Master today's most essential topics in financial and managerial accounting today using the unique Integrated Financial Statement Framework in Warren/Farmer/Jones’s SURVEY OF ACCOUNTING, 10E. Written specifically for readers who have no prior knowledge of accounting, this edition's focuses only on topics that are essential to the understanding of accounting as a manager or professional. The book's distinctive framework illustrates the impact of transactions on financial statements without the use of debits and credits. The authors also incorporate Metric Analyses that connect transactions and management decisions to financial condition and performance metrics used by businesses. New coverage addresses the use of data analytics and changes in retail operations. Updated and streamlined content throughout this edition integrates seamlessly with CNOWv2’s online homework platform. CNOWv2 offers a variety of learning activities and helpful videos to maximize your understanding of accounting.
1. The Role of Accounting in Business
2. Basic Accounting Systems: Cash Basis.
3. Basic Accounting Systems: Accrual Basis.
4. Accounting for Retail Businesses.
5. Internal Control and Cash.
6. Receivables and Inventories.
7. Long-term Operating Assets.
8. Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity.
9. Manufacturing Operations.
10. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
11. Planning Operations.
12. Operating Decisions.
13. Evaluating Operational Segments.
14. Analyzing Long-term (Capital) Investments.
Appendix A: Double-Entry Accounting Systems.
Appendix B: Metric-Analysis of Financial Statements.
Appendix C: Standard Costs and Variance Analysis.
Appendix D: Using Present Value in Capital Investment Analysis.
Online Appendixes.
Appendix E: Process Cost Systems.
Appendix F: Factory Overhead Variances.
Appendix G: Individual Federal Income Taxes.
Subject Index.
Company Index.
Carl S. Warren
Dr. Carl S. Warren is professor emeritus of accounting at the University of Georgia, Athens. For more than 25 years, Dr. Warren has taught all levels of accounting courses with a primary focus on introductory of accounting and auditing. Dr. Warren has taught classes at the University of Iowa, Michigan State University and the University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and his B.A.A. and M.A. from the University of Iowa. During his career, Dr. Warren published numerous articles in professional journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accountancy, The CPA Journal and Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Dr. Warren’s outside interests include handball, backpacking, skiing, hiking, fly-fishing and golf. He also spends as much time as possible visting with his five grandchildren (two sets of twins) and riding his motorcycle. Dr. Warren resides in Montana.
Amanda Farmer
Amanda G. Farmer, C.P.A., has been a full-time lecturer in the JM Tull School of Accounting at the University of Georgia since 2006. A University of Georgia alumna, she received her B.B.A. and M.Acc. before beginning work for Trinity Accounting Group in Athens, Georgia. She started her own company, DolCor, Inc., which provided tax and accounting services to business and individual clients. Today, her primary area of teaching is managerial accounting. She has taught courses in principles of accounting, managerial accounting, survey of accounting and professional accounting. Her outside interests include physical fitness, practicing yoga, cooking and spending time with her daughters.
Jefferson P. Jones
Jefferson P. Jones is the PricewaterhouseCoopers associate professor of accounting at Auburn University. He received his bachelor’s and master of accountancy degrees from Auburn University and his Ph.D. in accounting from Florida State University. While earning his CPA, he worked for Deloitte & Touche. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the Outstanding Master of Accountancy Professor Award, the Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Teaching Award (six times), the Auburn University College of Business McCartney Teaching Award, and the Auburn University School of Accountancy Teaching Award. In addition to writing an intermediate accounting text, he has published articles in Advances in Accounting, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, International Journal of Forecasting, The CPA Journal, Managerial Finance, Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, and The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. Jones has made numerous presentations around the country on research and pedagogical issues. He is a member of the American Accounting Association (AAA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Alabama Society of CPAs (ASCPA).
STREAMLINED CONTENT COVERS JUST THE ESSENTIALS. This edition includes only topics that are essential to the understanding of accounting for non-business students. For example, rather than the double-entry accounting system’s rules of debit and credit, this book uses an Integrated Financial Statement Framework for illustrating how transactions impact the business and its financial statements. In addition, instead of covering all methods of accounting for a topic, the authors cover the most commonly used method so that students are not overwhelmed and can focus on just the essentials.
NEW COVERAGE OF DATA ANALYTICS IS INTEGRATED THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION. New "Using Data Analytics" examples now appear in each chapter. These examples describe an application of data analytics associated with the chapter’s content. In addition, new "Take It Further" data analytics cases now appear in many chapters. These cases use a dataset related to the chapter content that requires a student to analyze and develop reports and visualizations using Excel and Tableau.
UPDATED CONTENT DISCUSSES THE MOST RECENT CHANGES TO RETAIL OPERATIONS. Revisions throughout the chapter on retail operations (Ch. 4) include a discussion of B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customers) transactions. Students also examine the use of debit and credit cards by customers, and how customers use coupons and rebates.
NEW APPENDIX B, "METRIC ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" MAKES THIS INFORMATION EASILY ACCESSIBLE. Since metric analyses of financial statements are integrated throughout the text, the former chapter on financial statement analysis now appears as an end-of-text appendix. This move now reduces the number of text chapters from fifteen to fourteen.
NEW APPENDIX C, "STANDARD COSTS AND VARIANCE ANALYSIS," STANDS ON ITS OWN FOR QUICK REFERENCE. Material addressing standard costs, including variance analysis, is now separated from budgeting and appears as an end-of text appendix. The budgeting chapter also appears earlier in the text with a new title. Budgeting is now Chapter 11, "Planning Operations."
NEW APPENDIX D FOCUSES ON "USING PREVENT VALUE IN CAPITAL INVESTMENT ANALYSIS." This end-of-text appendix discusses using present values to analyze and evaluate capital investments. This edition's Chapter 14, "Analyzing Long-term (Capital) Investments," now focuses on the average rate of return and cash payback as methods used to screen capital investment proposals.
NEW ONLINE APPENDIX E, "PROCESS COST SYSTEMS" NOW DETAILS THIS INFORMATION SEPARATE FROM THE PRIMARY TEXT FOR QUICK REFERENCE. This appendix previously appeared at the end of the text and now appears as an online appendix to keep the printed book content as streamlined as possible.
PROVEN APPROACH OFFERS YOU THE FLEXIBILITY TO EMPHASIZE DEBITS AND CREDITS. Appendix A, "Double Entry Accounting Systems" provides the necessary materials for you to cover debits and credits in your course, if you wish to emphasize this area. You can easily select the approach that's best for your students as this edition’s Instructor’s Manual includes versions of exercises and problems using debits and credits.
KEY TERMS ARE HIGHLIGHTED TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR HANDS-ON USE. Key terms appear in bold type in each chapter as well as in sections on analysis and assessment and financial analysis.
STUDENT-FRIENDLY APPROACH ENCOURAGES MASTERY OF CONCEPTS. Designed for today’s students, this edition uses an inclusive, innovative, high-impact writing style that emphasizes topics in a concise, clear manner. Direct sentences, brief paragraphs, numbered lists and step-by-step calculations provide an easy-to-follow structure for learning accounting. This reader-friendly approach does not sacrifice content or rigor.
ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS OFFER CLEAR SOLUTIONS. Illustrative Problems at the end of each chapter help students better understand the chapter concepts. These representative sample problems offer clear solutions that students can easily reference as they work.
EMPHASIS ON ETHICS FOCUSES ON ITS IMPORTANCE IN ACCOUNTING TODAY. The "Integrity, Objectivity and Ethics in Business" features describe actual ethical challenges common in business and accounting today. Students clearly see how to apply the ethical guidelines they have learned.
SIMPLE-TO-COMPLEX, READER-FRIENDLY FORMAT ENCOURAGES SUCCESS IN LEARNING. Throughout this edition, the authors present accounting concepts in a simple-to-complex format that instills confidence as students progress. Basic accounting concepts are introduced in Chapter 2 using cash transactions. Accrual accounting concepts and transactions are introduced in Chapter 3.
NON-PROCEDURAL APPROACH HIGHLIGHTS THE IMPORTANCE AND USE OF FINANCIAL REPORTS. Rather than focusing on debit and credit terminology, this book emphasizes how business stakeholders use financial reports to make strong business decisions.
CNOWv2 OFFERS A POWERFUL COURSE MANAGEMENT AND ONLINE HOMEWORK TOOL. CNOWv2 provides compelling content at each stage of the learning process to improve student learning outcomes. Pre-class activities and practice opportunities prepare students for exams, while innovative tools help students connect important concepts.
CNOWv2 OFFERS A POWERFUL COURSE MANAGEMENT AND ONLINE HOMEWORK TOOL. CNOWv2 provides compelling content at each stage of the learning process to improve student learning outcomes. Pre-class activities and practice opportunities prepare students for exams, while innovative tools help students connect important concepts.
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Instructor's Companion Website for Warren/Farmer/Jones' Survey of Accounting