Law Practice Management,
5th Edition

Cynthia Traina Donnes

ISBN-13: 9780357767405
Copyright 2024 | Published
400 pages | List Price: USD $250.95

Helping you maximize course success and prepare for your legal career, Traina-Donnes' LAW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT, 5th edition, delivers current, easy-to-understand coverage of day-to-day law office management topics, including client relations and communication skills; legal fees, timekeeping and billing; client trust funds and law office accounting; calendaring, docket control and case management; legal marketing; and file and law library management. Up-to-date forms, charts and checklists throughout illustrate important forms relating to law practice functions, equipping you with the skills and concepts needed to complete your job effectively and efficiently. In addition, ethics-related case reviews enable you to think through potential ethical dilemmas before you are actually confronted by them.


1. The Legal Team, Law Practices, and Law Firm Governance.
2. Legal Administration and Technology.
3. Ethics and Malpractice.
4. Client Relations & Communication Skills.
5. Legal Fees, Timekeeping, and Billing.
6. Client Trust Funds and Law Office Accounting.
7. Calendaring, Docket Control, and Case Management.
8. Legal Marketing.
9. File and Law Library Management.
Appendix A: Succeeding in the legal profession.

  • Cynthia Traina Donnes

    Cynthia Traina-Donnes has been a paralegal educator for more than 30 years, teaching bankruptcy, legal technology and advanced legal technology at Tulane University. Ms. Traina-Donnes is a qualified family/civil mediator and is registered with the Louisiana Bar Association. She is a securities arbitrator with FINRA and a former bankruptcy trustee. She is also an approved CLE sponsor, conducting seminars in several practice areas. In addition to this book, she has written PRACTICAL LAW OFFICE MANAGEMENT, also published through Cengage. In November 2018, Mr. Traina-Donnes was elected to the AAfPE board as the ABA commission representative. She is former CASA Advocate, CASA board president, and currently is an American Cancer Society board member. Mrs. Traina-Donnes has six children and six grandchildren.

  • Reflecting the latest developments from real-world practice, up-to-date coverage of emerging technological advances that are changing the practice of law prepares students for success in today's legal environment.

  • Updated case reviews help students develop a better understanding of various types of unethical behavior they may encounter in the legal environment -- including technology-related ethical issues -- helping them determine the best course of action before they actually come face-to-face with an ethical dilemma.

  • The new edition's logical organization allows each chapter to be studied independently, giving instructors complete flexibility in how they present the material.

  • A strong ethics focus throughout the book is supported by numerous Case Review features that emphasize a wide variety of ethical issues and dilemmas that students may one day confront in real-world practice.

  • On the Web exercises, Practical Applications and Case Review questions help students master key concepts and skills -- maximizing their study time and course success.

  • Up-to-date charts and graphs present material in an easy-to-understand format.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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