I Never Knew I Had a Choice,
11th Edition

Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Michelle Muratori

ISBN-13: 9781305945722
Copyright 2018 | Published
480 pages | List Price: USD $250.95

Honest and inspiring, I NEVER KNEW I HAD A CHOICE: EXPLORATIONS IN PERSONAL GROWTH, 11th Edition, will motivate you to focus on your personal growth and create real change. The text covers a broad range of key topics, including personal style of learning, the effects of childhood and adolescence experiences on current behavior and choices, meeting the challenges of adulthood and autonomy, and many other issues related to personal growth and development. The warm yet research-based discussion of significant dimensions of life will help you examine the choices you've made, expand your awareness of the choices available to you, and choose where to go from here. As you work through the text's self-inventories, exercises, and activities -- and read the first-person accounts of the difficult choices real people have made -- you'll gain invaluable insight into your life, beliefs, and attitudes in a personally empowering way.


1. Invitation to Personal Learning and Growth.
2. Reviewing Your Childhood and Adolescence.
3. Adulthood and Autonomy.
4. Your Body and Wellness.
5. Managing Stress.
6. Love.
7. Relationships.
8. Becoming the Woman or Man You Want to Be.
9. Sexuality.
10. Work and Recreation.
11. Loneliness and Solitude.
12. Death and Loss.
13. Meaning and Values.

  • Gerald Corey

    Gerald Corey, Ed.D., A.B.P.P., is professor emeritus of human services and counseling at California State University at Fullerton. He received his doctorate in counseling from the University of Southern California. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in humane letters in 1992 from National Louis University. He is a diplomate in counseling psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology; a licensed psychologist in California; and a national certified counselor. Dr. Corey is also a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 17, Counseling Psychology; and Division 49, Group Psychotherapy); a fellow of the American Counseling Association; and a fellow of the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW). He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Mental Health Counselors Association in 2011, the Eminent Career Award from ASGW in 2001, and the Outstanding Professor of the Year Award from California State University at Fullerton in 1991. He is the author or coauthor of 16 textbooks on counseling currently in print as well as more than 70 journal articles and numerous book chapters. His book, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, has been translated into Arabic, Indonesian, Portuguese, Turkish, Korean and Chinese. This book, THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GROUP COUNSELING, has been translated into Korean, Chinese, Spanish and Russian. ISSUES AND ETHICS IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS has been translated into Korean, Japanese and Chinese. With his colleagues, Dr. Corey has conducted workshops in the United States, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Scotland, Mexico, Canada, China and Korea -- with a special focus on training in group counseling.

  • Marianne Schneider Corey

    Marianne Schneider Corey is a licensed marriage and family therapist in California and a National Certified Counselor. She received her master's degree in marriage, family and child counseling from Chapman College. A Fellow of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, she and Gerald Corey received its Eminent Career Award in 2001. In 2011 they received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Mental Health Counselors Association, of which she is a member. She also holds memberships in the American Counseling Association, the American Group Psychotherapy Association, the Association for Specialists in Group Work, the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. In the past 40 years, she and Gerald Corey have presented workshops in group counseling for mental health professionals at universities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Germany, Belgium, Scotland, England and Ireland. In addition to BECOMING A HELPER, which has been translated into Korean and Japanese, she is co-author of ISSUES AND ETHICS IN THE HELPING PROFESSIONS, 10th Edition (with Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey), which has been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean; GROUPS: PROCESS AND PRACTICE, 10th Edition (with Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey), which has been translated into Korean, Chinese and Polish; I NEVER KNEW I HAD A CHOICE, 11th Edition (with Gerald Corey and Michelle Muratori), which has been translated into Chinese; and GROUP TECHNIQUES, Fourth Edition (with Gerald Corey, Patrick Callanan and Michael Russell), which has been translated into Portuguese, Korean, Japanese and Czech.Along with Gerald Corey and Robert Haynes, she also created two educational video programs: "Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges DVD and Workbook" (2014) and "Ethics in Action: DVD and Workbook" (2015).

  • Michelle Muratori

    Michelle Muratori is a senior counselor and researcher at the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, where she works with highly gifted middle school and high school students who participate in the Study of Exceptional Talent and their families. After earning her MA in counseling psychology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Michelle received her PhD in counselor education from the University of Iowa. Her graduate research on the academic, social, and emotional adjustment of young college entrants earned her recognition from the Iowa Talented and Gifted Association, the National Association for Gifted Children, and the Mensa Education and Research Foundation and Mensa International, Ltd. At the University of Iowa, Michelle also earned the Howard R. Jones Achievement Award, the Albert Hood Promising Scholar Award, and the First in the Nation in Education (FINE) Scholar Award. Since 2005, Michelle has been a faculty associate in the Johns Hopkins School of Education (in the Counseling and Human Development area) and teaches courses in theories of counseling, group counseling, couple and family therapy, and diversity and social justice in counseling. In 2014, she was honored with the Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Award. Michelle regularly presents at national conferences in counseling and gifted education and is a member of the American Counseling Association (ACA), the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), the Maryland Association for Counseling and Development (MACD), and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).

  • New co-author Michelle Muratori shares her unique voice and perspective, enhancing this edition's examination of personal growth and choice.

  • Key features like "Where Am I Now", "Where Can I Go From Here", and "Take Time to Reflect" have been updated to keep them as meaningful as possible for the lives of today's students.

  • Chapter 1, "Invitation to Personal Learning and Growth," presents several models of personal growth. Increased coverage is devoted to positive psychology and attaining a sense of well-being. Considerable new material illuminate's factors that are associated with happiness, and an expanded section discusses how people change and difficulties in making changes.

  • Chapter 2, "Reviewing Your Childhood and Adolescence," contains an expanded discussion of the role of early childhood experiences on later personality development. The discussion of attachment theory has been expanded, demonstrating how human connection in early development is central to understanding later stages of life. There is more emphasis on how cultural factors influence attachments as well as on the impact of parenting style on a person's development, with special attention paid to the role of culture.

  • Chapter 4, "Your Body and Wellness," contains increased coverage of applying technology to health care, initiatives aimed at helping people to lead healthier lives, and the impact of social media on body image.

  • Chapter 5, "Managing Stress," examines the impact of stress on the body, causes of stress, ineffective and constructive reactions to stress, and stress and the healthy personality. The sections on posttraumatic stress disorder and vicarious traumatization have been significantly updated and expanded. Recent research has been included on meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and massage, and several additional approaches to stress management -- T'ai Chi, Pilates, and acupuncture -- have been added.

  • Chapter 6, "Love," deals with the many facets of love, including the significant addition of the effects of social media on how people demonstrate their love for one another.

  • Chapter 7, "Relationships," has more information on the importance of self- and other-forgiveness.

  • Chapter 8, "Becoming the Woman or Man You Want to Be," has been extensively revised to reflect recent literature on gender-role socialization. Numerous new resources update the discussion of male roles, female roles, gender-role conflict, gender-role socialization, women and work choices, and challenging traditional gender roles.

  • Chapter 9, "Sexuality," now emphasizes communication about sexual issues, highlighting the positive, healthy aspects of sexuality and the development of sexual values. The discussion addresses programs on college campuses that focus on sexual communication, a cross-cultural perspective on sexual communication, and how cyber-culture provides individuals with new choices regarding how they understand, express, and communicate their sexuality. There is also new material addressing the impact of the hooking up culture.

  • Chapter 10, "Work and Recreation," addresses the dynamics of discontent at work, workplace bullying, the relationship between self-esteem and work, and forced retirement. A new section on the changing workplace addresses the impact of technology on the way people work and interact with colleagues.

  • Chapter 11, "Loneliness and Solitude," discusses the creative dimensions of solitude, along with increased coverage on the different kinds of loneliness. The authors discuss the impact of technology on individuals' lives in a new section on loneliness in the age of connectivity that explores the question: "Does Facebook make you lonely?" The section on creating loneliness through shyness has been updated and expanded.

  • Chapter 12, "Death and Loss," contains a revised discussion of suicide, grieving one's losses, and cultural aspects of mourning.

  • Chapter 13, "Meaning and Values," includes many more examples of people who live with passion and purpose in their quest for a meaningful existence.

  • MindTap ®, an online learning experience built on the book's content, is available with this text. MindTap guides you through your course by combining readings, multimedia, applied activities, and quizzes into a learning path. Each chapter utilizes realistic videos to illustrate skills and concepts in action, followed by questions that give you practice evaluating and thinking critically about what you viewed.

  • Up-to-date research and literature provide the most current information available on personal growth and adjustment topics. Each chapter also features inventories, questions, activities, and suggested websites that help readers gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behavior.

  • Text material is presented in a way that helps students apply chapter concepts to their own lives. Each chapter begins with a self-inventory designed to assess attitudes and beliefs regarding a particular question -- helping readers clarify personal views on a range of subjects. "Take Time to Reflect" activities pose questions to help stimulate critical thinking about how the material affects students personally. End-of-chapter "Where Can I Go From Here" exercises help students apply text material, while personal assessment tools provide valuable insight into students' own behavior.

  • "Personal Stories" in many chapters offer first-person accounts of how others have dealt with their own struggles and the choices they have made in response to their challenges -- enabling students to learn and gain insight from the experiences of others.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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