AE MIS (Management Information Systems),
10th Edition

Hossein Bidgoli

ISBN-13: 9789814896986
Copyright 2021 | Published
358 pages | List Price: USD $99.95

Introduce your students to MIS today with the most practical and current title available: MIS 10. Updates throughout this edition present the latest developments in cloud computing, AR/VR, quantum computing and blockchain. New case studies and information boxes connect the principles your students are learning to the most current developments in technology and business today. Key concepts and skills within each case are now tagged to the corresponding AASCB standards to ensure your students are focused on the most important information for success.


1. Information Systems in Management.
2. Computers: The Machines Behind Computing.
3. Data and Business Intelligence.
4. Personal, Legal, Ethical, and Organizational Issues of Information Systems.
5. Protecting Information Resources.
6. Data Communication: Delivering Information.
7. A Connected World.
8. E-Commerce.
9. Global Information Systems.
10. Building Successful Information Systems.
11. Enterprise Systems.
12. Supporting Decisions and Processes.
13. Artificial Intelligence and Automation.
14. Emerging Trends, Technologies, and Applications.

  • Hossein Bidgoli

    Hossein Bidgoli, Ph.D., is professor of Management Information Systems at California State University. Dr. Bidgoli helped set up the first PC Lab in the United States and served as its initial director. He is the author of 45 textbooks, 27 manuals and more than 60 technical articles and papers on various aspects of computer applications, information systems and network security, e-commerce and decision support systems published and presented throughout the world. Dr. Bidgoli also serves as the editor-in-chief of THE HANDBOOK OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, THE INTERNET ENCYCLOPEDIA, THE HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION SECURITY, THE HANDBOOK OF COMPUTER NETWORKS and THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS was a recipient of one of the Library Journal’s Best Reference Sources for 2002. THE INTERNET ENCYCLOPEDIA was a recipient of one of the 2004 PSP Awards (Professional and Scholarly Publishing) by Association of American Publishers.

  • YOU MAKE THE DECISION ACTIVITIES PLACE STUDENTS IN POSITION AS KEY DECISION MAKERS. These new branching scenario activities within MindTap for MIS 10 allow learners to apply their knowledge to novel business cases where they are positioned as the decision maker. The students make a series of decisions and see instant results. MindTap indicates if the decisions achieved an optimal or sub-optimal outcome, which provides the students with immediate feedback on their choices.

  • KEY TOPICS ALIGN WITH AASCB STANDARDS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. This edition clearly labels key content with corresponding AASCB standards so you know that you are addressing the most current requirements. Case studies, information boxes and pertinent content are all clearly identified with current AASCB standards.

  • COMPLETELY REDESIGNED MINDTAP DIGITAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE OFFERS NEW ASSIGNMENTS, SCENARIOS AND CASE STUDIES. MindTap's exciting, redesigned digital resources now offer new analytical auto-graded assignments that provide immediate feedback to your students. This edition's MindTap also provides new branching scenarios and short case studies that test your learners’ understanding of foundational concepts. You can easily identify topics that are challenging the entire class while reducing the amount of time you spend grading.

  • NEW BRANCHING SCENARIOS PLACE STUDENTS IN POSITION AS KEY DECISION MAKERS. These new Branching Scenarios within MindTap for MIS 10 allow learners to apply their knowledge to novel business cases where they are positioned as the decision maker. The students make a series of decisions and see instant results. MindTap indicates if the decisions achieved an optimal or sub-optimal outcome, which provides the students with immediate feedback on their choices.

  • NEW CAREER AND CONCEPT VIDEOS IN MINDTAP FURTHER EXPLORE KEY LEARNINGS AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. These engaging new videos enable learners to dig deeper into potential career paths and take foundational course content to the next level of application and understanding.

  • NEW SAM APP IN MINDTAP HELPS STUDENTS STRENGTHEN THEIR PROFICIENCY IN MICROSOFT® OFFICE APPLICATIONS. This new app provides access to SAM, an interactive online learning environment, designed to help students master Microsoft® Office and computer concepts essential to academic and career success. Students observe, practice, and train; then apply their skills live in the application. All Office 2019 Trainings, Exams and Projects are available in this edition’s MindTap.

  • YOU MAKE THE DECISION ACTIVITIES PLACE STUDENTS IN POSITION AS KEY DECISION MAKERS. These new branching scenario activities within MindTap for MIS 10 allow learners to apply their knowledge to novel business cases where they are positioned as the decision maker. The students make a series of decisions and see instant results. MindTap indicates if the decisions achieved an optimal or sub-optimal outcome, which provides the students with immediate feedback on their choices.

  • KEY TOPICS ALIGN WITH AASCB STANDARDS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. This edition clearly labels key content with corresponding AASCB standards so you know that you are addressing the most current requirements. Case studies, information boxes and pertinent content are all clearly identified with current AASCB standards.

  • COMPLETELY REDESIGNED MINDTAP DIGITAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE OFFERS NEW ASSIGNMENTS, SCENARIOS AND CASE STUDIES. MindTap's exciting, redesigned digital resources now offer new analytical auto-graded assignments that provide immediate feedback to your students. This edition's MindTap also provides new branching scenarios and short case studies that test your learners’ understanding of foundational concepts. You can easily identify topics that are challenging the entire class while reducing the amount of time you spend grading.

  • NEW BRANCHING SCENARIOS PLACE STUDENTS IN POSITION AS KEY DECISION MAKERS. These new Branching Scenarios within MindTap for MIS 10 allow learners to apply their knowledge to novel business cases where they are positioned as the decision maker. The students make a series of decisions and see instant results. MindTap indicates if the decisions achieved an optimal or sub-optimal outcome, which provides the students with immediate feedback on their choices.

  • NEW CAREER AND CONCEPT VIDEOS IN MINDTAP FURTHER EXPLORE KEY LEARNINGS AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. These engaging new videos enable learners to dig deeper into potential career paths and take foundational course content to the next level of application and understanding.

  • NEW SAM APP IN MINDTAP HELPS STUDENTS STRENGTHEN THEIR PROFICIENCY IN MICROSOFT® OFFICE APPLICATIONS. This new app provides access to SAM, an interactive online learning environment, designed to help students master Microsoft® Office and computer concepts essential to academic and career success. Students observe, practice, and train; then apply their skills live in the application. All Office 2019 Trainings, Exams and Projects are available in this edition’s MindTap.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.