James A. Heintz, Robert W. Parry
ISBN-13: 9780357989692©2025
Master the foundation principles of accounting as Heintz/Parry's COLLEGE ACCOUNTING, CHAPTERS 1–15, 24th Edition, combines a step-by-step approach, memorable examples and online resources to make accounting understandable, regardless of your accounting background or business experience. The 24th edition focuses on skills you can transfer from the classroom to the workplace....
James A. Heintz, Robert W. Parry
ISBN-13: 9780357989388©2025
Master the foundation principles of accounting as Heintz/Parry's COLLEGE ACCOUNTING, CHAPTERS 1–27, 24th Edition, combines a step-by-step approach, memorable examples and online resources to make accounting understandable, regardless of your accounting background or business experience. The 24th edition focuses on skills you can transfer from the classroom to the workplace....
Carl S. Warren, Jeff Jones, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9780357929629©2025
This edition from the acclaimed franchise clearly presents core financial accounting concepts within a meaningful business context, using engaging learning features that ensure a relevant, innovative learning experience. The authors demonstrate how accounting is more than just data or black-and-white rules. Updated content addresses the latest development and tools in...
Jay S. Rich, Jeff Jones, Linda Ann Myers
ISBN-13: 9780357984949©2025
Rich/Jones/Myers' FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 6th Edition, gives you the tools you need succeed and allows you to gain a clear understanding of the important relationships between accounting, financial statements and business decisions. Fundamental concepts are uniquely embedded in the greater context of reading, emphasizing the skill of reading and interpreting a...
Colin Drury, Mike E Tayles
ISBN-13: 9781473791251©2024
Karla M Johnstone-Zehms, Audrey A. Gramling, Larry E. Rittenberg
ISBN-13: 9780357721872©2024
Prepare for success in today's rapidly changing audit environment as you develop professional and ethical decision-making skills with Zehms/Gramling/Rittenberg's AUDITING: A RISK BASED-APPROACH, 12E. This edition integrates the latest in standards, including new guidance on audit reports, fraud risks and audit evidence. Unique conceptual frameworks help you strengthen ethical decision-making...
Carl S. Warren, Jefferson P. Jones, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9780357899830©2024
Develop a strong foundation in financial accounting that prepares you for future study and success in business with FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 17E by award-winning authors Warren/Jones/Tayler. This edition and corresponding CNOWv2 online learning platform connects accounting concepts to the "bigger picture" as you see how the steps in the accounting cycle...
Bernard J. Bieg
ISBN-13: 9780357901052©2024
Master today's concepts and the skills needed to calculate payroll, complete payroll taxes and prepare payroll records and reports with Bieg/Stomberg's PAYROLL ACCOUNTING 2024, 34th ed. You gain first-hand experience and foundational knowledge as you work with the latest payroll laws and changes. This edition focuses on practical application rather...
Glenn Owen
ISBN-13: 9780357901182©2024
Master QuickBooks® Online Accountant (QBOA) at your own pace with the unique self-directed learning approach in Owen's QUICKBOOKS® ONLINE FOR ACCOUNTING, 7th EDITION. This edition focuses exclusively on QBOA, allowing you to refine skills while reviewing your understanding of financial accounting, reporting and analysis tools. You will learn how accounting...
Carl S. Warren, Amanda Farmer, Jefferson P. Jones
ISBN-13: 9780357900291©2024
Master today's most essential topics in financial and managerial accounting today using the unique Integrated Financial Statement Framework in Warren/Farmer/Jones’s SURVEY OF ACCOUNTING, 10E. Written specifically for readers who have no prior knowledge of accounting, this edition's focuses only on topics that are essential to the understanding of accounting as...
Carl S. Warren, Jefferson P. Jones, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9780357899649©2024
Develop a strong foundation in accounting that prepares you for future study and success in today's business world with ACCOUNTING, 29E by award-winning authors Warren/Jones/Tayler. This edition and corresponding CNOWv2 digital resources connect accounting concepts to the "bigger picture" as you see how the steps in the accounting cycle are...
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, Louise Crawford, Lynn Bradley, Lynn Currie
ISBN-13: 9781473786929©2024
James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, Donald Pagach
ISBN-13: 9780357905708©2024
Today's financial accounting is continuously changing. Now, you have a resource to help you understand the importance of accounting information and how that information is critical to others in business today with Wahlen/Jones/Pagach's INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING, 4E. Positive examples and cases from familiar companies, such as Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Apple, Louis Vuitton...
Colin Drury, Mike E Tayles
ISBN-13: 9781473791244©2024
Hervé Stolowy, Yuan Ding, Luc Paugam
ISBN-13: 9781473791336©2024
Catherine Gowthorpe
ISBN-13: 9781473791275©2024
Maryanne M. Mowen, Don R. Hansen, Dan L. Heitger
ISBN-13: 9780357715345©2023
Discover how managerial accounting helps today’s business leaders make effective business decisions with MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING: THE CORNERSTONE OF BUSINESS DECISION MAKING, 8E. This reader-focused learning approach uses structured, updated examples and learning features, such as "Here’s How It’s Used" boxes, to keep managerial accounting concepts meaningful and relevant to your...
Craig Deegan
ISBN-13: 9780170460491©2023
Craig Deegan's Financial Accounting Theory provides a concise approach while comprehensively covering both traditional and contemporary theories that have emerged as the practice of accounting has evolved. Social and environmental accountability and reporting issues are discussed in depth, along with coverage of critical perspectives, public sector accounting and fair value....
Craig Deegan
ISBN-13: 9780170460194©2023
Written by Craig Deegan, Australia's premier sustainability and social accounting academic, An Introduction to Accounting: Accountability in Organisations and Society brings corporate accountability, sustainability, and social responsibility together. The text’s unique approach highlights the role that accounting plays in sustainability and being accountable for the environment, by providing students with...
Michael Pratt, Karen Van Peursem, Mukesh Garg
ISBN-13: 9780170458955©2023
Auditing Theory and Practice incorporates the standards set by Australia's AUASB (Auditing and Assurance Standards Board) and New Zealand's NZAuASB (New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board). The reader-friendly text teaches you about the four major phases of the audit and includes dedicated chapters on fraud and sustainability audits, public-sector...
David Alexander, Ann Jorissen, Martin Hoogendoorn, Carien van Mourik, Collette Kirwan, Petra Inwinkl, Giovanna Michelon
ISBN-13: 9781473786820©2023
Carl S. Warren, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9789815059489©2023
Establish a strong foundation in accounting fundamentals that will help you succeed in your career and business with Warren/Tayler’s MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 16E. The latest business illustrations and current examples provide a meaningful context that demonstrates how each chapter’s content fits into the "big picture." The authors clearly connect key accounting...
Glenn Owen
ISBN-13: 9780357722213©2023
Master QuickBooks® Online Accountant (QBOA) at your own pace with the unique self-directed learning approach in Owen's QUICKBOOKS® ONLINE FOR ACCOUNTING, 6E. This edition focuses exclusively on QBOA, allowing you to refine skills while reviewing your understanding of financial accounting, reporting and analysis tools. You learn how accounting information is...
Carl S. Warren, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9780357715222©2023
Establish a strong foundation in accounting fundamentals that will help you succeed in your career and business with Warren/Tayler’s MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 16E. The latest business illustrations and current examples provide a meaningful context that demonstrates how each chapter’s content fits into the "big picture." The authors clearly connect key accounting...
Carl S. Warren, Jefferson P. Jones, William B. Tayler
ISBN-13: 9780357714041©2023
Establish a strong foundation in accounting fundamentals that will help you succeed in your career and business with Warren/Jones/Tayler’s FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 16E. The latest business illustrations and current examples provide a meaningful context that demonstrates how each chapter’s content fits into the "big picture." The authors clearly connect...
James M. Wahlen, Stephen P. Baginski, Mark Bradshaw
ISBN-13: 9780357722091©2023
Learn to conduct financial statement analysis as you review actual financial statements from real companies with Wahlen/Baginski/Bradshaw's FINANCIAL REPORTING, FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS AND VALUATION, 10E. This balanced, comprehensive approach reflects the latest developments in accounting standards, financial analysis and valuation. You apply concepts from economics, business strategy, finance and accounting...
Bernard J. Bieg, Judith A. Toland
ISBN-13: 9780357722275©2023
Master today's concepts and the skills needed to calculate payroll, complete payroll taxes and prepare payroll records and reports with Bieg/Toland’s market-leading PAYROLL ACCOUNTING 2023. You gain first-hand experience and the foundation needed as you work with the latest payroll laws and developments. This edition focuses on practical applications rather...
Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy, Erik Peek
ISBN-13: 9781473779075©2022
Bernard J. Bieg, Judith A. Toland
ISBN-13: 9780357518755©2022
Master the skills and understanding to calculate payroll, complete payroll taxes and prepare payroll records and reports with Bieg/Toland’s market-leading PAYROLL ACCOUNTING 2022. Updates provide the first-hand experience and foundation you need to work with the latest payroll laws and developments. You focus on practical applications rather than theory as...
Prabhu Sivabalan, James Wakefield, Roby Sawyers, Steve Jackson, Greg Jenkins
ISBN-13: 9780170451888©2022
ACCT4 Management is your essential tool when studying Management Accounting. The text explores the basics of costing techniques and accounting control to help you learn to make managerial decisions. Australian cases and 'Making it real' examples are included throughout the text to help you apply the concepts you're learning to...