Although it offers an appropriately complex treatment of the American past, Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury/Sitkoff/Woloch/Rieser's THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, requires no prerequisite knowledge from students. The approach is not only comprehensive, but readable, lively and illuminating. It is attentive to the lived historical experiences of women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans -- that is, of men and women of all ethnic groups, regions and social classes who make up the American mosaic. This text seeks to encourage students’ spatial thinking about historical developments by offering a map program rich in information, easy to read and visually appealing. Visual culture -- paintings, photographs, cartoons and other illustrations -- is investigated throughout all chapters in the volume.
Prologue: Enduring Vision, Enduring Land.
1. Native Peoples of America, to 1500.
2. The Rise of the Atlantic World, 1400-1625.
3. The Emergence of Colonial Societies, 1625-1700.
4. The Bonds of Empire, 1660-1750.
5. Roads to Revolution, 1750-1776.
6. Securing Independence, Defining Nationhood, 1776-1788.
7. Launching the New Republic, 1788-1800.
8. America at War and Peace, 1801-1824.
9. The Transformation of American Society, 1815-1840.
10. Democratic Politics, Religious Revival, and Reform, 1824-1840.
11. Technology, Culture, and Everyday Life, 1840-1860.
12. The Old South and Slavery, 1830-1860.
13. Immigration, Expansion, and Sectional Conflict, 1840-1848.
14. From Compromise to Secession, 1850-1861.
15. The Promise of Freedom: Civil War, 1861-1865.
16. Reconstruction and Resistance, 1865-1877.
17. The Transformation of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1860-1900.
18. The Rise of Industrial America, 1865-1900.
19. Immigration, Urbanization, and Everyday Life, 1860-1900.
20. Politics and Expansion in an Industrializing Age, 1877-1900.
21. The Progressive Era, 1900-1917.
22. Global Involvements and World War I, 1902-1920.
23. Coping with Change, 1920-1929.
24. The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939.
25. Americans and a World in Crisis, 1933-1945.
26. The Cold War Abroad and at Home, 1945-1960.
27. America at Midcentury, 1945-1963.
28. The Triumph and Collapse of Liberalism, 1963-1968.
29. Conservatism Reborn, 1968-1988.
30. The Second Gilded Age, 1988-2008.
31. An Enduring Democracy, 2008 to the Present.
Paul S. Boyer
Paul S. Boyer, Merle Curti Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University. An editor of NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN, 1607-1950 (1971), he also co-authored SALEM POSSESSED: THE SOCIAL ORIGINS OF WITCHCRAFT (1974), for which, with Stephen Nissenbaum, he received the John H. Dunning Prize of the American Historical Association. His other works include URBAN MASSES AND MORAL ORDER IN AMERICA, 1820-1920 (1978), BY THE BOMB’S EARLY LIGHT: AMERICAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE AT THE DAWN OF THE ATOMIC AGE (1985), WHEN TIME SHALL BE NO MORE: PROPHECY BELIEF IN MODERN AMERICAN CULTURE (1992), and PROMISES TO KEEP: THE UNITED STATES SINCE WORLD WAR II (3e, 2003). He is also editor-in-chief of the OXFORD COMPANION TO UNITED STATES HISTORY (2001). His articles and essays have appeared in the “American Quarterly,” “New Republic,” and other journals. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles; Northwestern University; and the College of William and Mary.
Karen Halttunen
Karen Halttunen, professor of history at the University of Southern California, earned her Ph.D. from Yale University. Her works include CONFIDENCE MEN AND PAINTED WOMEN: A STUDY OF MIDDLE-CLASS CULTURE IN AMERICA, 1830-1870 (1982) and MURDER MOST FOUL: THE KILLER AND THE AMERICAN GOTHIC IMAGINATION (1998). She edited THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO AMERICAN CULTURAL HISTORY (2008) and co-edited, with Lewis Perry, MORAL PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN LIFE: NEW ESSAYS ON CULTURAL HISTORY (1998). As president of the American Studies Association and as vice-president of the Teaching Division of the American Historical Association, she has actively promoted K-16 collaboration in teaching history. She has held fellowships from the Guggenheim and Mellon Foundations, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Huntington Library, and the National Humanities Center, and has been principal investigator on several Teaching American History grants from the Department of Education.
Joseph F. Kett
Joseph F. Kett, James Madison Professor of History at the University of Virginia, received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. His works include THE FORMATION OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL PROFESSION: THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS, 1780-1860 (1968), RITES OF PASSAGE: ADOLESCENCE IN AMERICA, 1790-PRESENT (1977), THE PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES: FROM SELF-IMPROVEMENT TO ADULT EDUCATION IN AMERICA, 1750-1990 (1994), and THE NEW DICTIONARY OF CULTURAL LITERACY (2002), of which he is co-author. A former History Department chair at Virginia, he also has participated on the Panel on Youth of the President’s Science Advisory Committee, has served on the Board of Editors of the “History of Education Quarterly,” and is a past member of the Council of the American Studies Association.
Neal Salisbury
Neal Salisbury, Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor Emeritus in the Social Sciences (History), at Smith College, received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of MANITOU AND PROVIDENCE: INDIANS, EUROPEANS, AND THE MAKING OF NEW ENGLAND, 1500-1643 (1982), editor of THE SOVEREIGNTY AND GOODNESS OF GOD, by Mary Rowlandson (1997), and co-editor, with Philip J. Deloria, of THE COMPANION TO AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY (2002). With R. David Edmunds and Frederick E. Hoxie, he has written THE PEOPLE: A HISTORY OF NATIVE AMERICA (2007). He has contributed numerous articles to journals and edited collections and co-edits a book series, CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY. He is active in the fields of colonial and Native American history and has served as president of the American Society for Ethnohistory and on the Council of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture.
Nancy Woloch
Nancy Woloch received her Ph.D. from Indiana University. She is the author of WOMEN AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (fifth edition, 2011), editor of EARLY AMERICAN WOMEN: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, 1600-1900 (second edition, 2002), and coauthor, with Walter LaFeber and Richard Polenberg, of THE AMERICAN CENTURY: A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SINCE THE 1890S (seventh edition, 2013). She is also the author of MULLER V. OREGON: A BRIEF HISTORY WITH DOCUMENTS (1996). She teaches American History and American Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University.
THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, incorporates major developments and scholarship since the 9th Edition went to press. The chapter revisions introduce new material and new visual images, tightened and clarified lines of argument, and responses to reviewers’ suggestions for strengthening the work. A chapter-by-chapter glimpse of some of the changes highlights new content and up-to-the-minute scholarship.
Chapter one weaves in perspectives from recent scholarship highlighting Indigenous political agency as a framework for understanding variations in Native American social organization. Chapter two enhances coverage of initial contact between Europeans and Native Americans and adds a new section on slavery’s arrival in Virginia in 1619. A new Going to the Source in chapter three adds a Native American perspective on British colonialism. For greater clarity, chapter four merges the material on the Middle Passage and slavery into a distinct section, while chapters five and six have been condensed and the overall narrative sharpened.
Chapter seven adds new material on the roots of Native American land claims and demands for recognition as sovereign nations. Chapters eight and nine build on that theme with new content on Indigenous agency in asserting claims in the Louisiana Territory and the banks’ role in Cherokee relocation in Georgia in the 1830s. Chapters 10 and 11 have been condensed. Chapter 12’s improvements include an enhanced opening vignette and introduction, along with new content on the complicity of northern banks and insurance companies in underwriting slavery.
Chapter 13 provides new details on ethnic conflict within the ranks of the U.S. Army during the U.S. war with Mexico. Chapters 14 and 15 have been condensed and greater emphasis placed upon President Lincoln’s role in reframing the Civil War’s ultimate goals and meanings. Chapter 16 devotes more attention to Black women’s suffrage advocacy and to southern freedmen’s yearning for land reform. As in all other chapters, Chapter 17 transitions to group names more consistent with Indigenous preferences and current scholarly practice. It also includes new material on Black migrants to Kansas and the West. Chapter 18 adds new material on inventor Nikola Tesla and the role played by nineteenth-century conceptions of race in shaping the experiences of southern and eastern European industrial workers.
Chapter 19’s treatment of school segregation nationwide and the Black urban experience in the North is significantly reworked and expanded, with a new Going to the Source on W. E. B. Du Bois and a new section on the origin and significance of Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Chapter 20 increases coverage of Black politics in the North and the escalating pro-Cuban and neo-imperial sentiments of the 1890s. Chapter 21 now includes coverage of the legal precedents for vaccination mandates during the Progressive Era. New paragraphs on U.S. interventions in Haiti and the uneven public health response to the 1918 influenza pandemic enliven Chapter 22.
Inspired by recent scholarship, Chapter 23’s section on alcohol prohibition has been completely rewritten and a new section added on the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921; Chapter 24 expands coverage of racial discrimination in the CCC and the Social Security system while adding text and imagery on redlining and residential segregation in the 1930s. Chapter 25 expands on wartime challenges facing African Americans in the armed services and on the home front. Additions to Chapter 26 highlight the racial inequities facing Black recipients of the GI Bill and the attack on gay employees in the federal government (the Lavender Scare) amid rising anticommunist hysteria.
MindTap® for THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, is a personalized, online learning platform that provides students with an immersive learning experience to build and foster critical thinking skills. The new edition has been redeveloped in a completely "reimagined" format featuring dual pane learning that enables students to read and practice at the same time. Through a carefully designed chapter-based learning path (easily customizable by instructors), MindTap® allows students to identify learning objectives; draw connections and improve writing skills by essay assignments; read short, manageable sections from the eBook; and test their content knowledge with map- and timeline-based critical thinking questions.
"Going to the Source" is a one-page excerpt of a primary source, highlighting issues related to the environment and the land. These features appear throughout each chapter with analysis questions to engage students in thinking critically about the excerpt's content. A rich selection of primary documents from speeches, diaries and other writings are included.
"Beyond America -- Global Interactions" chapter reflection activities, available in MindTap®, explore the worldwide context of key developments in American history, including the Panic of 1837, slavery as a global institution, decolonization and the Cold War, and the Black Freedom Movement.
"Technology and Culture" chapter reflection activities, available in MindTap®, demonstrate the importance of these two forces in American history. Topics include public sanitation in Philadelphia, guns and gun culture, flush toilets and the interstate highway system.
A supportive in-text pedagogical program is designed to help students grasp each chapter's structure and purpose. Introductions prepare students for broad developments, themes and historical problems; outlines provide a wireframe of key topics; focus questions help students read actively rather than passively; chronologies provide an overview of key events; and the chapter review, The Whole Vision, sums up the core themes and answers the focus questions, providing students with an opportunity to solidify their understanding of what they've read.
The general organization of the text is chronological, with individual chapters conforming to important historical periods. In keeping with the emphasis on social and cultural history, some chapters take a more thematic approach, overlapping chronologically with those that precede and follow them, thus introducing students to a more sophisticated understanding of the different levels -- political, cultural, economic, social -- of historical periodization.
Within each chapter, features are offered to help students grasp its structure and purpose. A brief chapter introduction, usually including an illustrative biographical vignette, prepares students for the broader developments, themes and historical problems that are addressed in that chapter. A chapter outline lists both the major headings and the subheads of the chapter, while also providing focus questions for each section -- questions designed to help students read the chapter actively rather than passively. Those questions also appear under the major headings within the body of each chapter. Chronologies appear near the beginning of each chapter to provide an overview of key events. The chapter conclusion, The Whole Vision, addresses and answers the focus questions, providing students with an opportunity to review what they’ve read.
As a further pedagogical aid, each chapter includes key terms and definitions that appear in marginal boxes near where the boldfaced term first appears in the chapter. All terms are also grouped at the end of the chapter for quick and easy review. In addition, an annotated, up-to-date list of core readings, available on the website, offers guidance for those wishing to explore a particular topic in depth.
This edition seeks to encourage students’ spatial thinking about historical developments by offering an easy to read, visually appealing map program rich in information. Visual culture -- paintings, photographs, cartoons and other illustrations -- is investigated through all chapters in the volume. The maps, tables and figures in the volume are teaching and learning tools, not aesthetic additions. All are clearly numbered and are referenced in the text, thus fully integrating them into the narrative.
From the first edition on, THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, has also paid close attention to the environmental history of America’s past because it is clear that geography, land and landscape have played an important role throughout human history. The text's unique Prologue on the American Land solidly establishes those themes early on, and extensive coverage of environmental history, the land and the West is fully integrated into the narrative and treated analytically -- not simply “tacked on” to a traditional account.
THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, sustains the emphasis on social and cultural history that was established in the first edition. Religious history remains an important focus, from the spiritual values of pre-Columbian communities to the political activism of contemporary conservative Christian groups. Family history and the history of education receive serious attention. In response to newer developments in the history discipline, recent editions of the text have underscored the global context of American history. New literature on global history is presented throughout the narrative.
Students show a particular fascination with the histories of technology and medicine. In addition to discussing the applications of science and technology, the authors note the often unanticipated cultural, social and political consequences of such innovations -- from new hunting implements developed by Paleo-Indians to contemporary breakthroughs in vaccination development and debates over net neutrality. Medicine and disease receive extensive coverage, and the epidemics brought by European explorers and settlers as well as today’s coronavirus crisis, bioethics debates and controversies over health care financing all receive attention.
Reflecting students’ keen interest in recent events, the last chapter explores the dynamic movements for social justice and frightening disruptions to democratic norms since 2008, including thoughtful coverage of the presidencies of Donald Trump and Joseph Biden (to 2022) and the era’s landmark legislation; key Supreme Court appointments and decisions; dramatic investigations and impeachment proceedings; #MeToo and Black Lives Matter activism; election controversies and the January 6 attack; and responses to the coronavirus pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War.
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Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury/Sitkoff/Woloch's The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People
Instructor's Companion Website forBoyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury/Sitkoff/Woloch/Rieser's The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People