Psychology: Themes and Variations 11th, Student Edition,
11th Edition

Wayne Weiten

ISBN-13: 9780357941485
Copyright 2022 | Published
752 pages | List Price: USD $208.95

Weiten's PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, 11th Edition immerse you in the excitement of this fascinating field while helping you study and retain what you learn. Filled with practical ways that you can apply psychology to your everyday life, this bestselling textbook is an experience in learning that you'll remember long after you complete your Introductory Psychology course. Critical Thinking Applications in every chapter give you specific strategies you can apply in all of your courses and in your personal life. Reality Checks, many of which may surprise you, address common misconceptions about psychology. Every chapter of this book offers tools -- such as Concept Charts that provide colorful visual snapshots of key points -- to help you focus on what's important, showing you how to maximize your study time and course success.


  • Wayne Weiten

    Wayne Weiten is a graduate of Bradley University and received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Illinois, Chicago in 1981. He has taught at the College of DuPage and Santa Clara University, and currently teaches at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He has received distinguished teaching awards from Division Two of the American Psychological Association (APA) and from the College of DuPage. He is a Fellow of Divisions 1, 2, and 8 of the American Psychological Association and a Fellow of the Midwestern Psychological Association. In 1991, he helped chair the APA National Conference on Enhancing the Quality of Undergraduate Education in Psychology. He is a former President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. In 2006, one of the five national teaching awards given annually by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology was named in his honor. Weiten has conducted research on a wide range of topics, including educational measurement, jury decision-making, attribution theory, pressure as a form of stress, and the technology of textbooks.

  • The 11th Edition surveys psychology’s broad range of content while illuminating the process of research and its relationship to application.

  • The author shows both the unity and diversity of psychology’s subject matter and helps students master the basic concepts and principles of psychology with as little struggle as possible.

  • Weiten’s themes provide unifying threads across chapters that help students to see the connections among different research areas in psychology.

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