14th Edition

Edwin C. Leonard, Susan Fant Cassity

ISBN-13: 9780357719008
Copyright 2025 | Published
626 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

Be empowered to apply objective and effective administrative skills in the competitive marketplace with Leonard/Trusty's SUPERVISION: CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT, 14th EDITION. The text presents a framework of evidence-based foundational practices, applied in the rapidly-shifting context of today’s organizations. The authors draw on decades of firsthand business and community organization experience to present a practical toolbox of leadership competencies that are urgently needed on organizational frontlines. This comprehensive field guide for entry-level supervisors provides insights and strategies that address today’s most pressing challenges. The practical discussions and case examples in the text are complemented with live and virtual individual and team skill-building exercises, which give you opportunities to practice and polish essential supervisory competencies. Experiential learning activities will help you understand how you can help your employees succeed.


1. Supervising in a Shifting World.
2. Fundamental Management Functions.
3. Supervisory Planning.
4. Managing a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Workplace.
Critical Incidents Part I.
5. Developing Leadership and Followership.
6. Communicating Clearly Across the Organization.
7. Principles of Motivating Followers.
8. Solving Problems, Making Decisions and Managing Change.
Critical Incidents Part II.
9. Principles of Organizing.
10. Attracting, Selecting and Retaining a Skilled Workforce.
11. Designing and Equipping Teams for Success.
12. Managing Employee Performance.
Critical Incidents Part III.
13. Fundamentals of Controlling.
14. Resolving Conflicts.
15. Positive Discipline.
Critical Incidents Part IV.

  • Edwin C. Leonard

    Dr. Leonard was professor emeritus of marketing and management at Indiana University, Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW, now PFW). During his forty-plus year tenure, he held various faculty and administrative positions, including chair of the management and marketing department. Following his retirement from IPFW, he was part of the Core Leadership Faculty, Master of Science in Leadership, at Trine University, where he developed and taught courses in organizational behavior, leadership, human resources, industrial relations and strategic management. Dr. Leonard also delivered full-service consulting for thirty years and conducted seminars for thousands of executives worldwide. Widely published, his research on employee involvement and motivation; organizational culture, climate, and leadership; human resource interventions; and case development has appeared in various journals, earned numerous awards, and been featured in multiple textbooks. Dr. Leonard earned his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Purdue University. Dr. Leonard passed away on December 7, 2020 but his work lives on.

  • Susan Fant Cassity

    Dr. Susan Fant Cassity earned her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Leadership Studies from Birmingham-Southern College, master’s degree in Managing in the Creative Industries from the University of St Andrews, and doctoral degree in Organizational Change and Leadership from the University of Southern California. She holds certifications in leadership, teaching, and entrepreneurship from Cornell University, and Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She enjoys entrepreneurship and starting businesses and started her first business after completing her master’s degree to help small business owners and non-profit directors develop and enact social media marketing strategies. Dr. Fant Cassity taught undergraduate and graduate business students at the University of Alabama for eight years and created the Digital and Social Media Marketing Specialization for the Master of Science in Marketing program, one of the first of its kind in the nation. She specialized in teaching new product development, innovation, social media, marketing, and analytics. She currently owns two businesses, eMarketing Director, LLC. and Castle Sands, LLC. She enjoys researching authentic leadership development and specializes in helping higher education and adult students develop and use skills such as growth mindset when creating their own businesses and managing employees. She also has a special interest in funding research for Epstein-Barr Virus and is currently an on-call expert and affiliated researcher at the University of Minnesota for the development of one of the first vaccines for Epstein-Barr Virus in the world. She is also interested in researching and using the field of foresight, the art and science of understanding the future, in business.

  • Authentic Leadership in Action -- Workplace leadership is transforming in terms of who leads, how they lead and how their leadership impacts employees and stakeholders. Critical Incident collections at the end of each section of the text now include incidents that highlight Authentic Leadership in Action in a variety of businesses and organizations.

  • Companion Multimedia and Resource Website -- The text is supplemented with a robust online resource center that students and instructors can access anytime and anywhere to view and use free resources and tools that correspond to the concepts and practices covered in each chapter.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Considerations -- As workplace populations continue to become increasingly diverse, supervisors must ensure that their actions are inclusive and equitable. Each chapter contains suggestions on how to address DEI when applying supervisory concepts and strategies.

  • Exercises for the Virtual Classroom -- Skill-building exercises at the end of each chapter now include suggestions of how to successfully adapt the activities to synchronous and asynchronous online teaching modalities.

  • Mindful Manager -- Approaching management tasks with focus and calm helps ensure positive and productive outcomes. Mindful Manager activities at the end of each chapter provide clear instructions for basic mindfulness techniques that students can practice to attain focus and calm, and then take these techniques into the workplace to help their employees achieve the same.

  • Efficient Course Preparation System -- A hallmark strength of this text is the integrated learning system that organizes the text, test bank and online supplements around central learning objectives to streamline course preparation and guide students to the right areas of study.

  • Chapter-Opening Cases -- These popular vignettes of real organization challenges draw students into current supervisory issues, encouraging them to delve deeper into chapter material to address workplace challenges. More than 50% of these Opening Cases have been completely revised.

  • Critical Incident Exercises -- In-depth narrative explorations of supervisory challenges are presented at the end of each textbook chapter, accompanied by high-level analysis, synthesis and evaluation questions that can be used for in-class discussions or prompts for written responses that present novel and efficient solutions.

  • Memorable Supervisory Tips -- Drawn from the authors' extensive firsthand experience, these suggestions highlight some of the most important skills in supervisory management today, providing students with practical skills they can use immediately and in their future careers.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Instructor's Companion Website for Leonard/Cassity's Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management