THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE: A BIOLOGICAL APPROACH, Fifth Edition, masterfully introduces the biological sciences and explores the influences of these sciences on modern agricultural practices and the agricultural industry. Reader-friendly and superbly illustrated, this highly practical text explains not only the “how” of agriculture, but also the “why” behind agriscience, presenting information on plant and animal systems, soils, cell functions, genetics, genetic engineering, plant and animal reproduction, entomology, biotechnology, and environmental concerns. Additionally, the text spotlights career opportunities and discusses new directions in agriculture, including topics such as no-till crops, high-pressure processing in food preservation, fracking, and more, to further engage you with today’s agricultural world.
1. The Science of Agriculture.
2. Soil: The Source of Life.
3. Cells: Agriculture’s Building Blocks.
4. The Science of Genetics.
5. Genetic Engineering.
6. The Classification of Agricultural Organisms.
7. Plant Systems.
8. Plant Reproduction.
9. Plant Growth.
10. Animal Systems.
11. Animal Reproduction.
12. Animal Growth.
13. Plant and Animal Diseases.
14. Weed Science.
15. Agricultural Entomology.
16. The Science of Forestry.
17. The Science of Aquaculture.
18. Agriculture and the Environment.
19. Wildlife Management
20. A Safe Food Supply.
21. The Science of Food Preservation.
22. The Science of Fiber Production.
23. Producing Organically Grown Products.
24. New Directions in Agriculture.
25. Energy from Agriculture.
26. Careers in Agricultural Science.
27. The Agriscience Fair.
28. Laboratory Safety.
Ray V Herren
Ray V. Herren has been actively involved in agriculture for most of his life. He grew up on a diversified farm, where he played a major role in the production of livestock. He obtained a bachelor of science degree in agricultural education from Auburn University, a master's degree in agribusiness education from Alabama A & M, and a Doctorate in Vocational Education (with an emphasis in agricultural education) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dr. Herren has taught at Virginia Tech, Oregon State University, and the University of Georgia in Athens, where he recently retired as head of the Department of Agriculture Leadership, Education, and Communication. In addition to serving as a national leader in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) alumni organization, he has served on numerous committees from the local to international level, including a national task force to develop FFA programs for middle school and the national committee for career development events. His prolific scholarly activity includes 26 journal articles, 51 invited or refereed presentations, and 12 books and manuals. He has also earned several awards for his commitment to service, as well as UGA's prestigious College of Education Outstanding Teaching Award.
Readings within each chapter are broken down into smaller sections designated by relevant headings, making the material easier for students to digest and retain.
All-new Bio Briefs for the Fifth Edition cover current news and trends in the world of science and agriculture, placing a spotlight on exciting advancements in the industry relevant to today’s professionals.
The author has updated key statistics throughout the text to illuminate the latest U.S. and global trends in agriculture.
New and updated content throughout the text provides coverage of noteworthy topics, including histones and their role in affecting genetic traits, quarantine measures for plant and animal diseases, no-till crops as a new cultivation method for weed control, food labeling for consumer awareness, high-pressure processing in food preservation, developing new foods through genetic engineering, and fracking as a way to unlock new sources of energy.
A reader-friendly writing style presents information in an interesting and engaging way that appeals to students and facilitates learning.
Full-color photos, illustrations and design elements bring key points to life and help students relate chapter content to relevant real-world applications.
Each chapter opens with two sets of learning objectives—those for basic science, and those for agriscience—allowing students to see connections between the agriculture industry and the scientific concepts that underpin and advance it.
Bio Brief articles included in the chapter's present real scientific studies and discoveries happening throughout the world, relating current agriculture and science activities directly to the material students are learning.
Discussion Questions and Student Learning Activities encourage practical application of chapter content, providing a useful and effective way to engage students with the material and assess their learning.
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