Financial Accounting,
17th Edition

Carl S. Warren, Jefferson P. Jones, William B. Tayler

ISBN-13: 9780357899830
Copyright 2024 | Published
712 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

Develop a strong foundation in financial accounting that prepares you for future study and success in business with FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 17E by award-winning authors Warren/Jones/Tayler. This edition and corresponding CNOWv2 online learning platform connects accounting concepts to the "bigger picture" as you see how the steps in the accounting cycle are interrelated and how accounting plays a critical role in business success. Chapter-opening features clearly demonstrate how each chapter's content fits within the overall framework of this edition. The CNOWv2's Journal Entry Tool reinforces this approach by automatically illustrating the impact of transactions on the accounting equation. New content integrates coverage of data analytics, while new online appendices offer optional topics for study. This edition offers learner-centric revisions as well as new learning features, demonstration videos, case and projects to create a rewarding learning experience no matter what your learning style.


1. Introduction to Accounting and Business.
2. Analyzing Transactions.
3. The Adjusting Process.
4. The Accounting Cycle.
5. Accounting for Retail Businesses.
6. Inventories.
7. Internal Controls and Cash.
8. Receivables.
9. Long-Term Assets: Fixed and Intangible.
10. Liabilities: Current Liabilities, Installment Notes, and Contingencies.
11. Liabilities: Bonds Payable.
12. Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies.
13. Corporations: Organization, Stock Transactions, and Dividends.
14. Statement of Cash Flows.
15. Financial Statement Analysis.
Appendix A: Present Value Tables.
Appendix B: Selected Topics.
Appendix C: Nike Inc. Annual Report (10-K).
Online Appendices.

  • Carl S. Warren

    Dr. Carl S. Warren is professor emeritus of accounting at the University of Georgia, Athens. For more than 25 years, Dr. Warren has taught all levels of accounting courses with a primary focus on introductory of accounting and auditing. Dr. Warren has taught classes at the University of Iowa, Michigan State University and the University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and his B.A.A. and M.A. from the University of Iowa. During his career, Dr. Warren published numerous articles in professional journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accountancy, The CPA Journal and Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Dr. Warren’s outside interests include handball, backpacking, skiing, hiking, fly-fishing and golf. He also spends as much time as possible visting with his five grandchildren (two sets of twins) and riding his motorcycle. Dr. Warren resides in Montana.

  • Jefferson P. Jones

    Jefferson P. Jones is the PricewaterhouseCoopers associate professor of accounting at Auburn University. He received his bachelor’s and master of accountancy degrees from Auburn University and his Ph.D. in accounting from Florida State University. While earning his CPA, he worked for Deloitte & Touche. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the Outstanding Master of Accountancy Professor Award, the Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Teaching Award (six times), the Auburn University College of Business McCartney Teaching Award, and the Auburn University School of Accountancy Teaching Award. In addition to writing an intermediate accounting text, he has published articles in Advances in Accounting, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, International Journal of Forecasting, The CPA Journal, Managerial Finance, Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, and The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. Jones has made numerous presentations around the country on research and pedagogical issues. He is a member of the American Accounting Association (AAA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Alabama Society of CPAs (ASCPA).

  • William B. Tayler

    Dr. William B. Tayler is the Robert J. Smith Professor in the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University. Dr. Tayler is an internationally renowned, award-winning accounting researcher and instructor. He has presented his research as an invited speaker at universities and conferences across the globe. Dr. Tayler earned his Ph.D. and M.S. at Cornell University. He teaches in BYU’s executive M.B.A. program and in BYU’s School of Accountancy, one of the top ranked accounting programs in the world. Dr. Tayler has also taught at Cornell University and Emory University and has received multiple teaching awards. He is a certified management accountant and consultant specializing in cost accounting, performance measurement, the assignment of decision rights and incentive compensation. His work has been published in top journals, including Accounting Horizons, Accounting, Organizations and Society, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Diabetes Spectrum, Harvard Business Review, IMA Educational Case Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association-Internal Medicine, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Finance, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Review of Financial Studies and Strategic Finance. Dr. Tayler serves as the chair of the BYU Healthcare Leadership Collaborative, as an editor at Behavioral Accounting Research and as director of the Institute of Management Accountants Research Foundation. He also serves on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review, Management Accounting Research and Accounting, Organizations and Society.

  • INTEGRATED EXAMPLES AND CASES ADDRESSES DATA ANALYTICS. Coverage of data analytics is woven throughout this edition. New "Using Data Analytics" examples now appear in every chapter and describe how students can apply data analytics to the chapter’s content. In addition, new "Take It Further" data analytics cases are added to many of the chapters. These cases use datasets related to each chapter's content and require students to analyze and develop reports and visualizations using Excel or Tableau.

  • THIS EDITION INCLUDES JOURNAL ENTRIES WTH T ACCOUNTS. The authors still include T accounts with debit and credit postings with journal entries throughout this edition. The accounting equation and T accounts are shown in a smaller font so that the presentation still focuses on the journal entry. This presentation reinforces student learning without detracting from a journal entry focus.

  • NEW COVERAGE ADDRESSES WHY ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING IS REQUIRED BY GAAP. Using the NetSolutions illustrations of the accounting cycle in Chapters 1-4, this edition clearly explains why accrual accounting is required by GAAP. This information appears as the last topic of Chapter 4. Exhibit 20 illustrates what NetSolutions’ net income would be under the cash basis and accrual basis of accounting. This exhibit clearly shows how accrual accounting better matches revenues and expenses, making it a better indicator of a company’s profitability and future prospects.

  • NEW "CHECK UP CORNERS" GUIDE STUDENTS WITH INSIGHTS AND CAUTIONS. New "Check Up Corners" features replace the previous edition's Example Exercises. These new features, which appear throughout each chapter, strengthen student learning and problem solving by providing step-by-step guidance and problem-solving tips. "Check Up Corners" also help students avoid common errors.

  • NEW "ANALYSIS FOR DECISION MAKING" SECTION HIGHLIGHTS HOW COMPANIES USE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION. This helpful new section, which replaces the previous "Financial Analysis and Interpretation," takes a close look at how organizations use accounting information to make decisions and evaluate their business. This information emphasizes why accounting is important to contemporary companies. A new, corresponding "Make a Decision" section within the end-of-chapter assignments lets students analyze real-world business companies and decisions.

  • "PATHWAYS CHALLENGE" FEATURES ENCOURAGE FURTHER INTEREST IN ACCOUNTING. Each chapter contains a "Pathways Challenge," designed to both engage students and emphasize the critical-thinking aspects of accounting. A suggested answer to the "Pathways Challenge" appears at the end of the chapter.

  • NEW APPENDIX B COVERS NUMEROUS SELF-CONTAINED TOPICS FOR YOUR TEACHING FLEXIBILITY. This new Appendix B provides select topics of relevance to today's students that you can chose to include in your course. Each topic is designed as a self-contained learning module with its own assignment materials. The modules are written to give you the flexibility of covering one or more of the modules at various places in your course, depending on student needs or interests.

  • REVISED APPENDIX C FEATURES NEW ASSIGNMENTS THAT CORRESPOND WITH THE NIKE, INC. ANNUAL REPORT. Appendix C, which highlights the Nike Inc. annual report, now offers new assignments for each financial chapter that enable you use as "annual report" projects. You can find these new annual report assignments referenced at the end of the "Take It Further" section in each financial accounting chapter.

  • NEW ONLINE APPENDIXES PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR FLEXIBILITY IN CUSTOMIZING YOUR COURSE. This edition now offers several new online appendixes to give you flexibility to choosing accounting topics that are most relevant to your students.

  • CNOWv2 ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM BETTER PREPARES STUDENTS FOR EXAMS. CNOWv2’s Blank Sheet of Paper activities provide an online homework experience that replicates what students will experience on the exam and in the today's business world. This approach ensures student have mastered the concepts rather than simply guessing their way through the homework.

  • SIMPLE-TO-COMPLEX PROVEN APPROACH ENSURES STUDENT COMPREHENSION. These experienced authors have combined their own professional knowledge and experience, with input from leading accounting faculty, to present a proven simple-to-complex pedagogy that facilitates student learning as readers progress through the text.

  • PRESENTATION STYLE APPEALS TO CONTEMPORARY LEARNERS. Built for today's students, this edition's presentation provides content in a way that reflects how the current generation of students reads and assimilates information. The authors use concise paragraphs and bullets, step-wise progression and meaningful Illustrations and graphs to engage readers and ensure retention.

  • "SHOW ME HOW" VIDEOS IN CNOWv2 CLARIFY PROCESSES. Created for the most frequently assigned end-of-chapter items, hundreds of "Show Me How" problem demonstrations provide a step-by-step model of a similar problem. Embedded tips and warnings help students avoid common mistakes and pitfalls, keeping them on track and reducing frustration. Identified by an icon in the text margins, "Show Me How" videos correspond to specific assignments in CNOWv2 and offer ideal opportunities for self-study and review.

  • EMPHASIS ON ETHICS REINFORCES THIS EDITION'S PRACTICAL APPROACH. Actual ethical situations related to each chapter’s topics are integrated throughout the individual chapters in this edition.

  • CASES AND PROJECTS DEEPEN STUDENT UNDERSTANDING OF IMPORTANT BUSINESS ISSUES. Specific, carefully constructed assignments address ethics, communication and team activities. You can assign theses case and projects as homework or use them to enrich class discussion.

  • CHAPTER-OPENING COMPANY EXAMPLES CONNECT CONTENT TO CURRENT BUSINESS EVENTS. These business examples in each chapter capture student attention while demonstrating the practical use of accounting principles in business today. References to each chapter-opening company are linked to chapter content in margin notes throughout the chapter.

  • "BUSINESS INSIGHT" BOXES REFLECT CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS SCENARIOS THAT RELATE TO THE CHAPTER CONTENT. These latest "Business Connection" boxes place this edition's accounting content into the broader context of today's business issues. This feature is especially helpful to engage and demonstrate the relevance of what they are learning to students who are not accounting majors.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Warren/Jones/Tayler's Financial Accounting, Instant Access

Instructor's Companion Website for Warren/Jones/Tayler's Financial Accounting

Online Solutions Manual, Chapters 1-15 for Warren/Jones/Tayler's Accounting, 29th and Financial Accounting, 17th

Online Working Papers, Chapters 1-15 for Warren/Jones/Tayler's Accounting, 29th and Financial Accounting, 17th