Organization Development and Change,
12th Edition

Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley

ISBN-13: 9780357986158
Copyright 2025 | Published
475 pages | List Price: USD $236.95

Cummings/Worley's ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, 12th Edition, is the most widely-used textbook in the field. It blends rigor and relevance in a comprehensive and clear presentation. The authors work from a strong evidence-based foundation to describe, in practical terms, how behavioral science knowledge can be used to help organizations develop strategies, structures and processes for superior performance, sustainability and social outcomes.


1. Introduction to Organization Development.
2. The Nature of Planned Change.
3. Entering and Contracting.
4. Diagnosing.
5. Collecting, Analyzing, and Feedback Back Diagnostic Information.
6. Designing and Implementing Organization Development Interventions.
7. Evaluating and Reinforcing Organization Development Interventions.
8. Personal, Interpersonal, and Group Process Approaches.
9. Organization Process Approaches.
10. Employee Involvement.
11. Work Design.
12. Performance Management.
13. Talent Development.
14. Fundamentals of Large-Scale Change.
15. Large-Scale Organization Change.
16. Large-Scale Multi-Organization Change.
17. Future Directions in Organization Development.

  • Thomas G. Cummings

    Thomas G. Cummings is Professor of Management and Organization at Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. He received his B.S. and MBA from Cornell University, and his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles. He has authored over 70 articles and 22 books and was formerly President of the Western Academy of Management, Chair of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management, and Founding Editor of the Journal of Management Inquiry. He was the 61st President of the Academy of Management, the world’s largest professional association of management scholars and is listed in American Men and Women of Science and Who’s Who in America. His major research and consulting interests include designing high-performing organizations and strategic change management. He has conducted several large-scale organization design and change projects, and has consulted to a variety of private and public-sector organizations in the United States, Europe, Mexico, and Scandinavia.

  • Christopher G. Worley

    Christopher G. Worley is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the NEOMA Business School, France. He is also the founding strategy director for the school’s Centre for Leadership and Effective Organisations. Chris serves as a senior research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations (USC’s Marshall School of Business) and teaches in Pepperdine’s Master of Science in Organization Development (MSOD) programme. He received his B.S. from Westminster College, master’s degrees from Colorado State University and Pepperdine University, and his doctorate from the University of Southern California. He served as Chair of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management, received the Luckman Teaching Fellowship at Pepperdine University, and the Douglas McGregor Award for best paper in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. His most recent books are The Agility Factor, Becoming Agile, Management Reset and Built to Change. His articles on agility and strategic organisation design have appeared in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Journal of Organization Behavior, Sloan Management Review, Strategy+Business, and Organizational Dynamics.

  • The presentation of material is more integrated while keeping with the basic flow and structure of the text (instructors will find the content familiar and easier to present it in a logical sequence).

  • The text includes a closer connection of real-life examples to the conceptual material (instructors will find it more straightforward to tie relevant applications to lectures, discussions and case studies).

  • A greater up-to-date examination of how the global environment’s rapid pace and economic, political and climatic connectedness is impacting how organizations develop and change themselves is included.

  • More advanced attention is placed on how digital technologies and methods are affecting OD and change practice.

  • More extensive coverage of how OD and change is addressing growing calls for greater DEI and corporate social responsibility is included.

  • Advanced evidence-based knowledge: Scientific coverage of the OD and change field is included. Concepts and practical applications are presented and critically examined for how well they are based on applied research findings in the social and behavioral sciences.

  • Balanced coverage of material: The strengths and weaknesses of OD applications are explicitly addressed. The presentation of relevant knowledge is impartial and does not promote or favor popular applications.

  • Learning Objectives: Each chapter opens with succinct objectives for the student to learn and understand as they read the chapter.

  • Applications: Each chapter includes several short applications where different OD interventions or processes were used in practice. These shorts cases often describe how OD is used in well-known organizations.

  • Cases: Case studies at the end of each major part in the book permit a more in-depth discussion of the OD process, using real-world examples.

  • Global: A strong cross-cultural and global orientation is maintained throughout the book. The text describes how interventions can be affected by cultural context and applications and cases include organizations from around the world.

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