Biological Psychology, International Edition,
14th Edition

James W. Kalat

ISBN-13: 9798214039664
Copyright 2024 | Published
624 pages | List Price: USD $278.95

Introduce the latest developments in biological psychology today with the most widely used text for this area of study: Dr. James Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, International Edition 14E. A best-seller for more than four decades, this book combines a high level of scholarship and thought-provoking content with a clear writing style that makes biological psychology understandable and relevant to psychology students as well as biology and pre-med majors. Amusing anecdotes, quotes from contemporary researchers, precise examples and try-it-yourself activities help convey the excitement behind biological explanations of behavior. Dr Kalat introduces breakthrough findings with more than 500 new research references as recent as 2022. Students explore new insights into brain functions, autism, antidepressants and mental enhancement and weight-loss drugs as well as the latest on auditory changes, pain mechanisms and the olfactory effects of COVID-19. Cengage Infuse also offers intuitive course management tools.


1. The Cellular Foundations of Behavior
2. Synapses.
3. Anatomy and Research Methods.
4. Genetics, Development, and Plasticity.
5. Vision.
6. Hearing, the Mechanical Senses, and the Chemical Senses
7. Movement.
8. Wakefulness and Sleep.
9. Internal Regulation.
10. Reproductive Behaviors.
11. Emotional Behaviors.
12. Learning, Memory, and Intelligence.
13. Cognitive Functions.
14. Psycholopathology
Appendix A: Brief, Basic Chemistry.
Appendix B: Society for Neuroscience Policies on the Use of Animals and Human Subjects in Research.

  • James W. Kalat

    James W. Kalat is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at North Carolina State University, where he taught Introduction to Psychology and Biological Psychology courses from 1977 through 2012. He also is the author of BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 13th Edition and co-author with Michelle Shiota of EMOTION, 3rd Edition. In addition to textbooks, he has written journal articles on taste-aversion learning, the teaching of psychology and other topics. Dr. Kalat served twice as program chair for the annual convention of the American Psychological Society, now named the Association for Psychological Science. He received an A.B. degree summa cum laude from Duke University and a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

  • NEW RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS TODAY'S MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Dr. Kalat has added new research, deleted results that were difficult to replicate and clarified meaningful discussions wherever possible. He has continued to keep this text as streamlined as possible because he recognizes that students who attempt to learn too many things at once forget what they've learned.

  • UPDATED PHOTOS AND SHORT QUOTES FROM RESEARCHERS IN THE FIELD CAPTURE THE READER'S ATTENTION. In addition to notable historic leaders in the field, such as Cajal, Sherrington and Hebb, this edition highlights nine contemporary researchers. These individuals illustrate diversity within the field today as this edition introduces today's psychology students to insights from these significant contemporary thinkers and leading researchers.

  • THIS STREAMLINED EDITION FOLLOWS A NEW, MORE SIMPLE CITATION STYLE. Rather than following the citation style of the American Psychological Association (APA) with its frequent changes and more lengthy citations, this edition uses a respected style that is used by the journal Neuron and is a variation of the Harvard style. This change enables this edition to trim numerous additional pages of reference while still providing the citation information readers need for further study.

  • FIRST CHAPTER INCLUDES A NEW INTRODUCTION MODULE. The author has retained the proven organization and chapter content that is popular with users of previous editions. The former introduction to the book now appears as the first module of Chapter 1 for a more cohesive and streamlined approach.

  • NEW EXPLANATIONS EXPLORE AUDITORY CHANGES AS INDIVIDUALS AGE. New material examines why many older people have trouble understanding voices in a noisy room. Students learn how after some auditory receptors become unresponsive in older age, the auditory cortex adjusts its synapses, in effect, "turning up the volume." New content demonstrates how this is helpful for hearing in quiet environments, but hinders hearing in noisy environments with numerous background noises.

  • RECENT RESEARCH DEMONSTRATES THE IMPORTANCE OF EXAMINING PAIN IN WOMEN VERSUS MEN. New content reviews how most existing laboratory research studies focus on pain mechanisms using only male rodents. Because women experience more pain than men, this edition highlights this oversight and examines recent studies that explore how mechanisms of pain differ between males and females.

  • NEW CONTENT CLOSELY EXAMINES HOW AND WHY COVID-19 OFTEN IMPAIRS THE SENSE OF SMELL. New coverage and research reviews how the COVID-19 does not likely enter the neurons of the olfactory system, but does enter the support cells that surround the neurons.

  • NEW COVERAGE EXAMINES MISLEADING MENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND WEIGHT-LOSS DRUGS AND THEIR EFFECTS. Students learn the health risks of many supplements marketed for weight loss or enhanced mental capabilities that include chemicals either not listed on the label or used in greater amounts than listed on the label. Research shows how some of these drugs include dangerously high doses of chemicals while others report benefits that are actually due to stimulants or possibly the placebo effect.

  • THE LATEST RESEARCH DEMONSTRATES HOW THE HIPPOCAMPUS AND CORTEX WORK IN THE HUMAN BRAIN. New studies discuss how the hippocampus does not transfer memories to the cortex, as previously thought. Instead, research in this edition shows how both the hippocampus and cortex store memories in parallel, and how hippocampal memories tend to fade faster.

  • NEW MATERIAL ON MEMORY AND RESPONSE DEMONSTRATES HOW THE BRAIN FUNCTIONS. Using the latest research, students examine how and why the normal human brain is better able to retain a meaningful phrase than a single word. New content also reviews how this is true for some people in a "minimally conscious state," and how this enhances the individual's ability to recover from illness or injury.

  • EXPANDED CONTENT DELVES INTO THE PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEM OF MIND AND BRAIN. New, thought-provoking discussions examine the relationship between mental phenomena and neural or physical phenomena - one of psychology's most fundamental topics.

  • NEW STUDIES OFFER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CORTICAL CELLS THAT CONTROL EYE MOVEMENTS. Students examine recent studies that reveal much more than was previously known about cortical cells, eye movement and control attention to visual stimuli.

  • NEW RESEARCH DELVES INTO THE BRAIN'S RESPONSE TO DRUG ADDICTION. New content demonstrates how as people become addicted to a drug, their brains show less dopamine response to the drug itself, but increased response to cues suggesting availability of the drug. Students learn how this results in an increased drive to obtain the drug as well as a need for greater amounts of the drug to achieve pleasure.

  • NEW RESEARCH EXAMINES WHY ANTIDEPRESSANTS QUICKLY INCREASE SEROTONIN IN SYNAPSES BUT TAKE WEEKS TO PRODUCE BEHAVIORAL BENEFITS. Students discuss two explanations, including research that shows how chronic antidepressants decrease the activity of one type of neuron in the hippocampus. Other research demonstrates how traditional antidepressants weakly bind to the TRKB receptor compared to faster-acting, but more dangerous ketamine. Students also learn how SSRIs gradually build up concentration to activate the TRKB receptor and release BDNF to improve synaptic plasticity.

  • NEW CONTENT REVIEWS AUTISM AND WHY FEVER IMPACTS AUTISTIC BEHAVIOR. For decades, parents have reported that some autistic children behave more normally when they have a fever. New research demonstrates how these children have overresponsive sensory axons that reacting so strongly to sensory input that they bombard the sensory cortex with too much excitation. Studies also show how a fever stimulates chemicals that decrease cortical activity, which can positively impact children who have an overstimulated cortex.

  • NEW REFERENCES AND THE LATEST RESEARCH INCLUDE DEVELOPMENTS AS RECENT AS 2022. This edition works with the most current breakthroughs and developments in the field. The author has integrated more than 500 new references throughout this edition, most of which reflect advancements from 2019 to 2022.

  • LEARNING FEATURES IN EVERY MODULE HELP ENSURE PARTICIPATION AND COMPREHENSION. Each module begins with a list of learning objectives and ends with a list of key terms that include specific page references for review. Every module also includes questions to provoke thought and prompt meaningful class discussion. A set of multiple-choice questions provides an additional tool for student review.

  • NEW AND HELPFUL ILLUSTRATIONS REINFORCE KEY CONCEPTS. This edition includes numerous colorful and vivid illustrations. Many new illustrations clarify or visually support challenging concepts.

  • MORE THAN 30 TRY IT YOURSELF EXERCISES ILLUSTRATE PHENOMENA DISCUSSED IN THE TEXT. These simple activities make it easier to understand and remember important concepts. Students try activities to reinforce concepts, such as the blind spot, stimulus binding, motion blindness, vestibular sensation, interhemispheric interactions, movement inhibition and binocular rivalry.

  • STOP AND CHECK QUIZZES REINFORCE AND REVIEW MATERIAL. These quizzes within each module give students the opportunity to review and digest the material they have just read. Answers, which are presented upside down, immediately follow each question or set of questions for students to check their comprehension. In addition, to ensure the highest quality, Dr. Kalat has personally written all questions within the test bank for this edition.

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