Master the proven, traditional methods in project management as well as the latest agile practices with Kloppenborg/Anantatmula/Wells' CONTEMPORARY PROJECT MANAGEMENT, 5E. This edition presents project management techniques and expert examples drawn from successful practice and the latest research. All content reflects the knowledge areas and processes of the 6th edition of the PMBOK® Guide as well as the domains and principles of the 7th edition of the PMBOK® Guide. The book's focused approach helps you build a strong portfolio to showcase project management skills. New features, glossary and an integrated case highlight agile practices, mindset and techniques, while PMP®-style questions prepare you for the new 2021 PMP® certification exam. You also learn to use Microsoft® Project to automate processes. Gain the expertise you need to become a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) or Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) with this edition and MindTap digital resources.
1. Introduction to Project Management.
2. Project Selection and Prioritization.
3. Chartering Projects.
4. Organizational Capability: Structure, Culture, and Roles.
5. Leading and Managing Project Teams.
6. Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Planning.
7. Holistic Scope Planning.
8. Scheduling Projects.
9. Resourcing and Accelerating Projects.
10. Budgeting Projects.
11. Project Uncertainty Planning.
12. Project Quality Planning and Project Kick-off.
13. Project Procurement and Partnering.
14. Determining Project Progress and Results.
15. Finishing the Project and Realizing the Benefits.
Appendix A: PMP and CAPM Exam Prep Suggestions
Appendix B: PMP Exam Content 2021 Outline with CPM 5e Chapter Coverage
Appendix C: Answers to Selected Exercises
Appendix D: Project Deliverables
Appendix E: Strengths Themes as Used in Project Management
Glossary Terms consistent the PMBOK® 6e and 7e Guides; multiple other PMI Guides and Standards; and current agile practice.
Timothy Kloppenborg
Timothy J. Kloppenborg is a professor emeritus of management at Williams College of Business, Xavier University. He previously held faculty positions at the University of North Carolina Charlotte and the Air Force Institute of Technology. He also has taught at Southern Cross University and Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has written more than 100 publications and 13 books, including BE AGILE DO AGILE, STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP OF PORTFOLIO AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROJECT MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS, PROJECT LEADERSHIP and MANAGING PROJECT QUALITY. His articles have appeared in MIT Sloan Management Review, Project Management Journal, Journal of Management Education, Journal of General Management, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Information Systems Education Journal, Journal of Managerial Issues, Quality Progress, Management Research News and Journal of Small Business Strategy. Dr. Kloppenborg is the founding editor of the Portfolio and Project Management book collection for Business Expert Press, where he has edited more than 60 books. He has been active with the Project Management Institute for 34 years and has served as a PMP® since 1991. He is an Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) and a Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master (DASSM). In fact, Dr. Kloppenborg serves as scrum master for the Heritage Center Arboretum. He has hands-on and consulting project management experience on six continents. Dr. Kloppenborg has worked with more than 150 volunteer organizations. He is also a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve officer. Dr. Kloppenborg has developed corporate training and undergraduate, M.B.A. and executive M.B.A. classes in project management, leadership teamwork, and quality improvement. He also teaches PMP® Prep classes. He holds a B.S. from Benedictine College, an M.B.A. from Western Illinois University and a Ph.D. in Operations Management from the University of Cincinnati.
Vittal S. Anantatmula
Dr. Vittal Anantatmula is a professor in the College of Business, Western Carolina University (WCU) as well as University of North Carolina. He directed the master of project management program for ten years at WCU. Dr. Anantatmula is also an Endeavor Executive Fellow, a recognition bestowed on him by the Australian Government. He worked at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and he has been a global guest professor at Keio University in Japan since 2014. He also serves as visiting professor at Skema Business School in France where he advises Ph.D. students. Dr. Anantatmula has received several excellence in teaching and research awards, including the University Scholar at Western Carolina University. Dr. Anantatmula also taught at the George Washington University where he directed their project management degree program. Dr. Anantatmula served as a director and board member of the Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Center (PMI-GAC) from 2016 to 2021. In addition, he is a member of the Academic Insight Team of the Project Management Institute (PMI). Dr. Anantatmula has worked in the petroleum and power industries for more than a decade as a senior electrical engineer and project manager. He has also been a consultant for several international organizations including the World Bank. Dr. Anantatmula has authored more than 100 publications including ten academic research books. He received his Ph.D. from The George Washington University and he is a certified project management professional (PMP®).
Kathryn Wells
Kathryn (“Kate”) N. Wells, M.Ed., PMP®, has more than a decade of experience in project management education, having served as lead or co-author of five project management books, including PROJECT MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS and PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR ARCHEOLOGY. She has created project management training material that has been used around the world and has used her language abilities to translate (Spanish to English) project management training materials created abroad. Kate has devoted most of her career to education. She has taught high-school, college and adult students in a variety of settings. In addition to working on her next book, Kate currently serves as a regional project manager for Pike Engineering. In this role, she provides project management education throughout the Midwest region and is helping to create a PMO.
EXTENSIVE, CURRENT COVERAGE EXAMINES AGILE PRACTICES. The author team applies their extensive expertise in agile techniques to new content, features and learning objectives. Each chapter now includes one or more learning objectives specific to agile. A special section in each chapter examines how topics are treated differently or similarly when using agile practices. This edition also introduces more than 100 agile terms with definitions and descriptions of mindsets and techniques. A large, integrated agile case also spans all 15 chapters to highlight how a real agile project is performed.
NEW, ORGANIZED CONTENT CLARIFIES OFFICIAL PMBOK® GUIDE 6E AND 7E STANDARDS. A master flowchart in this edition depicts PMBOK® Guide 6e and its process approach to project management. Individual flowcharts for each chapter show the processes, flows and outputs related to chapter topics. New content also addresses the recently released PMBOK® Guide 7e and its completely different orientation. Clear descriptions clarify how this new guide's principles and domains impact the project management topics in each chapter.
NEW COVERAGE PREPARES STUDENTS FOR THE SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED 2021 PMP® CERTIFICATION EXAM. This edition addresses both versions of the PMBOK® Guide and agile practice in order to help students perform well on the updated PMP® exam. Your students prepare for the exam's 35 project tasks and the corresponding process questions drawn primarily from PMBOK® 6e as well as the people and business environment questions primarily based on PMBOK® 7e. Students also prepare to answer questions based on traditional, plan-driven project management as well as those on agile or hybrid practices.
PMP®-STYLE QUESTIONS IN EACH CHAPTER ARE TAGGED TO TASKS IN THE NEW PMP® EXAM. Each chapter now includes 10 PMP®-style questions for a total of 150 practice questions in this edition. Each question corresponds to a task identified in the PMP® exam content outline. For further practice, this edition's extensive test bank also includes questions tagged by PMP® exam content outline tasks. Test bank questions are also identified by Bloom’s taxonomy and cooresponding text chapter.
NEW AND UPDATED EXPERT EXAMPLES EMPHASIZE THE RELEVANCE OF WHAT STUDENTS ARE LEARNING. Numerous current examples from industry experts at the beginning of each chapter encourage students to read further. Examples within each chapter flow seamlessly to illustrate specific points, while additional examples from professionals at the end of each chapter demonstrate how organizations combine and apply multiple ideas from the chapter in actual business. The experts who contributed these examples represent leaders in the field with decades of experience and impressive credentials.
INTEGRATED EXAMPLES REFLECT TODAY'S LATEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTS. The book’s most popular examples, including chapter introductory examples, chapter examples and Project Management in Action examples at the end of chapters, are fully integrated within the text. Many new examples from various industries on several continents are available to enrich your content. Examples address new industries and introduce a variety of business experiences. Many examples are contributed by experts with extensive experience and publications in the niche topic they discuss.
ENGAGING AUTHOR-CREATED VIDEOS DEMONSTRATE SPECIFIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES. The authors have created 23 engaging videos in MindTap that detail how to perform many of today's successful project management techniques. Fifteen of these videos demonstrate activities, such as creating charters, while the remainder focus on using Microsoft® Project.
INTEGRATED COVERAGE OF MICROSOFT® PROJECT PREPARES STUDENTS TO WORK WITH THE MOST RECENT TOOLS. The author introduces all concepts using a step-by-step presentation that's consistent with PMBOK® work processes. Students then learn how to automate the project management techniques using Microsoft® Project. Students practice techniques such as identifying and overcoming resource overloads and managing project schedules. Full-color screenshots and multiple videos make content more realistic and easier to follow.
STUDENT-ORIENTED, MEASURABLE LEARNING OBJECTIVES GUIDE LEARNING. Each chapter begins with core and agile-specific learning outcomes. In addition, a flowchart identifies all knowledge areas and processes of the PMBOK® 6e Guide as well as the impact of PMBOK® 7e Guide domains and principles. One set of glossary definitions correspond with the PMBOK® Guide and other PMI standards and guides. A second set defines agile practices. These tools help students prepare to become Certified Project Management Professionals (PMP®) or Certified Project Management Professionals (PMP®).
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Kloppenborg/Anantatmula/Wells' Contemporary Project Management
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Instructor's Companion Website for Kloppenborg/Anantatmula/Wells' Contemporary Project Management
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