Designed for students pursuing careers in a variety of health care programs, ETHICS OF HEALTH CARE: A GUIDE FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE, 4e, equips you with the tools you need to make legal and ethical decisions in real-world practice. The text teaches you the language of the legal system and biomedical ethics while emphasizing critical thinking, problem solving and professional behavior. The first four chapters provide the foundational knowledge you need to understand the legal system and ethical theory as it relates to health care practice. Later chapters build on these concepts as you explore ethical and legal health care controversies through a wide variety of issues such as reproductive health, organ donation, physician assisted dying, ethical allocation of health care, cloning, genetics, and human enhancements. Each chapter also includes legal and ethical case studies to help you put what you learn into practice.
1. Introduction: Obligations of a Professional.
2. Human Value Development and the System of Public Law.
3. Decision Making in Value Issues and Private Law.
4. Basic Principles of Health Care and the Nature of Rights in Ethical Discourse.
5. Confidentiality and the Management of Health Care Information.
6. Justice and the Allocation of Scarce Resources.
7. Role Fidelity.
8. Reproductive Issues.
9. Decisions at the End of Life.
10. Health Care Ethics and the Near Future.
Raymond S. Edge
Professor Raymond S. Edge, EdD, RRT is the author of several textbooks on health care ethics and law. During an academic career extending over three decades, he served as a dean and full professor at several major universities where in addition to teaching and administrative duties, he established faculty and student educational exchange programs with the People's Republic of China and traveled and lectured extensively in that nation. Since retiring from university teaching and administration, he has pursued his passion for regional history and culture, completing a three-book archeological fiction series based on actual Mississippi River sites and artifacts. His 2015 S: MEMOIR OF AN ICONIC GENTLEMAN recently won a silver book award in the category of best seasonal book.
John Randall Groves
Professor J. Randall Groves, PhD is a professor of humanities at Ferris State University. He teaches a variety of courses including Ethics, Intro to Humanities, Eastern Religion, Western Religion, Comparative Civilization, Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy, Chinese Religion and Philosophy, Hinduism, Buddhism, Film and Popular Culture. His special interests are the Philosophy of World Cultural History and Comparative Civilizations. He also plays jazz guitar. His publications include AN INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE ETHICS, Comparative Philosophy Mind, Religion and War, India in Western Philosophy of History. Dr. Groves earned his Ph.D. in philosophy and M.A. in history from UC San Diego.
Now more streamlined and user friendly than ever, the new fourth edition of ETHICS OF HEALTH CARE: A GUIDE FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE is now a succinct ten chapters that focus on key concepts using language that is more accessible for today’s health care student.
All-new information regarding the American legal system and how it impacts health care practice includes information on the foundation and fundamental principles of law, common misunderstandings about the nature of law, the elements of a lawsuit, public and private law, and updated HIPAA and electronic health records information.
Completely up to date with the latest advances and issues from the field, the fourth edition includes recent developments in the distribution of health care and world health care models as well as the legal status of physician assisted death in Western nations.
New material has been added on CRISPR technique, synthetic organisms, genetic testing, Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), and human enhancement.
The Reproductive Issues chapter has been thoroughly updated with new abortion statistics as well as information on the politics of abortion.
Objectives: Each chapter begins with instructional objectives designed to help readers focus on the main ideas.
Key Terms: A list of key terms is provided for each chapter. Key terms are highlighted with boldface type when they first appear in the text to alert students to important concepts as they are introduced. The glossary defining these key terms is at the end of the book.
Case Studies: Found throughout the chapters, these scenarios mirror real-world practice and are followed by critical thinking questions that help students synthesize information.
Legal Case Studies: Drawing from actual legal cases, hands-on case studies throughout the book encourage students to reflect on the laws that impact health care decisions.
In the News: Showcasing real-life news stories, In the News features highlight current legal and ethical issues -- prompting lively classroom discussion.
Key Concepts: Chapters conclude with a list of key concepts, giving readers a quick overview of the important ideas found in the unit.
Review Exercises: End-of-chapter review questions encourage readers to explore the theoretical positions found in the material and to practice decision making.
Instructor Resources: The Instructor Companion Website provides easy access to an Instructor's Manual with a sample syllabus and teaching tips, as well as customizable PowerPoint® presentations and Cengage Learning Testing Powered by Cognero®.
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Edge/Groves' Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice
Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Edge/Groves' Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice, Instant Access
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM for Edge/Groves’ Ethics of Health Care Guide for Clinical Practice, 4th
Instructor's Companion Website for Edge/Groves' Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 4th
MindTap: Ethics of Health Care 12 Months
Cengage eBook: Ethics of Health Care 12 Months