AE: What is Psychology?: Foundations, Applications, and Integration,
5th Edition

Ellen E. Pastorino, Susann M Doyle-Portillo

ISBN-13: 9789815059441
Copyright 2022 | Published
848 pages | List Price: USD $177.95

Get excited about learning psychology as the fascinating examples and riveting presentation in WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? FOUNDATIONS, APPLICATIONS, AND INTEGRATION, 5E show you how important this study is to your life and your career. Award-winning authors Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo present the foundations of psychology today, based on the latest APA guidelines, using an engaging approach that captures curiosity and motivates you to explore and read more from page one. New features demonstrate the relevance of psychology to any career today, while the latest research introduces emerging trends, such as the subliminal perception and social cues, and emphasizes diversity. Each part opens with an attention-grabbing case study that is woven throughout the chapters to demonstrate how principles are integrated and applicable to your life. MindTap digital resources build on this with discussions and activities that encourage you to apply what you've learned to your own experience.


1. The Science of Psychology.
2. Neuroscience.
3. Sensation and Perception.
4. Consciousness.
5. Motivation and Emotion.
6. Learning.
7. Memory.
8. Cognition, Language, and Intelligence.
9. Human Development.
10. Social Psychology.
11. Personality.
12. Health, Stress, and Positive Psychology.
13. Mental Health Disorders.
14. Mental Health Therapies.
Appendix A. Statistics in Psychology.
Appendix B. Applying Psychology in the Workplace.

  • Ellen E. Pastorino

    Ellen E. Pastorino (Ph.D., School Psychology, Florida State University) is a developmental psychologist who teaches psychology classes at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Pastorino has won numerous teaching awards, including the University of Georgia's Board of Regents Distinguished Professor, the NISOD Excellence in Teaching Award and Valencia's Teaching and Learning Excellence Award. In addition to this popular text, Dr. Pastorino has authored test banks, instructor manuals and student study guides. She has also has published her research in the Journal of Adolescent Research and Adolescence. While working as a consultant for IBM Corporation, Dr. Pastorino developed extensive educational materials for teachers and students. However, her main passion has always been to get students excited about the field of psychology.

  • Susann M Doyle-Portillo

    Susann M. Doyle-Portillo (Ph.D., Social Cognition, University of Oklahoma) is department head and professor of psychological science at the University of North Georgia. Dr. Doyle-Portillo also holds bachelor's degrees in engineering and psychology. She has published articles in journals such as Social Cognition, Contemporary Social Psychology, the American Journal of Health Education and Personality & Individual Differences. However, the primary focus of her career remains in teaching. During her tenure at University of North Georgia, Dr. Doyle-Portillo has twice been listed in Who's Who Among America's Teachers. In addition to her teaching and research activities, she has mentored many undergraduate researchers. In addition to co-authoring this text, she has authored several test banks, instructor manuals and student study guides.

  • NEW PSYCHOLOGY WORKS! FEATURE: How many times have you heard students who are not psychology majors complain about being required to take your course? This new feature clearly demonstrates to non-psychology majors how psychology is useful in numerous different careers. One feature demonstrates how physical therapists use psychology, while another shows how artists must understand psychology to produce effective works of art. Psychology Works! features also emphasize the value of introductory psychology as part of one’s general education.

  • NEW CRITICAL THINKING ABOUT THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY FEATURE: This feature reinforces the foundational scientific methods that appear throughout the text. Students are asked to examine and evaluate the relevant components of a research study referenced within the chapter. These features guide students in tasks such as identifying independent and dependent variables, discussing the type of research design employed in the study or determining the implications of the research findings.

  • THE MOST CURRENT RESEARCH: Updates throughout each chapter of this edition, including hundreds of new references, reflect the latest research findings and most recent trends and developments in the field.

  • EXPANDED COVERAGE OF CONCEPTS: Throughout this edition, the authors have strengthened or added coverage of specific important or emerging topics to accurately reflect current trends and breaking research in the field. For example, in the Sensation and Perception chapter (Ch. 3), extended coverage of subliminal perception now discusses the subliminal perception of faces in the processing of social cues of emotion. The authors have also added coverage of signal detection theory and perceptual sets.

  • STRONG DIVERSITY COVERAGE: The authors cite and highlight research that reflects many aspects of diversity, including gender, racial diversity, sexual orientation, cultural diversity, age differences, socioeconomic levels and physical and/or mental health challenges. In total, this edition references people from more than 120 countries or cultural groups.

  • FEATURES THAT SHOWCASE PSYCHOLOGY'S RELEVANCE: Psychology Applies to Your World features encourage students to consider how psychology relates to their personal lives. Engage Yourself! active learning features ask students to complete meaningful hands-on activities that clearly illustrate important chapter concepts.

  • EFFECTIVE PEDAGOGY AND EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH METHODS: Chapter outlines, learning objectives, a pronunciation guide and Quiz Yourself questions after each section help direct study and review. Foundation Questions throughout the text review research methods that form the foundation of all psychology. These questions, which appear in quizzes, ask students to identify aspects of research in use, such as independent and dependent variables, types of research designs and types of hypotheses. Students gain an understanding of the importance of research and remember methods in future courses.

  • MEANINGFUL GRAPHICS FOR VISUAL LEARNERS: Review Summary Tables after each major section visually demonstrate the connections of key concepts and important theories in an appealing, graphical format. Are You Getting the Big Picture? visual summaries at the end of each chapter provide a similar visual synopsis for the entire chapter.

  • ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING SUPPORT: MindTap digital resources provide a customizable teaching experience with relevant assignments that guide students to analyze, apply and improve thinking. You can easily measure skills and outcomes with ease. MindTap's learning path for this edition accelerates learning with resources that move students through Bloom's taxonomy, using adaptive quizzing, scenario-based experiences and auto-scored writing assignments.

  • CLEAR LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Each chapter opens with a list of specific learning objectives the correspond with current APA guidelines. These learning objectives direct students' attention to key concepts and applications within this edition and assist in study and review.

  • FOUNDATIONS APPROACH: This edition's content is separated into thematic parts reflecting the foundational areas of psychological research. The text opens with the scientific research methods that inform all study of mental processes and behavior. Remaining chapters are organized around four foundational areas: the biological; cognitive; developmental; and social, physical and mental health areas of psychology.

  • ENGAGING CASE STUDIES: One of the best ways to motivate students to read is to capture their curiosity from the very beginning. Each of the four foundational sections of the text opens with a compelling case study that is threaded through the chapters of that section to help students understand the behavior and mental processes of a real-life person. Similar case studies in the authors' previous texts inspired rave reviews from students.

  • EMPHASIS ON INTEGRATING CONCEPTS: Each chapter closes with a section called Integrating Psychology: The Big Picture. This feature revisits the section's case study and demonstrates, in particular, how the various principles relate to one another. Students see how the information they've already learned informs future lessons that are yet to be studied.

  • INDEXING FOR QUICK REFERENCE: Numeric indexing throughout the text helps students quickly locate relevant information. This coding scheme allows students to easily connect learning objectives to applications or specific sections of text.

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