Ideal for anyone who has never programmed, McMullen/Matthews/Parsons' READINGS FROM PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA uses a beginner's approach that combines conceptual content with rich examples and hands-on learning activities. Straightforward and student friendly, it emphasizes fundamental computer concepts from a Java programming approach in a clear presentation with little technical jargon. Modules introduce key computer science concepts, procedural programming and object-oriented programming in short segments. Relevant real-world examples, streamlined code and descriptive figures ensure you have a thorough understanding of today's computing concepts. As you build on your computer science knowledge, you will also strengthen your critical-thinking and problem-solving skills -- and confidence.
1. Computational Thinking.
2. Programming Tools.
3. Literals, Variables, and Constants.
4. Numeric Data Types and Expressions.
5. Character and String Data Types.
6. Decision Control Structures.
7. Repetition Control Structures.
8. Methods.
9. Arrays.
10. Recursion.
11. Classes and Objects.
12. Encapsulation.
13. Inheritance.
14. Polymorphism.
15. Exceptions.
16. File Operations.
17. Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
18. Generics.
19. Linked List Data Structures.
20. Stacks, Queues, and Tables.
21. Trees and Graphs.
22. Algorithm Complexity and Big-O Notation.
23. Search Algorithms.
24. Sorting Algorithms.
25. Processor Architecture.
26. Data Representation.
27. Programming Paradigms.
28. User Interfaces.
29. Software Development Methodologies.
30. Pseudocode, Flowcharts, and Decision Tables.
31. Unified Modeling Language.
Kyla McMullen
Kyla McMullen is a tenure-track faculty member in the University of Florida's Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering Department. Her research interests are in the perception, application and development of 3D audio technologies. In this line of research, sounds are digitally filtered so that when they are played over headphones, the listener perceives the sound as being emitted from a specific location in their own physical space, much like surround sound over headphones. Dr. McMullen is using this research to create realistic virtual environments, enhance data sonification, augment assistive technologies for people with visual impairments and decrease the cognitive load in multimodal systems. She recently received the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award to further support this research. She earned a B.S. in computer science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan.
Elizabeth Matthews
Elizabeth "Liz" A. Matthews is an assistant professor of computer science at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. She received a B.S. in computer science from Western Washington University, an M.S. in computer science from Clemson University and a Ph.D. in human-centered computing from the University of Florida.
June Jamrich Parsons
June Jamrich Parsons is an educator, digital book pioneer, co-author of Texty and McGuffey award-winning textbooks and a TAA fellow. She co-developed the first commercially successful multimedia, interactive digital textbook that established the standard for platforms now being developed by numerous educational publishers. In addition to authoring textbooks for Course Technology and Cengage, Dr. Parsons' career includes extensive classroom teaching and product design for eCourseware. She also served as a creative strategist for MediaTechnics Corp. and director of content for Veative Virtual Reality Labs. A member of the Association for Computing Machinery, she holds a Ph.D. in instructional technology and Certified Computing Professional certification.
CRITICAL THINKING Q&A: Helping students focus on key material, a series of brief critical thinking questions review the main points introduced in each chapter as well as reinforce new concepts at the moment of learning.
COMPREHENSIVE TEST BANK: Choosing from over 350 multiple-choice language-agnostic Test Bank questions, instructors can easily create concept-based assessments to effectively evaluate student understanding.
ROBUST INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL: Lesson-by-lesson outlines equip instructors with helpful suggestions for presenting difficult concepts, additional code examples and questions that prompt lively class discussions.
POWERPOINT REVIEW: Students can use the PowerPoints to review key concepts -- maximizing their study time and course success.
COMPLETE CODE EXAMPLES: Providing students with additional insight, embedded figures illustrate the application of general concepts in Java code.
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for McMullen/Matthews/Parsons' Programming with Java
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for McMullen/Matthews/Parsons' Programming with Java, Instant Access
Instructor's Companion Website for McMullen/Matthews/Parsons' Programming with Java
Cengage eBook: Readings from Programming with Java 12 Months