both the legal and ethical implications of business decisions throughout their studies.

  • FOCUS ON CRITICAL THINKING AND LEGAL REASONING STRENGTHENS STUDENTS' SKILLS. In addition to content and features focused on legal reasoning, this edition includes critical thinking questions that require students to think beyond the book about a chapter topic. "Debate This" questions also require readers to think critically about rationales underlying the law. Chapter-ending assignments further highlight critical thinking as well as writing skills.

  • FULL CHAPTER ADDRESSES INTERNET LAW, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND RELATED PRIVACY ISSUES. This edition's Chapter 8 explores how online platforms, such as social media, have influenced today’s legal landscape as well as individual privacy issues. This timely content uses an easy-to-understand context and format to demonstrate to your students how constantly changing technological advances in the workplace and business world affect business law.

  • MINDTAP BUSINESS LAW OFFERS CUSTOMIZABLE ONLINE TEACHING AND PERSONALIZED LEARNING RESOURCES. Relevant assignments guide students in analyzing, applying and improving thinking. You are able to measure skills and outcomes with ease. You control what students see and when they see it. Students stay involved with interactive cases and exhibits as well as integrated videos. Activities intuitively guide students as they prepare, engage, apply and analyze business law concepts.

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