Develop the strong problem-solving skills and foundation in fundamental principles you need to become an analytical, detail-oriented and creative engineer with Moaveni's ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS: AN INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING, SI, 7th Edition. You begin by studying what engineers do with special behind-the-scenes glimpses into areas of specialization. Updates throughout this edition candidly examine what is required to succeed as an engineer today. This edition includes a new chapter on Python and offers more content on climate change and sustainability. The author introduces basic physical concepts and laws that you will encounter in future studies as well as on the job. Professional Profiles highlight the work of practicing engineers around the globe and further emphasize principles that you need to master to thrive as an engineer. WebAssign digital resources are also available to strengthen your understanding.
1. Introduction to the Engineering Profession.
Engineering Work Is All Around You. Basic Human Needs, the Changing World Population Age Structure, and Sustainability. Engineering as a Profession. Common Traits of Good Engineers. Engineering Disciplines. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
2. Preparing for an Engineering Career.
Making the Transition from High School to College. Budgeting Your Time. Study Habits and Strategies. Getting Involved with an Engineering Organization. Your Graduation Plan. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
3. Introduction to Engineering Design.
Engineering Design Process. Additional Design Considerations. Teamwork. Project Scheduling and the Task Chart. Engineering Standards and Codes. Water and Air Standards in the United States. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
4. Engineering Communication.
Communication Skills and Presentation of Engineering Work. Basic Steps Involved in the Solution of Engineering Problems. Written Communication. Oral Communication. Graphical Communication. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
5. Engineering Ethics.
Engineering Ethics. The Code of Ethics of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Engineer’s Creed. Academic Dishonesty, Conflict of Interest, Professional Responsibility. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
6. Fundamental Dimensions and Systems of Units.
Fundamental Dimensions and Units. Systems of Units. Unit Conversion and Dimensional Homogeneity. Significant Digits (Figures). Components and Systems. Physical Laws and Observations. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
7. Length and Length-Related Variables in Engineering.
Length as a Fundamental Dimension. Ratio of Two Lengths—Radians and Strain. Area. Volume. Second Moment of Area. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
8. Time and Time-Related Variables in Engineering.
Time as a Fundamental Dimension. Measurement of Time. Periods and Frequencies. Flow of Traffic. Engineering Variables Involving Length and Time. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
9. Mass and Mass-Related Variables in Engineering.
Mass as a Fundamental Dimension. Density, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity, and Specific Volume. Mass Flow Rate. Mass Moment of Inertia. Momentum and Kinetic Energy. Conservation of Mass. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
10. Force and Force-Related Variables in Engineering.
Force. Newton’s Laws in Mechanics. Moment, Torque—Force Acting at a Distance. Work—Force Acting Over a Distance. Pressure and Stress—Force Acting Over an Area. Linear Impulse—Force Acting Over Time. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
11. Temperature and Temperature-Related Variables in Engineering.
Temperature as a Fundamental Dimension. Temperature Difference and Heat Transfer. Thermal Comfort. Heating Values of Fuels. Degree Days and Energy Estimation. Additional Temperature-Related Material Properties. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
12. Electric Current and Related Variables in Engineering.
Electric Current, Voltage, and Electric Power. Electrical Circuits and Components. Electric Power Sources. Electric Motors. Lighting Systems. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
13. Energy and Power.
Work, Mechanical Energy, and Thermal Energy. Conservation of Energy. Power. Efficiency. Energy Sources, Generation, and Consumption. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
14. Computational Engineering Tools Electronic Spreadsheets.
Microsoft Excel Basics. Excel Functions. Plotting with Excel. Creating a Pivot Table in Excel. Matrix Computation with Excel. An Introduction to Excel’s Visual Basic for Applications. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
15. Computational Engineering Tools MATLAB.
MATLAB Basics. MATLAB Functions, Loop Control, and Conditional Statements. Plotting with MATLAB. Matrix Computations with MATLAB. Symbolic Mathematics with MATLAB. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
16. Computational Engineering Tools An Introduction to Programming with Python.
Computer Programming Process. Python Basics. Python Functions, Loop Control, and Conditional Statement. Plotting with Python. Matrix Computations with NumPy. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
17. Engineering Drawings and Symbols.
Mechanical Drawings. Civil, Electrical, and Electronic Drawings. Solid Modeling. Engineering Symbols. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
18. Engineering Materials.
Material Selection and Origin. The Properties of Materials. Metals. Concrete. Wood, Plastics, Silicon, Glass, and Composites. Fluid Materials: Air and Water. Municipal and Industrial Waste. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
19. Mathematics in Engineering.
Mathematical Symbols and Greek Alphabet. Linear Models. Nonlinear Models. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Matrix Algebra. Calculus. Differential Equations. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
20. Probability and Statistics in Engineering.
Probability—Basic Ideas. Statistics—Basic Ideas. Frequency Distributions. Measures of Central Tendency and Variation—Mean, Median, and Standard Deviation. Normal Distribution. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
21. Engineering Economics.
Cash Flow Diagrams. Simple and Compound Interest. Future Worth of a Present Amount and Present Worth of a Future Amount. Effective Interest Rate. Present and Future Worth of Series Payment. Interest–Time Factors. Choosing the Best Alternatives—Decision Making. Excel Financial Functions. Summary. Key Terms. Problems.
Saeed Moaveni
Dr. Saeed Moaveni is a successful engineer, author and educator. He is a licensed professional engineer in the State of New York and has more than 35 years of experience in practice, teaching and research. Dr. Moaveni has held faculty appointments at several universities, including University of South Carolina, Syracuse University and Minnesota State University, and he has served as a graduate program coordinator, department chair and dean. He is the former dean of the David Crawford School of Engineering at Norwich University -- one of the oldest engineering schools in the country (founded in 1819). He has served as a consultant to various companies and universities, and as a reviewer and panelist for the National Science Foundation for more than 25 years. As a well-known educator and researcher, Dr. Moaveni has received numerous awards throughout his career, including the Jack Cermak Distinguished Professor Fellowship, the American Society for Engineering Education Outstanding Young Faculty Award, the Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) Award for Outstanding Contributions to Women's Advancement in Minnesota State Universities, the International Network for Engineering Education and Research Recognition Award and the Global Citizen Award from Minnesota State University. Dr. Moaveni's various textbooks have been translated into many languages, including traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Farsi and Korean. He has been invited abroad as a visiting scholar at numerous universities, including Kyushu University (Japan), National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at National Taiwan University, Shanghai University of Engineering Science and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana).
NEW CHAPTER (CH. 16) FOCUSES ON THE POPULAR COMPUTER LANGUAGE PYTHON. New content within this edition’s Chapter 16 introduces students to this popular computer programming language. With this knowledge, your students have an additional tool they can use to solve problems.
ENHANCED EMPHASIS ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABILITY PREPARES STUDENTS TO MEET CHALLENGES. The author includes more content related to climate change and sustainability throughout this edition to better familiarize students with these pressing issues and stress their importance in today’s ever-changing world.
"APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED" FEATURES EMPHASIZES HANDS-ON USE OF CONCEPTS TO REINFORCE THEIR IMPORTANCE. This feature, designed to highlight practical applications of course concepts, encourages students to apply what they have learned to an interesting problem or situation. To emphasize the importance of teamwork and to encourage group participation, many of these problems require group work.
DISCUSSION AND REVIEW FEATURES ENCOURAGE INTERACTIVE LEARNING. This edition highlights key concepts with features such as "Discussion Starters," which provide contemporary readings related to a specific concept followed by discussion questions. In addition, section-ending "Before You Go On" questions review content to ensure students understand and can apply key concepts and skills.
CUSTOMIZABLE WEBASSIGN ONLINE RESOURCES ASSIST YOU WITH CLASS PREPARATION AND YOUR STUDENTS WITH HOMEWORK. WebAssign is a flexible, fully customizable online instructional system that puts powerful tools in in your hands, as the instructor. You are able to create and deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and whole class performance, and realize your teaching goals. WebAssign's numerous learning features provide you and your students with flexible online tools for measured learning.
NUMEROUS ASSIGNMENTS EMPHASIZE HOW TO EFFICIENTLY ACQUIRE AND APPLY KEY INFORMATION. Meaningful assignments throughout require that students gather information by using the Internet or traditional research methods. Students refine the skills they need to obtain important background information and properly use the information that is acquired.
MODULAR STRUCTURE OFFERS FLEXIBILITY IN TEACHING AND BUILDING UPON THE FUNDAMENTALS. The reader-friendly presentation is organized into six parts that each build upon one another. This modular structure allows students to hone problem-solving skills while developing a vital understanding of fundamental engineering principles.
FOCUSED LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND HELPFUL SUMMARIES DIRECT READERS AND REINFORCE KEY INFORMATION. Each chapter begins with precise learning objectives and concludes by summarizing crucial information that the reader should have learned from studying the chapter.
WEALTH OF CONTENT OFFERS FLEXIBILITY IN TEACHING. Using a popular modular structure, this edition provides enough important material that you have the flexibility to choose the specific topics that are best for your unique course and student needs. Each of the text's six parts build upon each other or can be studied independently.
APPEALING, FULL-COLOR DESIGN DIRECTS READER ATTENTION TO KEY INFORMATION. A unique, full-color presentation uses appealing graphics to makes important content more engaging and critical concepts easier for readers to locate.
TEXT'S APPROACH AND CONTENT SUPPORT ABET REQUIREMENTS. The focus on Learning Objectives and in-text testing complies with ABET requirements, in addition to helping your students master today's most important engineering content.
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MindTap: Engineering Fundamentals An Introduction to Engineering, SI Edition 12 Months
MindTap: Engineering Fundamentals An Introduction to Engineering, SI Edition 12 Months
MindTap: Engineering Fundamentals An Introduction to Engineering, SI Edition 12 Months