An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Enhanced, SI Edition,
4th Edition

Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis

ISBN-13: 9780357382301
Copyright 2021 | Published
432 pages | List Price: USD $131.95

Discover today's fascinating, challenging, and constantly changing field of mechanical engineering with Wickert/Lewis' ENHANCED EDITION OF AN INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, SI, 4th Edition. This engaging book helps you master technical problem-solving skills as you gain a balanced understanding of the latest design, engineering analysis, and advancements in engineering-related technology. The authors use their expertise to present engineering as a visual and graphical activity. Nearly 300 photographs and illustrations give you an exciting glimpse into what you will study in later courses and practice in your career. Meaningful content, interspersed with numerous real-world applications and interesting examples, helps you develop the solid foundation in mechanical engineering that you need for future success.


Overview. What Is Engineering? Who Are Mechanical Engineers? Career Paths. Typical Program of Study.
Overview. The Design Process. Manufacturing Processes.
Overview. General Technical Problem-Solving Approach. Unit Systems and Conversions. Significant Digits. Dimensional Consistency. Estimation in Engineering. Communication Skills in Engineering.
Overview. Forces in Rectangular and Polar Forms. Resultant of Several Forces. Moment of a Force. Equilibrium of Forces and Moments. Design Application: Rolling-Element Bearings.
Overview. Tension and Compression. Material Response. Shear. Engineering Materials. Factor of Safety.
Overview. Properties of Fluids. Pressure and Buoyancy Force. Laminar and Turbulent Fluid Flows. Fluid Flow in Pipes. Drag Force. Lift Force.
Overview. Mechanical Energy, Work, and Power. Heat as Energy in Transit. Energy Conservation and Conversion. Heat Engines and Efficiency. Internal-Combustion Engines. Electrical Power Generation.
Overview. Rotational Motion. Design Application: Gears. Speed, Torque, and Power in Gearsets. Simple and Compound Geartrains. Design Application: Belt and Chain Drives. Planetary Geartrains.
Appendix A: Greek Alphabet.
Appendix B: Trigonometry Review.

  • Jonathan Wickert

    A professor of mechanical engineering at Iowa State University, Dr. Jonathan Wickert teaches and conducts research in the areas of applied mechanics, dynamics, and mechanical vibration. As a researcher and consultant, he has worked with companies and federal agencies on a diverse range of engineering problems including computer disk drives and tape libraries, the manufacture of sheet metal, and various consumer products. Dr. Wickert received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He has served as associate editor of engineering journals, as a division chair in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and as chair of the undergraduate mechanical engineering program at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Wickert has received awards in recognition of his teaching and research from the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, and the Information Storage Industry Consortium. He was also elected a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  • Kemper Lewis

    A professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University at Buffalo -- SUNY, Dr. Kemper Lewis teaches and conducts research in the areas of mechanical design, system optimization, and decision modeling. As a researcher and consultant, he has worked with companies and federal agencies on a wide range of engineering design problems. Dr. Lewis received his B.S. in mechanical engineering and B.A. in mathematics from Duke University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has served as associate editor of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. He has also served on the ASME Design Automation Executive Committee and on the National Academies Panel on Benchmarking the Research Competitiveness of the United States in Mechanical Engineering. In addition, he has worked as the Executive Director of the New York State Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation. Dr. Lewis has received awards in recognition of his teaching and research from the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the National Science Foundation.

  • INCREASED COVERAGE OF CRITICAL AND DEVELOPING TOPICS BETTER PREPARES STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS. New sections focus on today's most significant engineering topics, including design patents, global design teams, and the emerging and enduring aspects of mechanical engineering.

  • IMPROVED DESIGN APPLICATIONS CLEARLY HIGHLIGHT PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Updated design applications are developed in each chapter through effective homework problems and meaningful example problems. This emphasis on applications demonstrates how students' knowledge of engineering science can transform into engineered systems that use strong design principles.

  • STRONG EMPHASIS ON REAL APPLICATIONS DEMONSTRATES THE IMPACT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Students examine the most recent global, technological, environmental, and social applications of mechanical engineering, such as commercial space flight, 3-D printing, design patents, career in developing fields, and globalized design teams. New and updated "Focus On" features highlight emerging trends and technologies. Students explore global technologies, recent products, and events as well as how mechanical engineers impact these developments.

  • ONLINE CASE STUDIES OFFER OPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO EXPAND ON TOPICS OF INTEREST. Many of this edition's engaging Case Studies now appear on the course companion website to allow for a more concise, streamlined presentation in the printed book.

  • ON-THE-JOB GROUP ACTIVITIES ENGAGE STUDENTS IN JOINT LEARNING. Specially formulated Group Activities in each chapter offer additional learning opportunities that encourage teamwork. Students complete work that simulates joint projects in their future careers.

  • DIVERSE, PROVEN ASSIGNMENTS PROVIDE VARIETY OF EXPERIENCE. The authors supply an extensive array of homework problems in each chapter, including open-ended design problems and group activities.

  • INFORMATIVE INTRODUCTION DETAILS WHAT TO EXPECT IN THE FIELD OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. This edition's engaging coverage clearly explains who mechanical engineers are and what they do. A dynamic visual and narrative presentation depicts the technical, social, and environmental challenges that today's mechanical engineers solve with the technologies they create.

  • NUMEROUS PRACTICAL SITUATIONS AND TOPICS DEMONSTRATE THE IMPORTANCE OF CONCEPTS. Engaging vignettes and scenarios take a deeper look into key technologies while demonstrating the realistic application of the book's content. "Focus on" boxes in each chapter highlight interesting topics and emerging concepts in mechanical engineering that broaden the book's coverage without detracting from its flow.

  • STUDENTS UNDERTAKE INNOVATIVE DESIGN PROJECTS. These specially crafted design projects give students opportunities to refine their project-solving skills, practice basic engineering analysis, address emerging technologies, and improve their abilities in computer-aided design.

  • FASCINATING VISUAL CONTENT EMPHASIZES REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS. The authors present engineering as a visual and graphical activity throughout this edition with nearly 300 photographs and illustrations. Interesting examples offer an intriguing glimpse into what students will study in later courses and practice in their future engineering careers.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

Companion Website for Wickert/Lewis' An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Enhanced, SI, 4th

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