In the midst of exclamatory headlines, such as "Son Sues to Divorce His Mother," "Surrogate Mother Refuses to Turn Over Baby" and "Facebook Divorces on the Rise," Statsky's FAMILY LAW, 7E helps you find an accurate picture of the state of family law today and your role, as a paralegal, within it. You examine issues truly impacting family law, such as no-fault divorce, the women’s movement, and the impact of science and technology on concepts of parentage. Engaging changes, such as new mechanisms for pursuing parents not paying child support and the court's support of unmarried fathers seeking to undo their children's adoptions, keep you reading as you learn. In addition to presenting fundamental principles of family law and current nationwide legal practices, this edition provides state-specific assignments for applying family law in your local area. Legal analysis exercises, real forms, documents and cases further prepare you to work with the actual tools and processes family law professionals use today.
1. Introduction to Family Law and Practice.
2. Ethics in a Family Law Practice.
3. Compiling a Family History.
4. Premarital, Postnuptial, and Cohabitation Agreements.
5. Marriage.
6. Annulment.
7. Divorce Grounds and Procedure.
8. Spousal Support, Property Division, and the Separation Agreement.
9. Child Custody.
10. Child Support.
11. Tax Consequences of Separation and Divorce.
12. Legal Rights of Women.
13. Illegitimacy and Paternity.
14. The Legal Status of Children.
15. Adoption.
16. The New Science of Motherhood.
17. Torts and Family Law.
Appendix A: General Instructions for the Assignments and Projects in the Book.
Appendix B: Computer-Generated Reports: The Divorce of Margaret and Nelson Paris.
Appendix C: Interrogatories on Financial Assets.
Appendix D: Family Law in Your State.
William P. Statsky
William Statsky has been is a member of the ethics committee and the advisory council for the National Federation of Paralegal Associations and a member of the Certifying Board of the National Association of Legal Assistants. He has taught at Columbia Law School, UCLA School of Law, Antioch School of Law and Thomas Edison State College and is the author of numerous groundbreaking legal textbooks for paralegals. He was a member of the transition team for then-President-Elect Ronald Reagan. Mr. Statsky holds a master of law degree (LL.M.) in urban affairs as well as a juris doctorate degree (J.D.).
UPDATED MATERIAL THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BOOK REFLECTS TODAY'S LATEST CHANGES IN FAMILY LAW. New content in each chapter examines recent events, emerging issues and the evolving role of the paralegal in today's rapidly changing practice of modern family law.
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINES THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE INTERNET ON FAMILY LAW TODAY. New content reviews the relationship between the practice of family law, the Internet and developments in today's most popular social media platforms.
NEW SECTIONS ADDRESS UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTEMPORARY FAMILY LAW CASES. New sections in many of this edition's chapters review questions related to the recognition of same-sex marriage as well as the recognition of three-parent relationships.
NEW CONTENT EXAMINES THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON FAMILY LAW PRACTICES. Your students review how science and emerging technology have led to new concepts in motherhood, parentage and family law rulings today.
A CHAPTER OUTLINE AT THE START OF EACH CHAPTER PREVIEWS KEY TOPICS. These chapter-opening outlines look ahead at the major topics students are about to study in the chapter. Readers clearly see how these topics relate to one another.
CHAPTER OBJECTIVES AT THE START OF EACH CHAPTER DIRECT READERS' ATTENTION TO KEY POINTS. These helpful chapter learning objectives offer a detailed listing of the important themes and critical skills covered in every chapter.
EXTENSIVE EXHIBITS AND NUMEROUS TABLES CLARIFY CONCEPTS. This edition integrates both engaging exhibits and helpful tables throughout the discussion to present detailed information using memorable graphics and organized charts.
ASSIGNMENTS EMPHASIZE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS AS READERS HONE CRITICAL SKILLS. Fresh, engaging assignments throughout this edition ask students to apply concepts to particular situations that relate to the facts and theories presented in the chapter. These practical assignments give readers and opportunities to refine key skills, such as analysis, investigation, interviewing and drafting.
BOLDFACED KEY TERMS ARE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED TO ENSURE READER UNDERSTANDING. Important terms appear in boldface type the first time the author incorporates them into chapter discussion. A list of key terms also appears at the end of each chapter to help students review key terminology introduced in that chapter.
MARGIN DEFINITIONS CLARIFY KEY TERMS. Each key term is also defined in the margin next to the discussion in which the term is relevant.
SPECIFIC PARALEGAL ROLES ARE HIGHLIGHTED IN EACH CHAPTER. Readers gain a thorough understanding of the roles, responsibilities and importance of paralegals in family law today. Roles are emphasized as they relate to the discussion within each chapter.
LINKS TO IMPORTANT WEBSITES HELP STUDENTS EXPAND THEIR LEARNING. Direct links to helpful, professional websites now appear at the end of each chapter to provide additional materials for those who wish to further explore topics within the chapter.
PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS IN EACH CHAPTER INCORPORATE INTERNET INTO THE LEARNING PROCESS. At the conclusion of every chapter, a specific Project Assignments requires the student to use Internet sources to develop a particular theme related to the chapter's content.
"ETHICS IN A FAMILY LAW PRACTICE" EXERCISES REQUIRE STUDENTS TO IDENTIFY REAL ETHICAL PROBLEMS. These specialized exercises, which follow each project assignment, ask the student to read a factual situation and identify the ethical problems that may exist. These ethical-focused exercises build upon the principles of ethics covered in Chapter 2.
WRITING SAMPLE ASSIGNMENTS PROVIDE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN DRAFTING FAMILY LAW DOCUMENTS. These writing assignments at the end of most of the chapters in this edition provide hands-on opportunities for students to draft real family law documents. Students can even use these documents as legal writing samples when searching for employment.
END-OF-CHAPTER SUMMARIES OFFER A CONCISE REVIEW OF KEY CONCEPTS. These at-a-glance summaries at the end of each chapter provide a brief, quick review of the main concepts discussed within the chapter and are useful for both review and study.
REVIEW QUESTIONS ADDRESS MAJOR THEMES IN EACH CHAPTER. Students can easily check their understanding and prepare for exams with the proven Review Questions that re-examine the primary concepts and applications within every chapter.
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